Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
136086 Social Science & Medicine 0277-9536
319656 Social Science & Medicine
167927 Social Science & Medicine (1982)
64087 Social Science Informations
74869 Social Science Medicine
446403 Social Science Protocols 2516-8053
179194 Social Science Review 2518-6825
335933 Social Science and Humanities Open 2590-2911
169705 Social Science and Medicine
61571 Social Science and Missions
163641 Social Science, Humanities and Sustainability Research 2690-3628
105007 Social Sciences
545055 Social Sciences 2076-0760 MBPI
80196 Social Sciences & Medicine
143080 Social Sciences Information
54985 Social Sciences Information (Sage, London)
137673 Social Sciences Research Network
108273 Social Sciences and Education Research Review 2393-1264 University of Craiova
173498 Social Sciences and Humanities. Domestic and Foreign Literature 2219-8504 Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences
77884 Social Sciences and Missions
149671 Social Sciences in China 0252-9203
178033 Social Security Studies
173811 Social Studies of Sciences 0306-3127 Sage
145534 Social Systems, Culture and Developpement n°9 978-88755 Gutenberg Edizioni, Italia
220762 Social Transformations: Journal of the Global South 2244-5188
131645 Social Work in Europe
100582 Social and Economic Studies
143948 Social and Education History
144010 Social and Education History, 1(3), 222-­247.doi:10.4471/hse.2012.15 2014-3567
113602 Social biology and human affairs
112840 Social compass 0037-7686
101221 Social evolution & history 1681-4363 Uchitel Publishing House
148260 Social integration and social cohesion, [s.e.] [En ligne]
80095 Social justice
217155 Social novelties and Social sciences 2712-7826
72900 Social'naja istorija, Ežegodnik
127568 Socialinių mokslų studijos/ Societal Studies 2029-2236 Mykolas Romeris University
30653 Socialisation juridique et conscience du droit, Chantal Kourilsky-Augevent éd
47248 Socialismo y Participación
119363 SocialistiskDebatt 0346-1491 Centrum för Marxistiska Samhällsstudier
81614 Sociedad Hoy, Universidad de Concepción
71923 Sociedad e estado
42403 Sociedad et territorio
199679 Sociedad y Ambiente 2007-6576
164697 Sociedade e Desenvolvimento Rural 1981-1551
133822 Sociedade e Cultura 1415-8566 Universidade Federal de Goiás
117829 Sociedade e territorio, Estudos Urbanos e Regionais 0873-6308 António Fonseca Ferreira, Diretor: Porto
43211 Sociedade e território
47698 Sociedades rurales. Produccion y medio ambiente
173179 Societas Magica Newsletter