Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
742366 Health Outcomes Research in Medicine 1877-1319
37498 Health Phys
36391 Health Physiology
176402 Health Policy
161711 Health Policy 0168-8510
148474 Health Policy
836816 Health Policy 1872-6054
169803 Health Policy OPEN 2590-2296
112498 Health Policy and Planning
578740 Health Policy and Planning 1460-2237
93571 Health Policy and Technology
140548 Health Promotion Perspectives 2228-6497
814969 Health Psychology Review
167967 Health Psychology: Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association
107202 Health Research Policy and Systems
832272 Health Research in Africa
110806 Health Science Journal 1791-809X iMedPub Journals
575461 Health Sciences & Diseases
178834 Health Services Insights 1178-6329
751826 Health Services Management Research
111167 Health Systems and Policy Research
575312 Health Systems and Reform 2328-8620
422531 Health Transition Review: The Cultural, Social, and Behavioural Determinants of Health 1036-4005
145080 Health and Environment
144014 Health and Human Rights Journal
167910 Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
153340 Health and System Science. HERMES
540753 Health and Technology
968124 Health and tech intelligence
159369 Health economics 1099-1050
36555 Health, Risk, and Society
413273 Health, Sport, Rehabilitation 2520-2677
100963 Health:
390479 Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine 1363-4593
169210 - The Journal 1377-7629 MindByte Communications Ltd
424321 Healthcare (Basel)
705419 Healthcare Analytics 2772-4425
107054 Healthcare Infection
117446 Healthcare Policy | Politiques de Santé
106851 Healthcare Technology Letter 2053-3713 The Institution of Engineering and Technology
80099 Healthcom 2012: IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services
478770 Hearing Research
176006 Heart 1468-201X
106963 Heart
122905 Heart (British Cardiac Society)
128682 Heart Failure Reviews
334789 Heart Rhythm 1547-5271
379873 Heart and Vessels 1615-2573
65400 Heart development and regeneration
93751 Heat Pump Centre newsletter