Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
139560 Processing and Application of Ceramics 1820-6131 University of Novi Sad
2835 American Indian Law Review 0094-002X University of Oklahoma, College of Law
9376 World literature today 0196-3570 University of Oklahoma, World Literature Today
178519 Journal of Languages for Specific Purposes 2359-9103 University of Oradea
178824 Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 1844-6035 University of Oradea, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
91383 GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites 2065-1198 University of Oradea. Oradea, Romania
365306 ALTRALANG Journal 2710-8619 University of Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed
92490 Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology 2325-0496 University of Oregon Libraries
7625 Oregon Law Review 0196-2043 University of Oregon School of Law
6083 Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation 1049-0280 University of Oregon, School of Law
127522 Journal of Extreme Anthropology 2535-3241 University of Oslo
120101 Tvergastein interdisciplinary Journal of Environnement University of Oslo, Centre for Development and Environment (SUM)
101654 Communications in Mathematics 1804-1388 University of Ostrava
2363 Sportscience 1174-9210 University of Otago
61127 Cahiers des Études Anciennes 0317-5065 University of Ottawa & Laval University
167607 Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies University of Ottawa Dept. of English
2487 Revue de Droit et Technologie de l'Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa Law and Technology Journal 1710-6028 University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law, Centre for Law Technology and Society [2003-....]
7642 Revue de droit d'Ottawa / Ottawa Law Review 0048-2331 University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law, Common Law Section (Ottawa, Canada) [1966-....]
106552 Quantitative Methods for Psychology 2292-1354 University of Ottawa, School of Psychology
110391 Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for Psychology 1913-4126 University of Ottawa, School of Psychology
109686 Economics and Business Letters 2254-4380 University of Oviedo
898 Forced Migration Review 1460-9819 University of Oxford
108086 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 0041-8994 University of Padua / European Mathematical Society
98211 Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair 2241-9152 University of Patras
1888 Other Voices : The e-Journal of Cultural Criticism 1094-2254 University of Pennsylvania
9065 University Museum Bulletin 0096-2953 University of Pennsylvania
9100 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Business Law 0891-9895 University of Pennsylvania
9101 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law 1086-7872 University of Pennsylvania
9103 University of Pennsylvania law review 0041-9907 University of Pennsylvania
4075 Comparative labor law journal : a publication of the U.S. National Branch of the International Society for Labor Law and Social Security [and] the Wharton School, and the Law School of the University of Pennsylvania 1043-5255 University of Pennsylvania Law School
9102 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Labor and Employment Law 1097-4938 University of Pennsylvania Law School
4405 Dissent 0012-3846 University of Pennsylvania Press
4449 Early American Studies 1543-4273 University of Pennsylvania Press
5200 Hispanic Review 0018-2176 University of Pennsylvania Press
6533 Journal of the Early Republic 0275-1275 University of Pennsylvania Press
6540 Journal of the History of Ideas 0022-5037 University of Pennsylvania Press
6912 Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft 1556-8547 University of Pennsylvania Press
628474 Observational Studies University of Pennsylvania Press
5771 Jewish Quarterly Review 0021-6682 University of Pennsylvania Press (Penn Press)
58494 Citius Altius Fortius – Journal of Physical Education and Sport 1582-8131 University of Pitesti, Romania
81743 Études Ricœuriennes / Ricœur Studies 2156-7808 University of Pittsburgh
38708 Cuban Studies 0361-4441 University of Pittsburgh Press
273 Biblios: Revista de Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información 1562-4730 University of Pittsburgh, University Library System
101618 Health, Culture and Society 2161-6590 University of Pittsburgh, University Library System
6241 Journal of Law and Commerce 0733-2491 University of Pittsburgh, University Library System
