Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
7520 Novel: A Forum on Fiction 0029-5132 Duke University Press
7521 Novum 1438-1753 Novum gebrauchsgraphik
7522 Novum Gebrauchsgraphik 0302-9794 Publications Expediting Inc
7523 Novyi Mir 0130-7673 Moskva: Izvestiia Sovety deputatov Trudiashchikhsia SSSR
7524 Novyi Mir Iskusstva 1560-8697 Novyi Mir Iskusstva, The New World of Art Magazine
7525 Nuclear and Chemical Waste Management 0191-815X Elsevier
7526 Nuclear Engineering International 0029-5507 Reed Business Publishing
7527 Nuclear News 0029-5574 American Nuclear Society
7528 Nuclear Safety 0029-5604 Superintendent of Documents (U.S. Department of Energy)
7529 Nuclear Technology 0029-5450 American Nuclear Society
7530 Nuclear Technology/Fusion 0272-3921 American Nuclear Society
7531 Numismatist 0029-6090 American Numismatic Association
7532 Nuova antologia 0029-6147
7533 Nurse Educator 0363-3624 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
7534 Nursing 2010 0360-4039 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
7535 Nursing homes 0029-649X Centaur & Company
7536 Nursing Homes -Washington then Cleveland 1061-4753 Medquest Communications, Inc
7537 Nursing homes and senior citizen care 0896-6915 Centaur & Company
7538 Nursing Outlook 0029-6554 Elsevier
7539 Nursing Research 0029-6562 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
7540 Nutrition Action Health Letter 0885-7792 Center for Science in the Public Interest
7542 Nutrition Research Reviews 0954-4224 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
7543 Nutrition Reviews 0029-6643 Oxford University Press (OUP)
7544 Nutrition Science News 1524-7406 New Hope Natural Media
7545 Nutrition Today 0029-666X Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
7546 Nwsa Journal 1040-0656 Indiana University Press
7547 O: the Oprah Magazine 1531-3247 Harpo Entertainment Group
7548 Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History 0270-2452
7549 Occupational Hazards 0029-7909 Penton Ipc
7550 Occupational Health -London then Sutton 0029-7917 Reed Business Information
7551 Occupational health and safety 0362-4064 Stevens Publishing Corporation
7552 Occupational Outlook Quarterly 0199-4786 The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
7553 Ocean and Coastal Law Journal 1073-8843 Marine Law Institute
7554 Ocean Development and International Law 0090-8320 Taylor & Francis
7556 Oceania 0029-8077 Oceania Publications
7557 Oceans 0029-8174 Oceanic Society
7558 OCLC Micro 8756-5196 Emerald
7559 OCLC Systems and Services 1065-075X Emerald
7560 October 0162-2870 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (MIT Press)
7561 OECD observer 0029-7054 Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
7563 L'Oeil (Lausanne, Switzerland) 0029-862X CCP L'Oeil
7564 The Office 0030-0128 Office Publications, Inc
7565 Office Administration and Automation 0745-4325 Geyer-McAllister Publications, Inc
7566 The Office Economist 0030-0160 Jamestown, N.Y. Art Metal Construction Co
7567 Office Executive 0378-2328 San Jose, Colegio de Quimicos e Ingenieros Quimicos de Costa Rico
7568 Office Solutions 1529-1804 Quality Publishing Inc
7569 Office Systems -Georgetown then Springhouse 8750-3441 Office Systems95
7570 Offshore 0030-0608 Offshore
7571 OG (Emmaus, Pa.) 1536-108X Rodale Inc
7572 Ohio Journal of Science 0030-0950 Ohio Academy of Science
6971 Marriage and family living 0885-7059 JSTOR
6972 Marsyas 0076-4701 Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
6973 Martha Stewart Living 1057-5251 Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia
6974 Maryland Bar Journal 0025-4177 Maryland State Bar Association, Inc
6975 Maryland English Journal 0542-8343 Maryland Council of Teachers of English
6976 Maryland journal of contemporary legal issues 1066-9809 University of Maryland School of Law
6977 Maryland Journal of International Law and Trade 0884-9331 University of Maryland School of Law
6978 Maryland Law Review 0025-4282 University of Maryland
6979 Maryland state medical journal 0025-4363 Baltimore, Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland
6980 Masonry Construction 1055-4408 Hanley-Wood, LLC
6981 Mass Comm Review 0193-7707 San Jose State University
6982 Mass Communication and Society 1520-5436 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
6983 Mass Transit 0364-3484 Cygnus Pub. Inc
6984 Massachusetts Law Quarterly 0025-4835 Massachusetts Bar Association
6985 Massachusetts law review 0163-1411 Massachusetts Bar Association
6986 Massachusetts Legal History 1092-5880 Supreme Judicial Court Historical Society
6987 Massachusetts Library Association Bulletin 0275-8784
6988 Massachusetts review 0025-4878 The Massachusetts Review, Inc
6989 Master Drawings 0025-5025 Master Drawings Association, Inc
6990 Material culture 0883-3680 Pioneer America Society
6991 Material Handling Engineering -Cleveland 0025-5262 Penton Publishing
6992 Material Handling Management 1529-4897 PENTON MEDIA, Inc
6993 Material Religion 1743-2200 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
6994 Materials Engineering 0025-5319 Penton Publishing
6995 Materials Evaluation 0025-5327 American Society for Nondestructive Testing
6996 Materials performance 0094-1492 National Association of Corrosion Engineers
6997 Materials Research and Standards 0025-5394 American Society for Testing and Materials
6998 Materials Science and Technology 0267-0836 Maney Publishing
6999 The Mathematical Intelligencer 0343-6993 Springer Verlag
7000 Mathematical Thinking and Learning 1098-6065 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
7001 Mathematics and computer education 0730-8639 Mathematics and Computer Education
7002 Mathematics in School 0305-7259 Pitman Publishing
7003 Mathematics magazine 0025-570X Mathematical Association of America
7004 Mathematics teacher 0025-5769 Nctm (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics)
7005 Mathematics Teaching -Derby 0025-5785 Association of Teachers of Mathematics
7006 Mathematics teaching in the middle school / National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1072-0839 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
7007 Mayo Clinic Health Letter 0741-6245 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
7008 MC Journal 1069-6792 State University of New York at Buffalo
7009 McCall's (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1921) 0024-8908 McCall's
7010 Mcgeorge Law Review 1520-9245 McGeorge School of Law; 1999
7011 McGill Journal of Education / Revue des sciences de l'éducation de McGill 0024-9033 Mcgill University
7012 McGill Law Journal / Revue de droit de McGill 0024-9041 Students of the Faculty of Law of McGill University ; McGill Law Journal inc. / Revue de droit de McGill inc. (Montréal, Canada) [1952-....]
7013 Mckinsey Quarterly 0047-5394 Mckinsey & Co Inc
7014 Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development 0748-1756 SAGE Publications
7015 Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development 0025-6307 SAGE Publications (UK and US)
7016 Measurement Science and Technology 0957-0233 IOP Publishing
7017 Mechanical engineering 0025-6501 American Society of Mechanical Engineers
7018 Mechanix Illustrated 0025-6587 Mechanix Illustrated, Subscription Dept
7019 Media and Methods 0025-6897 Media and Methods
7020 Media & Values 0149-6980 Media & Values