Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
122866 Acta linguistica Journal for Theoretical Linguistics Ekonomická fakulta
618506 Korpus 21 2683-2674 El Colegio Mexiquense
105733 Historia Mexicana 0185-0172 El Colegio de Mexico
172657 Revista de El Colegio de San Luis, Vetas 1665-899X El Colegio de San Luis
108540 Anuario Thinkepi 1886-6344 El Profesional de la Información
685472 El Maaref journal for Researches and Historical Studies 2437-0584 El- Oued University
145546 Magazine Livres Hebdo 2116-8539 Electre SA - Cercle de la Librairie
108384 EPRI, Palo Alto, CA Electrical Power Research Institute
116831 Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology 2314-7172 Electronic Research Institute (ERI), Cairo, Egypt
867725 ETRI Journal 2233-7326 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
64720 Elektor Elektor
434610 Bulletin des centres de recherches exploration-production Elf-Aquitaine 0396-2687 Elf-Aquitaine
173305 Psychology and Aging 0882-7974 Elizabeth A. L. Stine-Morrow
139530 POMEPS Studies Elliott School of International, Washington
124690 Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Azerb 0002-3078 Elm
93678 Advances In Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Elsevier
821487 Advances in Computers 0065-2458 Elsevier
753756 Asia and the Global Economy 2667-1115 Elsevier
154805 Atherosclerosis Elsevier
160141 BBA-Biomembranes Elsevier
168937 Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology Elsevier
907122 Book chapter Part of DOI: 10.1201/9781315120041 EID: 2-s2.0-85053305643 Elsevier
139603 China Population, Resources and Environment 1872-583X Elsevier
123659 Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Elsevier Elsevier
63890 Constraints, an International Journal Elsevier
106067 Cuadernos de economía 0210-0266 Elsevier
119191 Developments in Plant Genetics and Breeding 0168-7972 Elsevier
163548 Discourse, Context, Media 2211-6958 Elsevier
133105 EMC - Techniques Chirurgicales - Tête et Cou 2211-0402 Elsevier
123371 EMC médecine buccale Elsevier
105160 Educational Research Review Elsevier
44379 Electronic Journal in Theoretical Computer Science Elsevier
56349 Elsevier's Computer Communications Journal Elsevier
238045 Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale. Odontologie 1283-0860 Elsevier
106092 Energy Strategy Reviews Elsevier
762113 Energy and IA 2666-5468 Elsevier
168289 Environmental Modelling & Software 1364-8152 Elsevier
101582 Environmental Research 1096-0953 Elsevier
109522 Epilepsy & Behavior Case Reports 2213-3232 Elsevier
384236 Examples and Counterexamples 2666-657X Elsevier
133757 Fusion Engineering and Design Elsevier
144835 Futures Elsevier
579586 Fuzzy Databases 0306-4379 Elsevier
121351 Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2352-801X Elsevier
604118 Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience 1569-7339 Elsevier
215218 Informatics In Medecine Unlocked 2352-9148 Elsevier
163466 Information Processing in Agriculture 2214-3173 Elsevier
164273 Information Sciences Elsevier
167346 Information and Decision Technology 0923-0408 Elsevier
78148 International Journal for Applied Numerical Mathematics Elsevier
50619 International Journal of Electronics and Communications Elsevier
59848 J. Algorithms Elsevier
303870 J. Math. Pures Appl 0021-7824 Elsevier
160403 Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management 2213-297X Elsevier
164113 Journal of Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 0168-1699 Elsevier
142325 Journal of Controlled Release Elsevier
164159 Journal of Dental Sciences 1991-7902 Elsevier
807209 Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2328-7616 Elsevier
610087 Journal of Electrochemical Chemistry Elsevier
110117 Journal of Functional Food Elsevier
141803 Journal of Geochemical Exploration Elsevier
111459 Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Elsevier 0022-3549 Elsevier
831094 Journal of Sea Research Elsevier
41249 Journal of Systems Architecture - The EUROMICRO Journal Elsevier
175988 Journal of Vascular Surgery Elsevier
119977 Journal of theoritical biology 0022-5193 Elsevier
63891 Journal on Functional Programming Elsevier
63889 Journal on Research in Language and Computation Elsevier
170701 KES2016 Elsevier
43737 LANGUAGE SCIENCE, special issue devoted to MIND & Language Elsevier
126629 Leukemia Research Reports 2213-0489 Elsevier
107620 Materials Sciences and Engineering: C 0928-4931 Elsevier
522363 MethodX 2215-0161 Elsevier
896996 Médecine et droit 1246-7391 Elsevier
254630 Neuroscience Informatics 2772-5286 Elsevier
181618 Ortho Magazine 1262-4586 Elsevier
88591 PROCEDIA Elsevier
594690 Physica A : Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 0378-4371 Elsevier
755441 Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 1872-8022 Elsevier
