Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
58670 Supplement of the Romanian Journal of Population Studies
58673 Studii de Istorie
58674 International Journal of Computing and Information Sciences (IJCIS)
58675 Revue électronique des technologies de l'information - Special Issue of The 9th MCSEAI'06
58676 Informations, Savoirs, Décisions, Médiations - Special Issue of The 8th MCSEAI'04
58680 Perspective demografice, istorice şi sociologice. Studii de populaţie. Omagiu profesorului Traian Rotariu la împlinirea vârstei de 65 ani
58682 Bulletin des Laboratoires de Ponts et Chaussées
58683 Biserică şi societate. Studii istorice./ Corneliu Pădurean, Mihai Săsăujan (coord.), Editura Gutenberg Univers, Arad, 2005
58687 Conférence (Paris)
58689 J. Opt. A:Pure Appl. Opt
58690 Eglises d'Asie, revue de l'Asie religieuse
58692 Electronic Journal of Universal Knowledge Management
58693 Revue Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica
58700 Library High tech
58701 Des lois et des Hommes
58704 International Journal Business Information Systems
58705 Mines. Revue des Ingénieurs
58710 IT Expert Journal
58711 Novatica -- Special Issue on UML (Unified Modeling Language)
58712 Novatica -- Special Issue on Software Process Technologies
58713 Actes de l'atelier SMA, Plate-forme AFIA 2001
58720 Networking and Information Systems Journal (NISJ)
58722 Int. Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems
58725 Mathl. Comput. Modelling
58726 Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics : special issue ICGT05
58729 J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B
58732 HVAC & R Research
58736 Travaux de l'U.A. 903
58737 Belgian Actuarial Bulletin
58738 Bulletin Français d'Acturiat
58739 Publications de la Ville de Grenoble
58741 iJAC Journal, International Jouranl of Advanced Corporate Learning
58743 Etudes de Géograpgie Physique
58745 Biomed Eng
58748 Comput Med Imag Grap
58749 Sciencepaper Online
58750 Computer Applications
58752 Int J Biomed Imaging
58754 Int J Telemed Appl
58756 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Biomedicine
58763 Quaderni di Bérénice
58764 東方學志 (Tongbang hakchi)
58765 Bérénice
58766 Igitur
58767 Tongbang hakchi 東方學志
58773 Les carnets du temps
58777 Bol. Soc. Port. Mat
58779 Papeles de Europa
58788 Eur J Phys Rehabil Med
58793 Athenäum. Jahrbuch für Romantik