8102 Radical Teacher 0191-4847 University of Pittsburgh, University Library System
8252 Revista Iberoamericana 0034-9631 University of Pittsburgh, University Library System
9104 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 0041-9915 University of Pittsburgh, University Library System
132691 Journal of Tourism Consumption and Practice 1757-031X University of Plymouth
1350 Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management 1119-8362 University of Port Harcourt
1707 Managing Global Transitions 1581-6311 University of Primorska
464 Caribbean Journal of Science 0008-6452 University of Puerto Rico
902 Forum empresarial 1541-8561 University of Puerto Rico
2333 Simbiosis : Revista Electrónica de Ciencias de la Información 1548-3436 University of Puerto Rico
2231 Revista Internacional de Desastres Naturales, Accidentes e Infraestructura Civil 1535-0088 University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
21523 Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal 0738-0658 University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus; 1999
9105 University of Puget Sound law review. University of Puget Sound. School of Law 0161-0708 University of Puget Sound Law Review
9106 The University of Queensland law journal 0083-4041 University of Queensland Press
108057 Romanische Studien 2364-4753 University of Regensburg
3277 Atq -Kingston 1078-3377 University of Rhode Island
9107 University of Richmond Law Review 0566-2389 University of Richmond
2284 Richmond Journal of Law and Technology 1091-7322 University of Richmond School of Law
1270 Invisible Culture : An Electronic Journal for Visual Culture 1097-3710 University of Rochester
9108 The University of Rochester Library Bulletin 0361-1272 University of Rochester Library
38816 Eastman Notes University of Rochester, Eastman School of Music
8892 Theatre Documentation 0040-5485 University of S?o Paulo, School of Communications and Arts
130737 Translational medicine @ UniSa 2239-9747 University of Salerno
158639 Philippine quarterly of culture and society 0115-0243 University of San Carlos
8344 San Diego Law Review 0036-4037 University of San Diego
5980 Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 0896-5595 University of San Diego School of Law
8342 San Diego International Law Journal 1539-7904 University of San Diego School of Law
167461 Bearing Witness: Joyce Carol Oates Studies University of San Francisco
9110 University of San Francisco Maritime Law Journal 1061-3331 University of San Francisco School of Law
8351 Saskatchewan law review 0036-4916 University of Saskatchewan College of Law
3791 Canadian Native Law Reporter 0225-2279 University of Saskatchewan, Native Law Centre
1533 Journal of Religion and Popular Culture d000-0983 University of Saskatchewan, Religious Studies
680551 Chinese Journal of Engineering 2095-9389 University of Science and Technology Beijing
969392 Er(r)go. Teoria–Literatura–Kultura 1508-6305 University of Silesia (Katowice)
118518 Annales Mathematicae Silesianae 0860-2107 University of Silesia (Poland)
131751 Górnośląskie Studia Socjologiczne.Seria Nowa 0072-5013 University of Silesia Press
572717 Iranian Journal of Archaeological Studies 2251-743x University of Sistan and Baluchestan (USB)
110078 Journal of Intercultural Management 2080-0150 University of Social Sciences Łódź
1129 International Journal for Educational Integrity 1833-2595 University of South Australia
1408 Journal of Educational Enquiry 1444-5530 University of South Australia
1413 Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science 1326-4443 University of South Australia
138797 Journal of Applied Biomedicine 1214-021X University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
8615 Southern California Law Review 0038-3910 University of South California Law Center
40274 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Western Society for French History University of South Carolina
123289 Studies in Scottish Literature 0039-3770 University of South Carolina
8596 South Carolina Environmental Law Journal 1080-2010 University of South Carolina Law Center
8598 South Carolina Law Review 0038-3104 University of South Carolina School of Law
8597 The South Carolina Law Quarterly 0276-9441 University of South Carolina School of Law
629321 Journal of Global Hospitality and Tourism University of South Florida
1090 International Journal of Information Sciences for Decision Making 1265-499X University of South Toulon - Var
8614 Southern California interdisciplinary law journal 1077-0704 University of Southern California Law Center
