Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
29534 XXèmes Journées du Développement, Association Tiers Monde-CREDES-Université Nancy, 25-26-27 mai 2004
102775 Xat-e mehr
2535 Xchanges 1558-6456 Wayne State University
36000 Xe colloque de l'Association Charles Gide pour l'Etude de la Pensée Economique, "Y a-t-il des lois en économie ?", Université de Lille 1, Lille, 22-24 septembre 2005
174441 Xelb (Revista de arqueologia arte etnologia e história) 0872-1319 Museu Municipal de Arqueologia - Silves
492410 Xenia
19933 Xenobiotica 0049-8254 Taylor & Francis
109827 Xenophora 0755-8198 Association Française de Conchyliologie
164181 Xenophora Taxonomy 2271-0906 Association française de conchyliologie
19934 Xenotransplantation 0908-665X Wiley
31918 Xenotransplantation
102209 Xenotransplantation 1399-3089
675425 Xerfi Canal [revue audiovisuelle en ligne] 3I-MEDIAGEST
892877 Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao 1673-064X
892785 Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban) 1673-064X Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition
892781 Xi'an Shiyou Daxue xuebao. Ziran kexue ban 1673-064X Natural Sciences Edition
140728 Xianggang Wenxue 香港文學 Hong Kong Literature Monthly 1607-4793
123903 Xinan Renmin Daxue Xuebao 西南民族大学学报 [Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities] 1004-3926 Southwest University for Nationalities, China
62600 Xitong Fangzhen Xuebao/Acta Simulata Systematica Sinica 1004-731X Acta Simulata Systematica Sinica
147822 Xiyou Jinshu Cailiao Yu Gongcheng/Rare Metal Materials and Engineering
124196 Xiyu lishi yuyan yanjiu jikan
114428 Xjenza Online
42404 Xoana
625215 Xoana, Revue d'images et sciences sociales
172867 Xoana. Images et sciences sociales
43906 X° Conférence internationale francophone de la Sfsic, Bucarest, Roumanie
98583 Xème Journées de Sociologie du travail, ' Relations de travail, relations au travail ', Rouen, 24-25 novembre
98584 Xème Journées de Sociologie du travail, ' Relations de travail, relations au travail ', Rouen, 24-25 novembre
29749 Xèmes Journées Internationales de sociologie du travail "Relations au travail, relations du travail", Maison de l'Université, Université de Rouen, Rouen, 24-25 novembre 2005
146923 Xèmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier -Génie Civil
32051 Xèmes Journées de sociologie du travail "Relations au travail, relations de travail", GRIS - Groupe de Recherche Innovations et Sociétés, LISE - Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire pour la Sociologie Economique, Rouen, 24-25 novembre 2005
51901 Xưa và Nay (Hanoi)
42230 Xưa và Nay (Passé et Présent, Hanoi)
32034 Y a-t-il un français sans objectifs spécifiques ? Colloque ASDIFLE , Université Stendhal, 25-26 octobre 2002, Grenoble
9418 YC Young Children 1538-6619 National Association for the Education of Young Children
118205 YCD Yacht club
166031 YILLIK: Annual of Istanbul Studies 2687-5012 Istanbul Research Institut
166030 YILLIK:Annual of Istanbul Studies 2687-5012 Istanbul Research Institute
120705 YLEM Journal 1057-2031
533345 YMER Journal 0044-0477
27914 YOD - Revue des études hébraïques et juives 0338-9316 Presses de l'Inalco
110344 Ya !
47817 Ya Mkobe
9400 Yachting 0043-9940
83886 Yad Vashem Studies
20445 Yadernaya Fizika
155480 Yahoo ! Actualités 2270-9479
2536 Yakugaku Zasshi 0031-6903 Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
124346 Yale Anglers Journal
40910 Yale Economic Review Yale Economic Review
9401 Yale French Studies 0044-0078 JSTOR
172063 Yale French Studies
175845 Yale Human Rights & Development Law Journal 1548-2596
9402 Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine 0044-0086 Yale University
9403 Yale Journal of Criticism 0893-5378 Johns Hopkins University Press
21100 Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics 1535-3532 Yale Law School
9404 Yale Journal of International Law 0889-7743 Yale Law School
9406 Yale Journal of Law and Feminism 1043-9366 Yale Law School
9405 Yale Journal of Law and the Humanities 1041-6374 Yale Law School
374668 Yale Journal of Music & Religion 2377-231X
9407 Yale Journal of World Public Order 0734-0494 Yale Law School
9408 Yale Journal on Regulation 0741-9457 Yale Law School
20825 Yale Law Journal
9410 Yale Law Journal 0044-0094 Yale Law School
9409 Yale Law and Policy Review 0740-8048 Yale Law School
9413 Yale Review 0044-0124 Wiley
9414 Yale University Art Gallery Bulletin 0084-3539 Yale University Art Gallery
179182 Yale alumni weekly
9416 Yale/Theatre 0044-0167
178929 Yamagata Chronicles
19935 Yamaguchi Medical Journal 0513-1731 Yamaguchi University Medical Association
142302 Yangtze River Academic 1673-9221 Wuhan University
9417 Yankee 0044-0191 Yankee Publishing Company
290881 Yannick Gouchan (dir.), Enfances italiennes, Italies, n° 21 Presses universitaires Aix-Marseille
125097 Yanshi Xuebao 1000-0569 Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geology and Geophysics
119269 Yansıtma : Psikopatoloji ve Projektif Testler Dergisi [The journal of psychopathology and projective tests] 1305-1210 Psikiyatri Dizini Lundbeck Akademi Türkiye’nin koşulsuz katkılarıyla hazırlanmıştır
513115 Yansıtma Dergisi / Projection: Journal of Psychopathology and Projective Tests
170854 Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
89995 Yantu Lixue/Rock and Soil Mechanics
21099 Yaoxue xuebao 0513-4870 Chineses Pharmaceutical Association
408047 Yashima 2650-8621
166909 Yazhou wenhua《亚洲文化》
9419 Year Book of Education 0084-2508 Evans Bros
26271 Year Book of Political Economy
608020 Year Book of The Romanian Society of Cultural Anthropology
19585 Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory 1077-4254 Oxford University Press (OUP)
9420 Year's Work in English Studies 0084-4144 Oxford University Press (OUP)
86856 Yearb Med Inform
9421 Yearbook (American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education) 0084-6333 McKnight Publishing Co
9423 Yearbook (Claremont Reading Conference) 0886-6880 Claremont Graduate University, Institute for Developmental Studies
9424 Yearbook (Council on Technology Teacher Education) 1048-4779 McMillan/McGraw-Hill, Glencoe Division
9425 Yearbook (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) 0077-4103 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
9427 Yearbook (Supreme Court Historical Society) 0362-5249 Supreme Court Historical Society
953283 Yearbook 2023 Santé et Environnement – Pathologies, Contaminants Milieu de vie, Fondements scientifiques
92970 Yearbook for European Culture of Science
19936 Yearbook for Traditional Music 0740-1558 JSTOR
120887 Yearbook in Cosmopolitan Studies
133865 Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies 1689-9024 Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management
560819 Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies
134623 Yearbook of Comparative Literature