148239 Physical Communications Elsevier
57690 Proc. of PLACES'09 Elsevier
107458 Progress in Optics 0079-6638 Elsevier
133661 Pulmonology 2531-0437 Elsevier
76658 RIAI Elsevier
762678 Recent Advances in Phytochemistry Elsevier
513799 Reliability Engineering & Systems Safety 0951-8320 Elsevier
741414 Research Policy Elsevier
167043 Resource-Efficient Technologies 2405-6537 Elsevier
58060 Revue Libanaise de Gestion et d'Economie Elsevier
291090 Smart Multifunctional Nano-inks: Fundamentals and Emerging Applications ISBN 978-0-323-91145-0 Elsevier
646510 Sports Economics Review 2773-1618 Elsevier
166685 Sustainable Operations and Computers 2666-4127 Elsevier
105654 Symposium (International) on Combustion 0082-0784 Elsevier
171495 The Internet and Higher Education Elsevier
142235 The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry Elsevier
164526 USSR Comput. Math. and Math. Physics Elsevier
161941 Visual Informatics 2468-502X Elsevier
163523 Water Security 2468-3124 Elsevier
83301 Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web Elsevier
139798 eNeurologicalSci 2405-6502 Elsevier
74323 international journal on Visual Communication and Image representation (JVCI) Elsevier
180335 lingua An International Review of General Linguistics 0024-3841 Elsevier
181993 phytomedicine Plus 2667-0313 Elsevier
752965 Journal of Artificial Intelligence (AIJ) 0004-3702 Elsevier - Online ISSN: 1872-7921
315838 Green Synthesis and Catalysis (GSC) 2666-5549 Elsevier - Open access :
324102 Gait&Posture 0966-6362 Elsevier B.V
82911 Handb Clin Neurol Elsevier B.V
112982 Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 2468-2179 Elsevier B.V. : Vietnam National University, Hanoi
101805 Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering 9780124095472 Elsevier Inc
163422 Discourse, Context & Media 2211-6958 Elsevier Ltd
280116 Medical Engineering and Physics 1350-4533 Elsevier Ltd
582206 In Analysis Elsevier MAsson
227077 La revue Santé scolaire et universitaire de l’école à l’université Elsevier Masson
171104 Motricité Cérébrale, Réadaptation, Neurologie du Développement 0245-5919 Elsevier Masson
455218 EMC - Traité de médecine AKOS 1634-6939 Elsevier Masson SAS
171008 EMC-Maladies infectieuses 1166-8598 Elsevier Masson SAS
166653 Endocrine Abstracts 1470-3947 Elsevier Science
592491 Plant Membrane Transport : the current position Elsevier Science
166652 The american journal of medecine 1555-7162 Elsevier Science
592533 Vide-Science, Technique et Applications 1266-0167 Elsevier Science B.V
153236 Çédille, revista de estudios franceses 1699-4949 Elsevier Scopus
30168 Adv Genet Elsevier bookseries
503628 EMC Traité de Psychiatrie Elsevier, Masson
165921 EMC Pédiatrie Maladies Infectieuses -Le traité EMC Pédiatrie–Maladies infectieuses 2011 1634-6939 Elsevier-Masson SAS
149115 Physica A Elsvier
169525 vocation sage-femme 1634-0760 Elvesier
893337 Revista Phronésis 2770-0410 Elvin A. González Pérez
127022 Journal of Bioinformatics, Computational and Systems Biology Elyns Group
113151 Oma keel 1406-6599 Emakeele Selts
318824 Instrução Técnica Para o Produtor Rural de Pernambuco 1518-3254 Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva
97984 Advances in Management Accounting 1474-7871 Emerald
107515 Advances in Strategic Management 0742-3322 Emerald
170247 Information and Learning sciences 2398-5348 Emerald
163805 International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management Emerald
361638 International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences 1756-669X Emerald
47711 International Journal of web information systems Emerald
166239 Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education 2050-7003 Emerald
179375 Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 0885-8624 Emerald
152665 Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice 1755-6228 Emerald
102004 Review of Behavioural Finance 1940-5979 Emerald
130143 Smart and Sustainable Built Environment 2046-6099 Emerald
166626 Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal 2042-678X Emerald
171039 Fullbright Review of Economics and Policy 2635-0181 Emerald Group Publishing
113009 Research in Political Sociology 0895-9935 Emerald Group Publishing Limited
161683 Asian Journal of Economics and Banking 2615-9821 Emerald Insight
353494 EconomiA 1517-7580 Emerald Publishing
119790 Research in the Sociology of Organizations 0733-558X Emerald Publishing
177952 The Electronic Library 0264-0473 Emerald Publishing
149433 China Finance Review International Emerald Publishing Limited
687246 Journal of Trade Science 2815-5793 Emerald Publishing Limited
173229 Research on Emotion in Organizations 1746-9791 Emerald Publishing Limited
155243 Revista de Gestão 2177-8736 Emerald Publishing Limited
151545 Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance 2398-5038 Emerald publishing