8564 Sociology and social research 0038-0393 University of Southern California Press
8616 Southern California review of law and women's studies 1088-3525 University of Southern California School of Law
39325 Information Technologies and International Development 1544-7529 University of Southern California, Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism
39386 International Journal of Communication 1932-8036 University of Southern California, Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism
1490 Journal of Music and Meaning 1603-7170 University of Southern Denmark
2062 Res Cogitans : Journal of Philosophy 1603-8509 University of Southern Denmark
8627 Southern quarterly 0038-4496 University of Southern Mississippi
39969 The Mississippi Review 0047-7559 University of Southern Mississippi Department of English
674 e-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology (e-Jist) 1324-0781 University of Southern Queensland
40050 New Hibernia Review 1092-3977 University of St. Thomas
2367 Stanford journal of archaeology d000-0987 University of Stanford, Archaeology Center
123969 Studies in Social and Politic Thought 1467-2219 University of Sussex
253 Australian Review of Public Affairs 1832-1526 University of Sydney
1933 Philament : An Online Journal of the Arts and Culture 1449-0471 University of Sydney
38336 Archaelology in Oceania 0728-4896 University of Sydney Oceania Publishing
166518 Acta Hispánica 1416-7263 University of Szeged
766 Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 1417-3875 University of Szeged, Bolyai Institute
42114 Acta Cybernetica 0324-721X University of Szeged, Institute of Informatics
1346 Journal of Applied Oral Science 1678-7757 University of São Paulo
105533 Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (JAST) 1680-7073 University of Tarbiat Modares
2379 Studia Humaniora Tartuensia 1406-6203 University of Tartu
1618 Juridica International 1406-1082 University of Tartu Press
113486 Sign System Studies 1406-4243 University of Tartu Press (Estonia)
107640 Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics 1736-6518 University of Tartu, Estonian National Museum and Estonian Literary Museum
6243 Journal of Law and Information Science 0729-1485 University of Tazmania; 1998
94192 Journal of Water Sustainability 1839-1516 University of Technology (Sydney), Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology
139643 Desert 2008-0875 University of Tehran
147887 Journal of Archaeological Studies 2251-9297 University of Tehran
147743 International Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology 2322-1461 University of Tehran; Iranian Society for Horticultural Science
106679 Argumentation et Analyse du Discours 1565-8961 University of Tel-Aviv
8629 Southern Speech Communication Journal 0361-8269 University of Tennessee
4936 Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy 0887-8218 University of Tennessee, Energy, Environment, and Resource Center
21726 Medical Humanities Review 0892-2772 University of Texas
10839 Asian Music 0044-9202 University of Texas Press
3945 Cinema Journal 0009-7101 University of Texas Press
4146 Conservation Administration News 0192-2912 University of Texas Press
926 Genders 0894-9832 University of Texas Press
39661 Journal of Latin American Geography 1545-2476 University of Texas Press
6543 Journal of the History of Sexuality 1043-4070 University of Texas Press
39779 Joyce Studies Annual 1049-0809 University of Texas Press
16712 Latin American Music Review / Revista de Música Latinoamerica 0163-0350 University of Texas Press
6795 Libraries and Culture 0894-8631 University of Texas Press
8875 Texas Studies in Literature and Language 0040-4691 University of Texas Press
40820 The Velvet Light Trap 1542-4251 University of Texas Press
2850 American Journal of Criminal Law 0092-2315 University of Texas School of Law
8864 Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal 1068-1000 University of Texas at Austin School of Law Publications, Inc
8233 The Review of Litigation 0734-4015 University of Texas at Austin School of Law Publications, Inc
987 Hipertexto 1553-3018 University of Texas-Pan American
1478 Journal of Medical Investigation 1343-1420 University of Tokushima
16608 Virus -Tokyo- Society of Japanese Virologists 0042-6857 University of Tokyo
140022 Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science University of Toronto
148324 Critical Analysis of Law: An International & Interdisciplinary Law Review 2291-9732 University of Toronto (Toronto, Canada) [2014-....]
