Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
160883 Publications des Archives nationales
160888 Britannica 1085-9721 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc
160891 Geochronology Copernicus Publications
160892 Front. Environ. Sci
160894 Science Journal of Energy Engineering 2376-810X
160899 J. Clin. Psychiatry
160907 Ecozon@. European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment
160909 The Economics of Peace and Security Journal 1749-852X EPS Publishing for Economists for Peace and Security
160911 International Journal of Construction Management 1562-3599
160914 Bulletin de l'Association française d'Arachnologie 2649-4841 Association française d'arachnologie
160917 Journal of Advances in Nanotechnology 2689-2855 Open Access Pub
160933 Proceedings of the Open University Geological Society 2058-5209 Open University Geological Society
160936 Annals of Medicine
160937 Resoscmf 
160938 Journal de Parodontologie et d'Implantologie Orale
160939 Resoscmf
160940 Revue Africaine d’Environnement et d’Agriculture
160941 Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences
160942 Page19. Bulletin des doctorants du Centre de recherche en Histoire du XIXe siècle
160945 Journal - American Water Works Association
160946 Le Point vétérinaire (Éd. Expert canin) 2110-5146 Wolters Kluwer France [sept. 2010, vol. 41, n° 308-Juill. 2020, n° 408]
160948 Iranian Distance Education Journal 2676-7775 Payam Noor University
160949 Les Etudes Hospitalières
160950 Mélanges en l’honneur de Francis Kernaleguen Presses universitaires de Rennes - PUR
160961 Comparative Analysis of Ralstonia solanacearum Methylomes. Front. Plant Sci
160963 American Book Review 39.1 (November/December 2017): 13; 29
160965 Leggere Donna 1122-4975 Andrea Musi Editore
160968 Les Cahiers de la qualité Lexitis
160974 Fractional Differential Calculus 1847-9677
160975 International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication Research Department, Auricle Technologies Pvt. Ltd
160976 Journal of advances in information technology JAIT
160977 Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography
160979 Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu 2071-2227
160980 Mining Electromechanics and Automatics 0201-7814 State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University
160985 Bioactive Materials 2452-199X KeAi Publishing
160989 Pénélope 0240-9453
160991 Ecological Solutions and Evidence 2688-8319 Wiley
160994 International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management 1743-5129
160995 Chiropractic & Manual Therapies
160997 Acta Technologica Agriculturae
160998 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine
160999 Journ. soc
161004 Sensors International 2666-3511
161005 Journal of Nursing & Care 2167-1168
161006 Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal 1570-1263
161008 Frontiers of Engineering Management 2095-7513 Higher Education Press
161639 Journal of EMDR Practice and Research 1933-3196
161641 The Journal of Risk Management and Insurance 0859-3604 Bangkok, Thailand : The University