Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
98681 Archiv der Pharmazie / Arch Pharm Pharm Med Chem; Arch Pharm Chem Life Sci; Arch Pharm (Weinheim)
98685 Il Nuovo Cimento D
98686 IEE Proceedings. Communications
98687 The New York Journal of Mathematics
98690 In : 'Essays in animal behaviour: Celebrating 50 Years of Animal Behaviour' (J.R. Lucas et L.W. Simmons, eds.).', Elsevier, London, U.K., pp.279-298
98691 Organisms Diversity & Evolution
98692 Regular & Chaotic Dynamics
98696 OCLC Systems & Services
98697 Science Technology & Society
98704 International MS journal / MS Forum
98714 Soins. Gérontologie
98715 Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Ser. I
98718 The Canadian veterinary journal. La revue vétérinaire canadienne
98719 Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health
98721 The Review of International Organizations
98724 Journal of Comparative Physiology 0302-9824 Berlin ; New York : Springer
98728 Archiv für Gewerbepathologie und Gewerbehygiene
98730 Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine
98734 Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc
98738 Genome Research
98739 Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information and Communication
98741 Cahiers de l’École doctorale 139 (« Connaissance, langage, modélisation »)
98745 ONCOLOGIE / La Revue Francophone de Formation en Oncologie
98747 Corporate Communications An International Journal
98748 Journal of Muscle Research & Cell Motility
98749 Bulletin Brazilian Mathematical Society
98750 Numerical Heat Transfer Applications
98752 Chemistry & Biology / Chemistry and Biology; CHEMISTRY & BIOLOGY
98753 Combustion Explosion and Shock Waves
98759 PROTOPLASMA / Protoplasma (Wien); Protoplasma (Berl ); Protoplasma (D )
98764 Genetic engineering
98767 International Journal of Finance & Economics
98768 Journal of the Chemical Society Perkin Transactions 1
98769 Higher Order Symbolic Computation
98771 International Journal of Comparative Sociology (Leiden, Netherlands)
98774 Chromosoma / Chromosoma (Berl ); Chromosoma (Berlin)
98775 Arbeitsphysiologie 0365-0863 Berlin ; Göttingen ; Heidelberg : Springer
98779 Peptides / Peptides (Fayetteville)
98781 The Journal of Legal History
98789 Archiv für die gesamte Virusforschung
98793 Letters in Drug Design & Discovery
98794 Annual Review of Pharmacology
98800 Gene expression
98801 The Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy
98807 J Dairy Res / Journal of Dairy Research
98815 Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry / Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry
98819 Journal of NeuroVirology
98832 Der Züchter / Der Z uchter; Der Züuchter
98837 The Journal of Parasitology