Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
151966 Studies in American Jewish Literature 0271-9274 State University of New York Press
151969 The International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration
151970 Central Eurasian Studies Review 1538-5043 Central Eurasian Studies Society
151971 Acta Romanica Quinqueecclesiensis 2498-7301 Université de Pécs, Faculté de Lettres
151972 les pros de la petite enfance
151973 Cahiers de l’histoire et des mémoires de la traite négrière, de l’esclavage et de leurs abolitions en Normandie 2101-9436 CIRTAI-UMR IDEES 6266 CNRS
151974 IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 2644-125X IEEE
151975 Nizwa 7052594555932 Oman Establishment for press
150962 JOP. Journal of the Pancreas 1590-8577
150965 Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism 2068-7729
150966 As-Sidanah: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2686-0643 LP2M Universitas Ibrahimy
150970 Indonesian Journal of Mathematics and Natural Science Education Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Jember
150971 Revue SOCLES (ENS, Bouzéréah Algérie) 2335-1144 ENS, Bouzéréah Algerie
150972 Le lien historique valenciennois
150974 Les Cahiers de Beni Mellal
150976 Criando 2611-6537 L’Università degli Studi di Milano, CRIAR
150978 Studies in Spanish & Latin American Cinemas 2050-4837 Ingenta Connect
150979 Ash-Sharq - Bulletin of the Ancient Near East Archaeopress Publishing
150980 Southeast Culture, China
150981 TransImage. Regards sur la dynamique des images depuis les origines
150982 Le carnet de la MAFKF. Recherches archéologiques franco-koweïtiennes de l’île de Faïlaka (Koweït)
150983 Uztaro. Giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria 1130-5738 Udako Euskal Unibersitatea
150985 Geovision 2707-0395 Laboratoire de Démographie et des Dynamiques Spatiales, Département de Géographie, Université Alassane Ouattara
150986 Cytotherapy 1465-3249
150987 Opera Viva Magazine
150988 Series Minor 1824-6109 Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale
150989 Perspectivas Nietzscheanas 0327-7674 Ediciones Lembas
150990 Letras Escreve 2238-8060 UNIFAP
150992 Systèmes d'Information & Management 1260-4984 ESKA
150993 International Journal of Psychoanalysis and Education 2035-4630
150997 American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
150999 Sécurité & Défense magazine ESPRIT-COM
151000 Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2394-1111 Science Domain International
151001 Business Ethics: A European Review 0962-8770 Wiley online library
151002 SPAFA Digest 0125-7099 SEAMEO
151005 Cahiers d
151007 Journal of Measurements in Engineering
151016 Editions Octarès
151017 Revista de Derecho Civil 2341-2216
151018 Advances in Political Psychology 1479-0661
151019 Revista del CESLA : International Latin American Studies Review 2081-1160
151020 Journal of Addictive Diseases 1545-0848
151026 Sarajevo Journals of Mathematics 1840-0655 Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina
151028 Modular and Offsite Construction (MOC) Summit Proceedings
151031 Lamenparle LAM
151034 International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis 1753-8270
151035 Environmental Policy and Governance 1756-932X
151038 Scribe. The magazine of the American research center in egypt 2578-8558 American Research Center in Egypt
151040 Appl.Geochem
151041 Alleretour