Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
477596 De Parelduiker
477700 Rocznicki Humanistyczne (Annales de Lettres et sciences humaines) 0035-7707 KUL
477705 Études Romain Rolland Association Romain Rolland
477782 Journal of Global Ecology and Environment 2454-2644
477816 Radio france Culture
477868 Supplément au BIFAO IFAO
477872 Journal of Safety Science and Resilience 2666-4496
477873 Geostatistics
477879 Paleos
477932 Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies 2090-4932 Sohag University, Egypt
477999 大原社会問題研究所雑誌 0912-9421 大原社会問題研究所
478004 Revue d'études proustiennes 2017 textendash 2, n° 6. Proust et le livre à venir. Hommage à Philippe Chardin
478060 IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
478111 Akungba Journal of linguistics and literatures 2141-5420
478130 Revue d'Histoire Haïtienne 2778-6471 Les Éditions du CIDIHCA
478138 Cahiers Geosciences, Académie des sciences, Institut de France
478159 Literature and Medecine
478340 Caribe
478393 ECCM 2022 - Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Composite Materials: Composites Meet Sustainability EPFL
478433 Musical haptics
478434 ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP)
478438 IEEE Transactions on Haptics
478442 Neuroimage: Reports
478507 SPE Computer Applications 1064-9778
478631 European Journal of Law and Public Administration 2360-6754
478672 L'Ircocervo 1722-392X Fondazione Gentile Onlus
478744 Asian Literature and Translation 2051-5863
478766 Rasprave: Časopis Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje
478770 Hearing Research
478777 Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism
478779 Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
478784 Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics
478794 Cancer Research
478795 Advances in Nephrology from the Necker Hospital
505869 Quaderni della Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma 1723-9222 Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma
505873 Проблемы российской истории Магнитогорский государственный университет
506020 Asian Journal of Research in Botany OA Academic Press
506048 Livro. Revista do Núcleo de Estudos do Livro e da Ediçaõ 2179-801X
506074 Revue Géomètre Publi-Topex SASU
506106 Revue d’Études Sino-Africaines (RÉSA) 2791-3546 Association pour la Promotion des Études Sino-Africaines (APÉSA)
506110 Revue d'Études Sino-Africaines (RÉSA) 2791-3546 Association pour la Promotion des Études Sino-Africaines (APÉSA)
506149 16th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference IEEE
506150 European Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 2593-8339
506153 European Journal of Clinical Medicine
506155 Asian Journal of Immunology
506171 Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng IOP
506180 Transition et perspectives 1111-4800 INESG
506187 Fudan University Law Review
506230 Comparative Law and Language 2785-7417