177930 Research in Political Economy 0161-7230 Emerald, Bingley (U.K.)
120838 Information and Learning Science 2398-5348 EmeraldInsight
315590 Research Journal in Engineering and Applied Sciences 2276-8467 Emerging Academy Resources
109642 mots C.L.E 9788866801535 Emil
103150 International Mathematical Journal 1311-6797 Emil Minchev
480314 Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwisenschaft 0939-2815 Emilie Aussant, Jean-Luc Chevillard
299845 Tribulus Emirates Natural History Group
112800 2164-1668 Emory College of Arts and Sciences
130628 Communications in Advanced Mathematical Sciences Emrah Evren Kara
422968 En ligne
111758 Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Entrangère ... LIA 1 Encrages
25545 Encyclopaedia Universalis, deuxième édition Encyclopaedia Universalis
163005 Universalia 2004 0997-4989 Encyclopaedia Universalis
33910 Universalia 2006 Encyclopaedia Universalis
142123 Encylopaedia Universalis Encyclopædia Britannica
160888 Britannica 1085-9721 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc
91858 Historia del presente 1579-8135 Eneida
139649 International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 0975-5462 Engg Journals Publication
131297 International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 0975-5462 Engg Journals Publications
165908 ES Energy & Environment 2578-0654 Engineered Science Publisher
445016 Belgrade Bells, English Language & Literature Studies 1821-3138 English Department, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade
166130 Tesol International Journal 2094-3938 English Language Education Publishing
145826 Réflexions 2320-0677 English and Foreign Language University Press
112456 Revista Topía 1666-2083 Enrique Carpintero, César Hazaki y Alejandro Vainer
784317 L’atelier public de paysage Ensapl
102405 RIVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ENSINO DE CIÊNCIA E TECNOLOGIA 1982-873X Ensino de Ciência e Tecnologia da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - PPGECT/UTFPR
635931 Balisages 2724-7430 Enssib
163708 Entefktirio 1105-4190 Entefktirio
745287 Entreprises Magazine, Luxembourg Entreprises Magazine
151460 Arcadia 2199-3408 Environment & Society Portal
163412 Aletheia Ephèse formation
872830 Lettre d'information Epos-France Epos-France
148393 Journal of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech Equinox Publishing
181615 Magyar Kisebbseg (Hungarian Minority) 1224-2292 Erdélyi Hiradó
352887 Empan 1152-3336 Eres
862910 Sud/Nord 1265-2067 Eres
152342 Chimères Eres, Toulouse
94399 Journal de Inteligencia Artificial Erevista
25535 Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht Erhard Friedrich Verlag
124589 Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 2/2017 0044-2496 Erich Schmidt Verlag
750735 Revue RSTI - L'Objet Ermès
181207 Revue en Reseaux et télécommunications Ernest
113736 Wékwos. Revue d'études indo-européennes 2426-5349 Errance, Arles
342611 NPPS 1712-8307 Erudit
169096 Revista do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 9a Região 2238-6114 Escola Judicial TRT9
792147 PÓS: Revista do Programa de Pós-graduação em Artes da EBA/UFMG 2238-2046 Escola de Belas Artes