Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
80651 journal of functional foods
80652 WPMC '08 : The 11th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications
80653 IGARSS 2007: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
80654 ICTTA 2008: IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications ICTTA
80655 AIPACa '08 : Applications of private and anonymous communications workshop
80659 Дивногорский сборник. № 1, Археология
80660 Научные Ведомости Белгородского Гос. Университета. Серия: История. Политология. Экономика. Информатика. Belgorod
80661 Zona arqueologica
80664 , in "Geschichte der Germanistik. Mitteilungen
80666 Nietzsche Forschung
80668 Nietzsche Studien
80672 ICDCS '08 : The 28th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
80673 Roger Martin du Gard et le biographique
80674 Colères d'écrivains
80676 Usages des vies, le biographique hier et aujourd'hui (XVIIe-XXIe siècle)
80677 L'Ecriture du bonheur dans le roman contemporain
80680 Communication in analysis and geometry
80683 journal of environmental solutions
80684 Chem Centr J. 2012
80688 Dictionnaire des pensées du cinéma
80689 Afr J Pharm Pharmaco
80690 ISWPC '08 : 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing
80692 ICT-MobileSummit '08 : The ICT Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit
80693 Flav. Fragr. J
80695 Catalogue cinémathèque Bogota,
80696 Proc. IODP
80697 Food Sci Biotechnol
80698 De(s)génération
80700 IET Science, Measurement & Technology
80702 Adv.Diff.Equations
80703 Proceedings of international conference on: Nonlinear phenomena with energy dissipation. Mathematical analysis, modeling and simulation, Chiba, Japan, Tokyo: Gakkotosha. Gakuto International Series Mathematical Sciences and Applications
80704 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Reasearch
80705 Stroke Res Treat
80706 C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris,
80707 Археологические вести
80710 Scripta Antiqua, Moscou
80711 Oium, Kiev
80717 J. Approx. Theory
80719 ICOIN '08 :The International Conference on Information Networking
80725 Revue de l'Institut du Monde et du Développement
80726 Temporel
80728 GP2PC '08 : Eighth International Workshop on Global and Peer-to-Peer Computing
80729 Identité/Altérité dans la culture hispanique aux XXe-XXIe siècles
81477 Iran and the Caucase
81483 Kristienskij Bostok
81486 Annuaire de l'Institut d'Archéologie
81488 Turkey's Policy Brief Series
81490 Économies et sociétés, Cahiers de l'ISMÉA. Série Oeconomia, "Histoire de la pensée économique", PE, n° 47, décembre 2012
81491 Canal-infos
81493 Eretz-Israel : Archaeological, Historical and Geographical Studies
81494 Lusíada
81495 Annali dell'Istituto Orientale di Napoli
81500 Proceedings of Digital Landscape Architecture
81501 ACS Comb Sci
81505 Lamy Assurances Actualités
81514 European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management
81516 CAMAREN Cahiers Moyen Âge - Renaissance
81519 Japanese Journal of Palynology
81520 Palaeontological Association Newsletter
81523 APSCC '12 : The 2012 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference
81529 VTC-Fall '12 : IEEE 76th Vehicular Technology Conference
81533 NSS/MIC 2012: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record
81534 Bulletin économique et social du Maroc, nouvelle série
81535 SKG '12 : The 8th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge & Grids
81538 Cent. Eur. J. Math
81539 Math. Research Letters
81543 Multilingual Education 3:2
81544 Carnets comtois
81546 Hydria
81550 Bullettino dell'Istituto italiano per il Medio Evo e Archivio Muratoriano
81553 MIPR '12 : The Eighth IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval
81554 Publication mathématiques de Besançon
81555 Journal of Communications and Information Sciences
81559 Etudes Turques et Ottomanes, Documents de travail
81565 Revista académica Lucere (Univ. católica de Angola)
81568 ICM '11 International Conference on Microelectronics
81573 Spéléo L - Bulletin de la ligue spéléologique lorraine
81574 Social Compass: International Review of Sociology of Religion
81578 Revue Construction Métallique - CTICM
81582 Isbn 9788857513651
81583 Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems
81587 The Mental Lexicon
81596 Ibero-Americana Pragensia
81600 Zeitschrift für Physik D
81601 Cahiers annuels de la Banque de France
81614 Sociedad Hoy, Universidad de Concepción
81617 European Foresight Platform
81622 AMSE, Modelling, Measurement & Control, C
81624 Revue brésilienne de l'arbitrage
81626 PSMR 2012 : PET/MR and SPECT/MR conference: New Paradigms for Combined Modalities in Molecular Imaging
81634 L'émotion poétique
81636 Stylistiques ?
81637 Journal of Austronesian Studies
81644 idealkent
81645 Praksis