Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
100413 Archivio Di Filosofia
100414 Bulletin (Institut d'Histoire de la Réformation)
100415 Journal de la Renaissance [Centre d'études supérieures de la Renaissance]
100420 Histoire et civilisation du livre - Revue internationale 1661-4577 Droz
100422 Cause commune. Revue d'action politique du PCF 2557-1680 Association Paul-Langevin
100428 Progress in experimental tumor research. Fortschritte der experimentellen Tumorforschung. Progrès de la recherche expérimentale des tumeurs
100429 The Journal of trauma
100430 Le Français dans le monde. Faits et applications
100431 Cahiers du CRISCO (Univ. Caen) CRISCO
100433 International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database (Weston, Conn.) Systems
100434 Educação & Sociedade
100436 Aging & Mental Health
100439 Ricerca in Scienze dello sport
100445 Les nouvelles de l'Entomologie française 1280-150X Union de l’Entomologie Française
100446 Faune Sauvage
100447 Santé
100450 The International MS Journal
100454 Rivista Museo Scienze Naturali Bergamo
100455 EIAH (Environnement Informatique d`Apprentissage Humain)
100459 Cytometry - Part A
100461 Galemys
100464 R News
100465 Physiology News
100466 Banach Center Publications Polish Academy of Science
100468 Il Progresso Veterinario
100469 The Prostate
100471 Journal of Behavior JSciMed Central
100475 Biological Letters
100476 Cytogenetics and Genome Researchearch
100477 Transplant Proceeding
100479 Editorial comment
100482 Revue médicale de l`assurance maladie
100483 Les actes du Bureau des Ressources Génétiques
100485 IEE Proceedings Systems Biology
100486 Cochrane Database (Weston, Conn.) of Systematic Reviews
100489 Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society Series A on `Biomathematical Modelling`
100490 Biologie et pathologie animales
100491 International Journal of Soil Science 1816-4978 Academic Journals Inc
100494 Evolution international journal of organic evolution
100496 Nature Education
100497 Int J Disabil Hum Dev
100502 Aspects of Applied Biology - Challenges in applied population biology
100505 The International Journal of Management Science OMEGA
100507 SDPS Transactions: Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science
100508 SIMPRA
100509 Recent advances in integrated design and manufacturing in mechanical engineering
100513 ACM Journal: Applied Computing Review, Special Issue on Computation Intelligence in Software Engineering
100514 Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law & Policy
100516 International Journal of Measurement
100518 Magphilo (SCEREN - CNDP)