Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
561482 Electromotion Journal
75109 Electromyography and kinesiology
50183 Electron Microscopy
28245 Electron Technology
50336 Electron microscopy 1980
31659 Electron-Technology
28793 Electron. Lett. Comput. Vis. Im. Anal
151792 Electron. Notes Discret. Math
37153 Electron.Trans.Numer.Anal
112623 Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity 1433-8092 Hasso Plattner Institute
139967 Electronic Commerce Research
143049 Electronic Commerce Research & Applications
143032 Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
98918 Electronic Design
54728 Electronic Design News (EDN)
50854 Electronic Device Failure Analysis
44034 Electronic Document Week (SDN 2004), Workshop ATALA "Modelling and describing discourse organisation in the age of the digital document", La Rochelle
48158 Electronic Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis
78815 Electronic Government an International Journal
48121 Electronic Imaging Journal
25929 Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research
44379 Electronic Journal in Theoretical Computer Science Elsevier
181215 Electronic Journal of Biology 1860-3122
382795 Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
175913 Electronic Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology
90507 Electronic Journal of Digital Enterprise Georgetown University Library
131026 Electronic Journal of Digital Enterprise
133975 Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications
29846 Electronic Journal of Information Techonology in Construction
67035 Electronic Journal of Integrative Biosciences
427075 Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 1537-9582
101955 Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities Series Civil Engineering
58692 Electronic Journal of Universal Knowledge Management
100994 Electronic Journal of e-Learning
828399 Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek-e-GFOS 1847-8948
104908 Electronic Journal on Networks and Distributed Processing (RERIR/EJNDP)
143100 Electronic Letters
148383 Electronic Letters on Science and Engineering 1305-8614
168729 Electronic Materials Letters 1738-8090
147068 Electronic Military & Defense
72019 Electronic Modelling
34696 Electronic Notes in Computer Science
109662 Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
95421 Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (39)
58726 Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics : special issue ICGT05
28005 Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, P. Frofiloff, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, Y. Wakabayashi, editors, GRACO'05
45446 Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. Instructional Workshop and Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Applications (on the occasion of the birth centenary of Professor Raj Chandra Bose), India (Kolkata)
182458 Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS)
137342 Electronic Publishing 0894-3982 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
938464 Electronic Structure
44035 Electronic document week (SDN 2004), ATALA Workshop "Modelling and describing discourse organisation in the age of the digital document", La Rochelle
27916 Electronic journal of natural susbtances
133906 Electronic journal of plant breeding 0975-928X EJPB Editors, India
48541 Electronic journal www.neerlandistiek/nl
173570 Electronics
170948 Electronics
169928 Electronics (Switzerland)
157708 Electronics 2020
629146 Electronics Letters
41981 Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 2 : Electronics
87998 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
74641 Electronique de Puissance du Futur
31904 Electronique-&-Microelectronique-Industrielles
656545 Electrophoresis 1522-2683
82331 Electrophoretic Deposition: Fundamentals and Applications Iv
61863 Electrospray and MALDI Mass Spectrometry
110310 Electrotechnik & Informationstechnik
66516 Electrum : Journal of Ancient History
111884 Eleftheros Typos tis Kyriakis
64720 Elektor Elektor
50673 Elektor-France
754423 Elektra
170919 Elektrichestvo 0013-5380
296448 Elektrika 0128-4428 UTM
261787 Elektrische Bahnen Journal
37600 Elektron. Informationsverarb. Kybernet
48018 Elektronika
51311 Elektronika 1
66119 Elektronika IR Elektrotechnika
57720 Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik, EIK
123307 Elektryka
613876 Elementa-science Of The Anthropocene 2325-1026
41789 Elementary Vortices and Coherent Structures: Significance in Turbulence Dynamics
282879 Elementos de Juicios : Revista de temas constitucionales 1900-8376 José Gregorio Hernández Galindo
49929 Elenbi Strategic Review
57434 Elenchos (Rivista di studi sul pensiero antico)
132421 Eletrônica de Potência 1414-8862 SOBRAEP – Associação Brasileira de Eletrônica de Potência
129064 Elettra Highlights
29779 Eleventh World Congress of Social Economics "Social economics : a paradigm for a global society", Albertville, 8-11 Juin 2004
105283 Eleveur Laitier 1634-8273
148492 Elfe XX-XXI Études de la littérature française des XXe et XXIe siècles 2262-3450 Société d'étude de la littérature de langue française du XXe et du XXIe siècles
143563 Elinberri elinberri
90370 Elisée, Revista de Geografia da UEG
80621 Elisée, revista de geografia da Universidade Estatal de Goiás
36582 Elite y Monarquía en América
121016 Elites
101973 Elixir International Journal 2229-712X
178863 Elixir Online Journal: Elixir Finance
861362 Elle Decor