Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
116143 Translocations: Migration and Social Change
116144 Epigenetic Diagnosis & Therapy
116146 Prospero
116147 The Drama Review
116148 Revue arménienne humanitaire
116149 American Journal of BioScience 2330-0159 Science Publishing Group
116150 “Dialog’2005”
116151 Arcadi
116152 Distributed and Parallel Databases
116153 Critical Theory and Performance
116154 “Dialog’2009”
116155 International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools
116158 Palimpsest. A Journal on Women, Gender and the Black International 2165-1612 State University of New York Press
116163 UDAYA - Journal of Khmer studies 1683-7274
116164 O Boletim : Fundação Pierre Verger
116166 American Journal Of Physics And Applications 2330-4286 Science Publishing Group
116167 Earth Sciences 2328-5974 Science Publishing Group
116173 Comput. Graphics Forum
116176 Chem. Rev
116180 Crit. Rev. Biochem. Mol. Biol
116182 J. Chem. Theo. Comput
116189 Protein Sci
116190 Mol. Phys
116192 International Journal on Human Machine Interaction
116203 Journal of bridge engineering
116205 Mathematical Economics Letters
116206 Revue Numismatique
116222 Review of Economic Design
116224 Cell Biology 2330-0175 Science Publishing Group
116227 Journal of the Tunisian Chemical Society
116234 Język polski
116241 ITBM : Innovation et technologie en biologie et médecine 0243-7228
116245 Slate 2110-5553 E2J2
116246 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
116247 DESISTFilm
116249 Nat Mater
116262 Terrain 1777-5450
116271 Hydrocarbon. Eng
116275 Mater High Temp
116279 MRS Spring Meeting
116283 Economies et Sociétés. Œconomia, série PE
116287 Cahiers Bernard Lazare
116291 International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology
116297 Prog. Biomed. Opt. Imag
116298 Ann. Phys
116299 Proceedings of the 11th International Congress LASER
116300 Physicalia
116309 Les cahiers du CIEP
116312 European Journal of Preventive Medicine 2330-8222 Science Publishing Group
116313 Advances in Crop Science and Technology 2329-8863 Omics Publishing Group
116317 International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
116321 MondoGIS
116330 Cadernos Espinosanos 1413-6651
116332 Historia Magistra 2036-5071
116337 American Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2328-7365 Sciepub
116339 Review of Development Economics
116340 Manchester School
116341 Economic Studies. Journal of Economics of Hokkaido University
116344 Journal of Agricultural Economics
116347 Revue Belge du Cinéma 43
116348 Cinema & Literature (Téhéran)
116349 Revue d’ailleurs Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts de Besançon/Franche-Comté
116355 Revue REEF
116358 Literatura na swiecie
116359 InVerbis 2279-8978 Carocci
116360 CALÍOPE
116368 The Review of Financial Studies
116373 Journal of the Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics
116374 Fundamenta Informaticae Journal - Special issue on Intelligent Information Systems
116378 Mol. Biol. (Life Sci. Adv.) Council of Scientific Research Integration (India)
116379 Journal of China Tourism Research 1938-8160
116380 al-Tafahom
116387 IBIS-International Journal of Interoperability in Buisiness Information Systems 1862-6378
116389 La Matematica nella Società e nella Cultura
116394 Riwaq of History and Heritage
116396 La Lettre de la DFLM 1260-3910 Saint-Cloud : DFLM
116398 Les cahiers du français contemporain 0765-068X Paris: Crédif-Didier Érudition
116401 Environmental Health Insights SAGE
116404 Transport Reviews
116411 Microbial & Biochemical Technology 1948-5948 Omics Publishing Group
116412 Methods
116423 Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training 1324-604X Pusat Penerbitan Universiti
116432 Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology
101154 Fat-and-Oil Industry 0025-4649 Food Production (Moscow)
101155 Economic Science 2072-084X Economic Science (Russia)
101156 Questions of Economy and Law 2072-5574 Economic Science (Moscow)
101167 Bulletin for International Taxation 0007-4624 IBFD
101169 Bulletin de l'Association des mycologues francophones de Belgique Association des mycologues francophones de Belgique
101170 Functional Plant Science and Biotechonology
101175 Experimental and Clinical Dermatocosmetology 1990-4908 Publishing House “Russian Doctor” (Moscow)
101178 Treballs de Comunicació
101179 Les cahiers de l’ILCE
101181 Bulletin du CRIFPE 1718-8237 Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la formation et la profession enseignante
101184 Revue Hyper-EPS 1150-8264 AEEPS
101185 Revista Complejidad 1853-8118
101186 Expert of Food Production 2074-9678 Publishing House "Panorama" (Moscow)
101187 Traditional Medicine 1818-6173 Fastinfoservice (Moscow)
101188 Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine 2078-1962 Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Specialists (diagnosis, recovery, rehabilitation) (Moscow)
101189 Bulletin of Tver State University. Series: Biology and Ecology 1995-0160 Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tver State University" (Tver)
101190 AATCC Journal of Research 2330-5517
101201 Economics, Statistics and Informatics. Bulletin of the Educational and Methodical Association 1994-7844 Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (Moscow)
101209 Beer and Drinks 2072-9650 Food Production (Moscow)
