Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
103541 Obsidian III
157196 Obstbau Weinbau 2240-015X
860531 Obstet Gynecol
704155 Obstetrica
711004 Obstetrics & Gynecology 1873-233X
144265 Obésité (revue francophone de recherche pour l'obésité (IF : 1,1)
124305 Occasion
156397 Occasional Paper - IUFRO 1024-414X
125715 Occasional Papers in the Historic Built Environment (edited by N.M. James)
377159 Occasional Papers of The Malacological Society of Taiwan, Memoir
7548 Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History 0270-2452
42098 Occasional Working Papers in Ethics and the Critical Philosophy
21552 Occasional paper (Royal College of General Practitioners) 1352-2450
30279 Occup Environ Med
82106 Occup Health Nurs
107119 Occup Med (Lond)
143327 Occupational & Environmental Medicine
91204 Occupational Hygiene
135907 Occupational and Environemental Medecine 1351-0711
104971 Occupational and Environmental Medicine
153049 Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1351-0711
569047 Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1470-7926
111669 Occupational medicine 1471-8405
182066 Ocean & Coastal Management
149988 Ocean Dynamics
154619 Ocean Dynamics 1616-7341
59717 Ocean Policy Research
171518 Ocean Sci. Discuss 1812-0822
615453 Ocean Science 1812-0792
181358 Ocean Science Discussions
168028 Ocean Science Journal 1738-5261
662937 Ocean University Initiative Policy Brief 2647-2201
100546 Ocean Weather Forecasting: An Integrated View of Oceanography
139513 Ocean Yearbook 2211-6001
139349 Ocean Yearbook 0191-8575
173868 Ocean and Coastal Management
551435 Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Research 2771-0378
173926 Oceania
172126 Oceanis
175607 Oceanography & Fisheries
128090 Oceanography & Fisheries Open access Journal
63160 Oceanological Studies
182194 Oceanology
89344 Oceanológica
408151 Ocerki feodal'noj Rossii
156602 Ochrana Rostlin 0862-8645
91236 Ochrona Przeciwpozarowa
168379 Ocnos: Revista de estudios sobre lectura 1885-446X
130936 Octant 0395-871X
120318 Octant