Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
28931 Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics 0972-0863 Pushpa Publishing opuse
4781 Far Eastern Economic Review 0014-7591 Review Publishing Company Limited
99439 Far Eastern Mathematical journal
4782 Far Eastern Quarterly 0363-6917 JSTOR
4783 Far Eastern Survey 0362-8949
50964 Faraday Discuss
29177 Faraday Discussion
13314 Faraday Discussions 1359-6640 Royal Society of Chemistry
13315 Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society 0301-7249 Royal Society of Chemistry
13316 Faraday Special Discussions of the Chemical Society 0370-9302 Royal Society of Chemistry
13317 Faraday Symposia of the Chemical Society 0301-5696 Royal Society of Chemistry
93717 Fare. Frontières, Acteurs et représentations de l'Europe
171424 Farestoria 2612-7164 ISRPr Editore
168219 Fargue et les médias
102874 Farhang va ensân (culture and human being)
133245 Farhang. Quarterly Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies Tehran, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies
115415 Fario Les Belles-Lettres
4784 Farm Industry News 0892-8312 Prism Business Media
4785 Farm Journal (1956) 0014-8008
102081 Farm Policy Journal 1449-2210
120730 Farm and Business 1019-035X
205347 Farmaceutický obzor 0014-8172 Slovenská Zdravotnícka Univerzita
166554 Farmacia
105345 Farmacia 0014-8237 Romanian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences
22243 Farmacia Hospitalaria 1130-6343 Elsevier España (Elsevier Doyma)
98632 Farmaco (Società chimica italiana : 1989)
99544 Farmaco Ed. Sci
39023 Farmacoeconomia e Percorsi Terapeutici Seed SRL
116713 Farmeconomia e percorsi terapeutici
4787 Farmers Weekly -London then Haywards Heath 0014-8474 The Farmers Weekly Group
4788 Farmers' Bulletin (United States Department of Agriculture) 0193-4392
156243 Farming Ahead 1038-1678
501259 Farming System 2949-9119
4789 Farming in South Africa 0014-8490 Pretoria, Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services and Department of Agricultural Economics and Marketing
151303 Faros : Paysage, Territoire et Création contemporaine 2490-6212 Ithaac (Tours)
34782 Farvaque N., "Bases d'information et conventions d'évaluation dans l'approche par les capacités de Sen », in F. Eymard-Duvernay et O. Favereau, Conventions et Institutions, approfondissements théoriques et contributions au débat politique, Paris, La Découverte, 2006
26510 Farvaque N., I. Robeyns, "L'approche alternative d'Amartya Sen. Réponse à Emmanuelle Bénicourt", L'Economie Politique, n° 27, 3e trimestre 2005, pp. 38-51
34777 Farvaque N., «Les apports de l'approche de Sen à l'étude de la formation professionnelle», in GIRSEF (coll.), Théories de la justice et inégalités dans les champs de l'éducation et de la formation, Louvain-la-Neuve
34775 Farvaque N., “A capability approach to individualised and tailor-made activation”, in Rik van Berkel, Ben Valkenburg (eds.), Making it personal. Individualising activation services in the EU, Policy Press, 2006 (avec J.-M. Bonvin)
34776 Farvaque N., “Unequal Access to Employment, Unequal Capabilities. French School-Leavers' Trajectories in Perspective”, 5th International Capability Conference “Knowledge and Public Action: Education, Responsibility, Collective Agency, Equity”, Paris, Unesco, 11-14 September 2005
695025 Fasc. 3600, JurisClasseur Droit bancaire et financier / Fasc. 572-5, JurisClasseur Droit international
78482 Fascicule Seine Aval
173184 Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae 0860-0007 Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
172309 Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historice
173149 Fasciculi achaeologiae historicae
36147 Fascinations musicales. Musique, littérature, philosophie
141112 Fascism 2211-6249
99543 Faserforsch. Textiltech
39024 Fashion Monitor Profile Group (Uk) Ltd
166098 Fashion Practice 1756-9370
4791 Fashion Theory 1362-704X Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
779604 Fashion and Textiles 2198-0802
871 Fast Capitalism 1930-014X Fast capitalism
4792 Fast Company 1085-9241 Fast Company
150074 Fast TIMES 1943-6505 Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society
179327 Fasti Ecclesiae Gallicanae
115101 Fasti Ecclesie Gallicanae
