Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
49364 Geociências
180373 Geociências 0101-9082
25144 Geod. kartogr., Budapest
62311 Geodema
419986 Geoderma
420005 Geoderma Regional
139119 Geodesy and Cartography 2080-6736 Commitee on Geodesy of the Polish Academy of Sciences
142493 Geodesy and Cartography 2029-6991 VTGU
153341 Geodetski List 0016-710X Croatian Geodetic Society
165905 Geodetski glasnik 1512-6102
33033 Geodin. Acta, special issue "Magmatism and Tectonics in Iceland", Dauteuil O. et Bergerat F. Eds
180844 Geodinamica Acta
52764 Geodynamic acta
46790 Geodynamica Acta
130879 Geodynamics & Tectonophysics
145200 Geofizičeskij žurnal 0203-3100
83876 Geogaphische Rundschau
59813 Geogica Belgica
149908 Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria
50852 Geografia Tehcnica
537703 Geografia-Malaysian Journal of Society and Space 2682-7727 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
64864 Geograficando
160318 Geografické informácie 1337-9453 Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre
202272 Geografie 1212-0014 Czech Geographic Society
182115 Geografijos metraštis / The Geographical Yearbook 2424-3434
149956 Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography
59981 Geografía y Desarrollo, UNAM
136586 Geographers : biobibliographical studies Bloosmbury
268661 Geographia Antiqua
26030 Geographica Antiqua
57930 Geographica Timisiensis
179661 Geographica Timisiensis 1224-0079
732499 Geographical Analysis 1538-4632
165932 Geographical Research 1000-0585
89746 Geographie und Schule
43085 Geographies
62646 Geographische Rundschau
25628 Geographische Zeitschrift Franz Steiner Verlag
84152 Geography Environment Sustainability
371472 Geography Notebooks 2611-7193
129950 Geography Research Forum 0333-5275 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
57741 Geograpische Zeitschrift
145192 Geoinformatics & Geostatistics: An Overview
43472 Geol Carpath
51179 Geol. Soc London
76601 Geol. Soc. Am. Special Publ
51148 Geol. Soc., London
25136 Geoline
67581 Geologia USP Série Cientifica
160575 Geologia tecnica & Ambientale 1722-0025 ISTITUTO GEOLOGICO DELLA REGIA UNIVERSITÀ DI PADOVA