101210 International Journal of e-Politics 1947-9131 IGI Global
101214 Courrier de l'ACAT
101216 RHUMSIKI 9782296546028 CLE
101217 Note d’actualité de l’OFCE
101219 Journal of Electromagnetic Optics Fresnel Institut, AMU
101221 Social evolution & history 1681-4363 Uchitel Publishing House
101222 Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies
101225 Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy Slovenska akadémia vied
101226 Industrial Engineering Letters 2225-0581 iiste
101231 La Revue administrative Economica, 2010-2014
101233 Effects of microstructure and local mechanical fields on intergranular stress corrosion cracking of a friction stir welded aluminum–copper–lithium 2050 nugget
101239 Revue d'électricité et d'électronique 2270-7042
101241 International Journal of Technology
101242 Meditari Accountancy Research
101243 International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice 1943-670X
101245 Ciencia Nueva
101246 Alcool ou santé Association nationale de prévention de l'alcoolisme
101248 Journal of Clinical Medicine and Research
101249 Open Access Library Journal
101253 Projeto História 2176-2767 Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados de História (PUC-SP)
101255 Agribusiness World 2073-350X Food Production (Moscow)
101258 Storage and Processing of Agricultural Products 2072-9669 Food Production (Moscow)
101260 Innocenti Working Papers Special Series on Children in Immigrant Families in Affluent Societies UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre
101262 Passim Bulletin des Archives littéraires suisses 1662-5307 Archives littéraires suisses
101271 International Economics
101278 Tuberculosis Research and Treatment 2090-1518
101280 Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik 0173-5322 Springer
101292 Rivista di Studi Anglo-Americani Supernova
101294 Almogaren Institutum Canarium
101295 Letterature d’America Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università di Roma "La Sapienza
101296 Cahiers du CECILE Université de Reims
101297 Le Rotarien 0035-8398
101305 Zeiträume 1868-2138 Wallstein Verlag
94372 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 18-15 July 2010
94376 International Journal of Imaging and Robotics
94377 Few-body Systems -Special issue on Efimov Physics,
94383 Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte. Das zentrale Forum der Zeitgeschichtsforschung
94385 ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics
94395 Verba Volant. Revista de Filosofía y Psicoanálisis
94396 European research in telemedecine
94397 Revista de Filología Románica
94398 Journal de l'Industrie Minérale
94399 Journal de Inteligencia Artificial Erevista
94401 Revista VIAL
94402 Cahier d'archéologie (Service Archéologique Municipal d'Orléans)
94403 Publication of the English Goethe Society
94406 Avant-poste
94409 ISRN Electrochemistry
94414 Ödön von Horváth, Paris, Comédie-Française "L'Avant-scène théâtre
94417 Research & Reviews on Electrochemistry
94418 Aufklärung : interdisziplinäres Jahrbuch zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts und seiner Wirkungsgeschichte
94420 Conceptions françaises de la sûreté et de la garantie de la paix de 1648 à 1815
94433 International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS)
94435 Bretagne Magazine. Histoire
94438 ArMen
94439 Kakanien
94443 Notre Histoire-La France des châteaux forts
94444 Journal of Environmental Activity
94445 Notre histoire - La France des cathédrales
94447 Mémoires de la SHAB
94453 Ugarit Forschungen
94457 Perpective
94459 HiN. Internationale Zeitschrift für Humboldt-Studien
94473 Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE
94475 J. Eng. Mechanics, ASCE
94477 Lebanese Sciences Journal
94480 Rock and Soil Mechanics
94483 Les Annales de la Société des amis de Louis Aragon et Elsa Triolet
94488 International Journal of Forming Processing
94500 Australian Journal of Structural Engineering
94505 Bulletin de Liaison des Ponts et Chaussées
94524 Journal of Welding of Japan Welding Society (Invited Paper)
94525 Hermann Cohen - L'idéalisme critique aux prises avec le matérialisme
94526 Géotechnique, The Institution of Civil Engineers
94527 Geotechnique, Institution of Civil Engineers, London
94532 Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingenieria
94559 CAN Newsletter
94560 Vietnam journal of computer science
94561 International Journal on Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences (AISS)
94562 International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology (IJACT)
94563 Journal of Communications and Information Sciences (JCIS)
94564 International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions
94565 Musique et temps / Éditions de la Cité de la musique
94566 Musique et mondialisation / Éditions de la Cité de la musique
94570 Filigrane, n°5
94571 Musique et globalisation / éd. Filigrane
94573 Escritura e imagen
94575 LINUX Magazine - Hors Série Sécurité
94580 I suoni, le onde... (Rivista della Fondazione Isabella Scelsi)
94589 Eurêka, le moment de l'invention, un dialogue entre art et science
94590 Technique et création
94591 Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics
94593 Filigrane, n° 10, Musique et Rythme
94598 Filigrane, n° 8
94600 Eurêka, le moment de l'invention
94602 Revista iberoamericana de ingeniería mecánica