135206 Fasti On Line Documents & Research (FOLD&R) 1828-3179 International Association for Classical Archaeology (AIAC)
165228 FastiOnline AIAC
134448 Fastitocalon 1869-960X Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier
101154 Fat-and-Oil Industry 0025-4649 Food Production (Moscow)
93905 Fata Morgana Università della Calabria
157903 Fata Morgana
174741 Fata Morgana, Quadrimestriale di cinema e visioni 2532-487X
36015 Fatalisme économique et capacité politique
159599 Fatherly
13318 Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures 8756-758X Wiley-Blackwell
181063 Fatigue of Aircraft Structures 2081-7738 De Gruyter
985655 Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior 2164-1846
125342 Fatti Ghjunsaninchi
66845 Faulkner Journal
88676 Fault Tolerant Neural Network for ECG Signal Classification Systems
149043 Fauna & Flora International
155785 Fauna of Arabia 1660-2889
105270 Faune Sauvage 1626-6641 Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage
100446 Faune Sauvage
154417 Faune sauvage, suppl
105273 1280-7370
174870 Faunitaxys 2269-6016 AFCFF (Association française de Cartographie de la Faune et de la Flore)
177474 Faunus
34798 Fauré L., Bessac A., Courouau J.-F., Leroy S. (éd.), Discours, textualité et production de sens : États de la jeune recherche
34683 Faut-il réinventer le logement social et populaire en Europe ? Le rôle des associations
766362 Faux Titre 0167-9392 BRILL
36926 Faux et usage de faux
31826 Favola, mito ed altri saggi di letteratura e filologia in onore di Gianni Mombello
701835 Fayyum Studies 1827-3831 Ante Quem
104829 FaçSADe 1296-2333
95234 FaçSADe
33359 Faïences de l'Antiquité : de l'Egypte à l'Iran 5 Continents - Musée du Louvre
4793 Fbi Law Enforcement Bulletin 0014-5688 Fbi
39025 Professional Het Financieele Dagblad Bv
4794 Fda Consumer 0362-1332 Superintendent of Documents -- Gpo
4796 Feature 0163-9404
141799 Febs Letters
145414 Fed. Univ. Humanit. soc. sci
13320 Feddes Repertorium 0014-8962 Wiley-VCH Verlag
4798 Federal Bar News & Journal 0279-4691 Federal Bar News & Journal
4799 Federal Circuit Bar Journal 1055-8195 Federal Circuit Bar Association
4801 Federal Communications Bar Journal 0014-9055 Federal Communications Bar Association
4800 Federal Communications Law Journal 0163-7606 Indiana University School of Law-bloomington
39029 Federal Contracts Daily 1534-441X The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc
873 Federal Courts Law Review Springer-Verlag
39030 Federal Drug Discount & Compliance Monitor Public Hospital Pharmacy Coalition and Powers, Pyles, Sutter & Verville PC
39031 Federal Environment & Safety Regulatory Monitoring Report The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc
13321 Federal Facilities Environmental Journal 1048-4078 Wiley-Blackwell: No OnlineOpen
4802 Federal Home Loan Bank Board Journal 0737-0725 Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office
4803 Federal Law Review 0067-205X Australian National University, Law School
4804 Federal Lawyer 1080-675X Federal Bar Association
4805 Federal Probation 0014-9128 Superintendent of Documents -- Gpo
4806 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Regional Review 1062-1865 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
4807 Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review 0271-5287 Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
4808 Federal Reserve Bank of New York Quarterly Review 0147-6580 Federal Reserve Bank of New York
4811 Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Review 0094-6893 Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
4814 Federal Reserve Bulletin 0014-9209 Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System
4816 Federal Sentencing Reporter 1053-9867 University of California Press
39033 Federal Staff Directory 0735-3324 CQ Staff Directories Inc
39034 Federal Times 0014-9233 Army Times Publishing Co
175354 Federal governance
39032 Federal practitioner : for the health care professionals of the VA, DoD, and PHS 1078-4497 Quadrant Healthcom Inc
22241 Federal register 0097-6326
4815 Federal rules decisions 0886-3644 West Group
125425 - Rivista di diritto pubblico italiano, comparato, europeo 1826-3534 Società editoriale federalismi s.r.l.
