Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
120221 Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction 2468-8495 Elsevier
78859 Journal of Gökova Geometry Topology
15569 Journal of HIV Aids Prevention and Education for Adolescents and Children 1069-837X Haworth Press, Inc., The
15570 Journal of HIV Aids Prevention in Children and Youth 1553-8346 Haworth Press
21921 Journal of HIV Therapy 1462-0308 Mediscript Limited
15568 Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services 1538-1501 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
164910 Journal of Haitian Studies 1090-3488 Haitian Studies Association
13990 Journal of Hand Surgery (American Volume) 0363-5023 WB Saunders
128465 Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume) 1753-1934 SAGE Publishing
15542 Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume) 0266-7681 Elsevier
236309 Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume) 1532-2211
262913 Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume) 2043-6289
15543 Journal of Hand Therapy 0894-1130 Elsevier
15544 Journal of Happiness Studies 1389-4978 Springer Verlag
99715 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology
15545 Journal of Hard Tissue Biology 1341-7649 Society for Hard Tissue Regenerative Biology, The
143317 Journal of Hardware and Systems Security
6156 Journal of Hazardous Materials 0304-3894 Elsevier
235808 Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances 2772-4166 Elsevier
21931 Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 0885-9701 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
13991 Journal of Headache and Pain 1129-2369 SpringerOpen
113119 Journal of Health & Medical Informatics 2157-7420 Omics Publishing Group
21930 Journal of Health Administration Education 0735-6722 University Programs in Health Administration
15548 Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy 0885-4726 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
6159 Journal of Health Care Finance 1078-6767 Kluwer Law International
15549 Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 1049-2089 Johns Hopkins University Press
15550 Journal of Health Communication 1081-0730 Taylor & Francis
15551 Journal of Health Economics 0167-6296 Elsevier
5155 Journal of Health Education 0097-0050 American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
434936 Journal of Health Informatics in Africa Koegni-eHealth Innovation for Development
113185 Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries
6163 Journal of Health Law 1526-2472 American Health Lawyers Association
15552 Journal of Health Management 0972-0634 SAGE Publications
15553 Journal of Health Organization and Management 1477-7266 Emerald
6164 Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 0361-6878 Duke University Press
1434 Journal of Health Population and Nutrition 1606-0997 Icddr:b
2111 Journal of Health Promotion ( Revista Brasileira em Promoção da Saúde) 1806-1222 Universidade de Fortaleza
15554 Journal of Health Psychology 1359-1053 SAGE Publications
166062 Journal of Health Psychology
133020 Journal of Health Science 2328-7136 David Publishing
249020 Journal of Health Science 2328-7136
1433 Journal of Health Science -Tokyo 1344-9702 Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
493388 Journal of Health Sciences & Surveillance System 2345-3893 Shiraz University Of Medical Sciences
15555 Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 1355-8196 SAGE Publications
704053 Journal of Health and Development Studies 2588-1442
15547 Journal of Health and Human Behavior 0095-9006 JSTOR
818276 Journal of Health and Human Experience
21929 Journal of Health and Human Services Administration 1079-3739 Southern Public Administration Education Foundation
434324 Journal of Health and Medical Informatics
181667 Journal of Health and Pollution 2156-9614