Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
100522 Work Employment & Society
76924 Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation
708514 Work and Occupations 1552-8464
151823 Work in Progress
146954 Work, Employment and Society
878976 Work, Employment and Society
388429 Work, Employment, Society
510216 Work-in-progress, Conférence AIM
79334 Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation
84542 Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, & Rehabilitation
90846 Work: Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation
74868 Work: Journal of prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation
578777 Working Paper
427338 Working Paper BETA
133634 Working Paper BETA-umr7522
147282 Working Paper ETUI 1994-4454
37412 Working Paper Series
120888 Working Paper Series, Open Anthropology Cooperative Press
99068 Working Paper, Université Marc Bloch
821229 Working Paper. Percorsi di ricerca LabiSAlp 1664-3399
91088 Working Papers in Functional Discourse Grammar (WP-FDG-82): The London Papers I, 2009
92048 Working Papers in Functional Discourse Grammar: The London Papers I
427321 Working Papers of BETA
36338 Working Together to Respond to Climate Change : Seminar Organised by the UNFCCC Annex I Expert Group
64686 Working notes for ImageCLEF 2010 (Notebook Papers/LABs/Workshops)
42173 Working paper CREPA-DRM
69095 Working paper IMRI
165543 Working paper Moïsa (Marchés, organisations Institutions, Stratégies d'acteurs) n°2/2009
175593 Working paper Series
181922 Working paper of the European University Institute
109000 Working paper, University Do Porto
89533 Working papers du Programme 'Cities are back in town
113941 Working papers on economics, ecology and the environment
65535 Working papers on operations management
95039 Workings Papers of the International Center for Economic Research
170961 Workplace International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering
562061 Works of the Moscow Forestry Engineering Institute
33234 Workshop "Tic et dynamiques spatiales
29365 Workshop 5 " "New migrations and Transnational Practies in the Middle East, directed by Kamel Dorai (Migrinter/CNRS) and Sari Hanafi (American University of Beyrouth), Sixth Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting, European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Montecatini Terme, 16-20 March 2005, Italy
31910 Workshop Centre Alexandre Koyré " modèles et systèmes complexes, le changement climatique global " LaLonde Les Maures -14-20septembre 2003
31911 Workshop Centre Alexandre Koyré « modèles et systèmes complexes, le changement climatique global »LaLonde Les Maures -14-20septembre 2003
44625 Workshop ECI
176128 Workshop ESSDERC 2021
47904 Workshop Ethique et Finance
32097 Workshop Governance, Regulations, Powers on the Internet
35849 Workshop Identity and Capabilities, Cambridge (UK), Juin 2005
35850 Workshop Rationality and Change, Cambridge, septembre 2006
94903 Workshop interdisciplinaire sur la sécurité globale
93566 Workshop of the Thematic Network on Silicon on Insulator technology, devices and circuits
35234 Workshop on Advances in Organizational Bahavior and Human Resources Management Research, Toulouse