3766 Annales canadiennes d'histoire / Canadian Journal of History 0008-4107 University of Toronto Press
187 Applied Semiotics 1204-6140 University of Toronto Press
3743 Canadian Historical Review 0008-3755 University of Toronto Press
38513 Canadian Historical Review 1710-1093 University of Toronto Press
3755 Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice / Revue canadienne de criminologie et de justice pénale 1707-7753 University of Toronto Press
3767 Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 1195-096X University of Toronto Press
38519 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 0008-414X University of Toronto Press
38521 Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation / Revue canadienne d'évaluation de programme 0834-1516 University of Toronto Press
38522 Canadian Journal of Sociology 1710-1123 University of Toronto Press
3790 Canadian Modern Language Review / La revue canadian des langues vivantes 0008-4506 University of Toronto Press
454 Canadian Online Journal of Queer Studies in Education 1710-7598 University of Toronto Press
11490 Canadian Public Policy 0317-0861 University of Toronto Press
38527 Canadian Review of American Studies 0007-7720 University of Toronto Press
3797 Canadian Theatre Review 0315-0836 University of Toronto Press
38544 Cartographica 0317-7173 University of Toronto Press
38773 Diaspora 1044-2057 University of Toronto Press
38849 Eighteenth-Century Fiction 1911-0243 University of Toronto Press
39073 Francophonies d'Amerique 1710-1158 University of Toronto Press
39113 Genocide Studies and Prevention 1911-0359 University of Toronto Press
985 Higher Education Perspectives 1710-1530 University of Toronto Press
5906 Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d'études canadiennes 0021-9495 University of Toronto Press
6426 Journal of Scholarly Publishing 1198-9742 University of Toronto Press
21806 Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 0748-321X University of Toronto Press
7165 Modern Drama 0026-7694 University of Toronto Press
40220 Physiotherapy Canada 0300-0508 University of Toronto Press
8375 Scholarly Publishing (Toronto, Ont.) 0036-634X University of Toronto Press
8452 Seminar 0037-1939 University of Toronto Press
40472 Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies (Project Muse) 0037-1939 University of Toronto Press
2334 Studies in Media and Information Literacy Education 1496-6603 University of Toronto Press
3768 The Canadian Journal of Information Science 0380-9218 University of Toronto Press
2442 Toronto Slavic Quarterly 1708-3885 University of Toronto Press
9113 University of Toronto Law Journal 0042-0220 University of Toronto Press
9114 University of Toronto Quarterly 0042-0247 University of Toronto Press
2524 Women in Judaism : a Multidisciplinary Journal 1209-9392 University of Toronto Press
3780 Canadian Journal of Women and the Law / Revue Femmes et Droit 0832-8781 University of Toronto Press (UTP) (Toronto, Canada) [1985-....]
17937 Phoenix -Toronto 0031-8299 University of Toronto Press Incorporated
8386 The School Guidance Worker 0048-9409 University of Toronto, Guidance Centre
169270 Journal of World Heritage Studies 2189-4728 University of Tukuba
5756 James Joyce quarterly 0021-4183 University of Tulsa
9023 Tulsa Studies in Womens Literature 0732-7730 University of Tulsa
4624 Energy Law Journal 0270-9163 University of Tulsa College of Law
9021 Tulsa Law Journal 0041-4050 University of Tulsa College of Law
9022 Tulsa Law Review 1538-9979 University of Tulsa College of Law
51980 Kervan. Rivista internazionale di studii afroasiatici = International Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies University of Turin
170753 BRICS Law Journal 2409-9058 University of Tyumen
1554 Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 1303-2968 University of Uludag
6237 Journal of Law and Family Studies 1529-398X University of Utah
9142 Utah Law Review 0042-1448 University of Utah
6065 Journal of Energy Law & Policy 0275-9926 University of Utah College of Law
6067 Journal of Energy, Natural Resources & Environmental Law 1053-377X University of Utah College of Law
5979 Journal of contemporary law 0097-9937 University of Utah College of Law
146 Anglogermanica Online 1695-6168 University of Valencia
148879 History of Classical Scholarship 2632-4091 University of Venice/Newcastle University