4819 Federation of Insurance Counsel quarterly 0430-2583 Federation of Insurance Counsel Quarterly
4820 Federation proceedings 0014-9446 Federation Proceedings
44238 Federiko Krutwig-i omenaldia - Homenaje a Federico Krutwig - Hommage à Federico Krutwig Euskaltzaindia - Real Academia de la Lengua Vasca
39035 Federal Research Service
155930 Feed Compounder 0950-771X
39036 Feed International 0274-5771 Watt Publishing Company
155899 Feed Mix 0928-124X
125749 Feed Res. Online Journal of Animal and Feed Research
156149 Feed Tech 1387-1978
147340 FeedGrain 1055-3223
155804 Feedinfo News Service 1777-5566
39037 Feedstuffs - The Weekly Newspaper for Agribusiness 0014-9624 Miller Publishing Company
4821 Feliciter 0014-9802 Canadian Library Association
124992 Fellows (Réseau français des instituts d’études avancées)
55849 Felsbau
164112 Felsefe Arkivi - Archives of Philosophy
135154 Felsefe Yazın 1304-7032
146319 Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery 2151-8378
170010 Femina Politica
13322 Feminism and Psychology 0959-3535 SAGE Publications (UK and US)
395641 Feminism in India (FII)
151741 Feminismo/s 1696-8166 Universidad de Alicante
354873 Feminist Anthropology 2643-7961
171501 Feminist Bellek Feminist Bellek
13323 Feminist Criminology 1557-0851 SAGE Publications (UK and US)
169813 Feminist Dissent
13324 Feminist Economics 1354-5701 Taylor & Francis (Routledge): SSH Titles
4823 Feminist Legal Studies 0966-3622 Springer Verlag
13325 Feminist Media Studies 1468-0777 Taylor & Francis (Routledge): SSH Titles
982172 Feminist Modernist Studies 2469-2921
4824 Feminist Review 0141-7789 Palgrave Macmillan
4825 Feminist Studies 0046-3663 Michigan Publishing
386430 Feminist Tahayyül: Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi 2717-6711
4826 Feminist Teacher 0882-4843 University of Illinois Press
13326 Feminist Theology 0966-7350 SAGE Publications (UK and US)
13327 Feminist Theory 1464-7001 SAGE Publications (UK and US)
4822 Feminist issues 0270-6679 Transaction Periodicals Consortium
138165 Feministiche Studien
166375 Feministische Geo-RundMail
166202 Feministische GeoRundmail Arbeitskreis Feministische Geographien
111154 Feministische Studien. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung 0723-5186 Lucius & Lucius
112505 Femme Actuelle 0764-0021 Prisma Media
146166 Femmes Ici et Ailleurs
157315 Femmes Informations 0751-445X
730716 Femmes actuelles
168054 Femmes clown
629908 Femmes d'aujourd'hui 0014-9950 Roularta (Bruxelles, Belgique)
36009 Femmes du Maghreb au présent
69170 Femmes et Genres dans l'enseignement
290857 Femmes et Musées
32150 Femmes et architecture
29645 Femmes et villes
30791 Femmes, Familles, Filiation, société et histoire, en hommage à Yvonne Knibiehler, Etudes réunies par Marcel Bernos et Michèle Bitton, préf. de Maurice Agulhon
34998 Femmes, genre et sociétés : l'état des savoirs
30371 Femmes, genre et sociétés : l'état des savoirs
30816 Femmes, genre et sociétés, l'état des savoirs
33153 Femmes, identités plurielles
4827 Femspec 1523-4002 Lexington Books
65689 Femtochemistry and Femtobiology
178069 Fenestella : Dentro l'arte medievale / Inside Medieval Art 2784-8663 Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di beni culturali e ambientali
4828 Fenix. Revista de la Biblioteca Nacional 0015-0002 Biblioteca Nacional
122359 Fennia 1798-5617 Geographical Society of Finland
406056 Fennia-International Journal of Geography 1798-5617 Geographical Society of Finland
121308 Fenomenologia e scienze dell'uomo
48614 Fenomenologia e societa
165363 Fenomenologia e società : periodico trimestrale scientifico-culturale Istituto di studi e ricerche socio-culturali. Comunità di ricerca
163187 Fenomeny kulʹtury
164712 Fenouillèdes 1620-6797 Revue du Fenouillèdes
28079 Fenxi Shiyanshi (Journal written in Chinese)
119417 Fenêtre sur Cour 2430-4301
176810 Fenêtre sur Cour. Revue des arrêts remarquables de la Cour d'appel de Chambéry 2430-4301 Presses Universitaires Savoie Mont Blanc
168737 Fenêtre sur Tour, Le magazine d’information de la Direction des Archives départementales de la Seine-Maritime 2102-0868 Département de la Seine-Maritime
166938 Fenêtre sur cours
718876 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Journal of Social Sciences 2980-9452 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
374352 Fermentario 1688-6151
119551 Fermentation 2311-5637 MDPI
917443 Fermenti 0046-3671
72515 Fermentum