Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
106697 Genre&Colonisation New York University en France
106698 EPJ Data Science 2193-1127 EDP Sciences
106699 Brazilian Journalistic Research
106700 The Open Plant Science Journal 1874-2947 Bentham Open
106701 Revue de Stomatologie, de Chirurgie Maxillo-faciale et de Chirurgie Orale 2213-6533 Société Française de Stomatologie Chirurgie Maxillo-faciale et de Chirurgie Orale (SFSCMFCO) / Elsevier
106706 Méthod(e)s: African Review of Social Sciences Methodology 2375-4753 Taylor & Francis
106707 SEMA SIMAI Springer Series 2199-3041 Springer International Publishing
106711 Annals of General Psychiatry
106719 Cahiers de l’Institut du Moyen Age Grec et Latin 1904-9196
106721 IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2320-3331 International Organization of Scientific Research
106725 AIDAinformazioni : Trimestrale di Scienze dell'Informazione 1594-2201 Associazione Italiana Documentazione Avanzata
106727 Acta philosophica 1121-2179
106730 Academic Foresights
106733 Industries & Technologies
106734 Hutnické Listy
106736 The Studia Philonica Annual Society of Biblical Literature
106741 Cuadernos Hospital de Clínicas
106742 Novus International Journal of Engineering & Technology
106743 Biofarbo
106746 Journal of Physical Science and Application 2159-5348
106747 Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming of the RAS (ISP RAS) 2079-8156
106748 International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy 2315-4462 International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy
106749 Worm 2162-4046
106751 Annals of operation research
106753 Physical Review E 2470-0045 American Physical Society (APS)
106754 revista contrapontos 1519-8227 Itajaí : Univali Editora
106755 Journal of Epidemiological Research 2377-9306 Sciedu Press
106756 Revista Contapontos 1519-8227 Itajaí : Univali Editora
106757 Network Science 2050-1242 Cambridge Journals
106758 Les cahiers du CFPCI Centre français du patrimoine culturel immatériel / Maison des Cultures du Monde
106761 P L o S One
106763 4 O R
106764 IFAC Proceedings Volumes 1474-6670 Elsevier
106765 Operational Research Society. Journal
106766 I N F O R M S Journal on Computing
106767 I E E E Transactions on Reliability
106768 Proceedings - IEEE INFOCOM
106769 Nouvelles de la science et des technologies
106770 Cahiers du Centre d'études de recherche opérationnelle 0008-9737 Centre d'etudes de recherche opérationnelle, Bruxelles
106771 ORSA journal on computing
106772 R A I R O - Operations Research
106773 University of Szeged. Acta Cybernetica
106774 Fundamentals of Pure and Applied Economics Series
106776 Belgian Journal of Operations Research, Statistics and Computer Science
106777 Uralica Helsingiensia 1797-3945 Société Finno-ougrienne, Helsinki
106780 GCB Bioenergy 1757-1693
106786 kalam
106787 al-munqidz
106790 Shock
106792 Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease