Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
45144 Temporalités : revue de sciences sociales et humaines 2102-5878 Guyancourt : Laboratoire Printemps
129058 Coléoptères 1265-3357 Guyancourt: Association pour le soutien à la revue Coléoptères
142323 Etudes Creusoises 0248-5087 Guéret : Société des sciences naturelles et archéologiques de la Creuse
136572 Babel Heureuse 2554-9715 Gwen Catalá Éditeur
20893 Génie logiciel : le magazine de l'ingénierie du logiciel et des systèmes 1265-1397 Génie industriel multimédia
725606 Géofeuille GéoRéseau
150403 Revue de Geriatrie 0397-7927 Gériamed
77866 Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology 2190-9385 Göller Verlag GmbH
802318 The Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology 2190-9385 Göller Verlag GmbH
154078 Wind Energy Science 2366-7443 Göttingen Copernicus Publications
149683 American Studies Journal 2199-7268 Göttingen University Press
135533 Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors 2192-0923 Göttingen: Hogrefe
89462 Glotta 0017-1298 Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
923 Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft 1437-9082 Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft
150355 JIPITEC - Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law 2190-3387 Göttinger Verein zur Förderung des internationalen und nationalen Wirtschafts- und Medienrechts e.V
62832 Dissonanz = Dissonance 1422-7371 Gümlingen : Zytglogge-Verlag
327562 Journal of Turkish Studies / Türklük Bilgisi Araştırmaları 0743-0019 Günay Kut
148506 Computational Research Progress in Applied Science & Engineering 2423-4591 H & T Publication
169504 ENG Transactions 2717-3127 H & T Publication
165301 Le Bruit du Monde 2431-6601 H'Artpon éditions
127658 Compétence 1424-2168 H+ Die Spitäler der Schweiz
109085 H-France Review 1553-9172 H-France
142643 H-France Review [en ligne] 1553-9172 H-France
110833 H-Net Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences H-Net
626471 Journal of Festive Studies 2641-9939 H-Net
250317 H-Diplo Roundtable H-Net: Humanities & Social Sciences Online
139704 Journal of Festive Studies 2641-9939 H-Net: Humanities & Social Sciences Online
131157 Kultura : Russian Cultural Review 1867-0628 H-Soz-Kult
88437 Hegel-Studien 0073-1587 H. Bouvier (Bonn) / F. Meiner (Hambourg)
121917 Psychological journal 2414-004X H. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine
107447 Novitas-Royal, Research on youth and language 1307-4733 H. Sezgi SARAÇ
169142 H.O.M E H.O.M.E Deutschland
171968 Sučasne suspìlʹstvo: polìtičnì nauki, socìologìčnì nauki, kulʹturologìčnì nauki 2411-7587 H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University
3466 The Bliss Classification Bulletin 0520-2795 H.W. Wilson
4300 Current Biography 0011-3344 H.W. Wilson Co
9303 Wilson library bulletin 0043-5651 H.W. Wilson Co
231188 International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science 2147-4478 HAL Open science
108653 Eugesta : Revue sur le genre dans l'Antiquité HALMA ; Université de Lille
110466 Polymnia 2491-1704 HALMA ; Université de Lille
177748 Science Journal of Architecture & Construction - Tạp chí Kiến trúc & Xây dựng HANOI ARCHITECTURAL UNIVERSITY
101912 Polish Journal of Environmental studies 1230-1485 HARD Pub. Co
297194 Narthex. Heft für radikales Denken 2364-2025 HARP
124123 társadalomtudományi szemle : social science review 2063-0468 HAS Centre for Social Sciences Institute for Sociology (Budapest )
152887 Folia Onomastica Croatica HAZU
38454 BOJExtra! 1054-6995 HCPro
38464 Briefings on Patient Safety 1528-7637 HCPro
38534 Capitation Rates and Data HCPro
38668 Consumer Driven Healthcare 1542-0914 HCPro
38692 Credentialing Resource Center HCPro
38792 Disease Management News HCPro
38859 Electronic Health Records Briefing HCPro
39191 Healthcare Leadership Review 1082-6718 HCPro
39816 Laboratory Compliance Insider 1522-533X HCPro
39886 Managed Care Contracting and Reimbursement Advisor 1533-5453 HCPro
39887 Managed Dental Care 1083-3641 HCPro
39924 Medicare Disease Management HCPro
39926 Medicine on the Net 1085-3502 HCPro
40092 Nutrition Week 0736-0096 HCPro
40230 Plastic Surgery Practice Advisor HCPro
40323 Quality Improvement Report HCPro
40351 Recruitment and Retention Monthly (formerly Patient Care Staffing Report) HCPro
103391 Viviane HCTI, UBO
175564 Codex Social : l'actualité sociale du trimestre HDV Avocats [2021-....]
163134 ISSUE - Journal of art & design HEAD – Genève
163151 ISSUE Journal of art & design HEAD – Genève
166019 ISSUE Journal of art & design HEAD – Genève
408939 ISSUE. Journal of art & design HEAD – Genève HEAD – Genève
160683 ISSUE Journal of art & design HEAD – Geneva HEAD – Genève - HEAD – Genève (Haute école d’art et de design)
486699 Issue HEAD-Genève HES-SO
810290 Searccch HEAD-Genève, Hes-so
3253 Insurance and Risk Management -Montreal 1705-7299 HEC Montreal
162662 L'actualité économique. Revue d'analyse économique 0001-771X HEC Montréal
134607 Mangement international HEC Montréal
132061 Revue internationale de cas en gestion 1911-2599 HEC Montréal
135856 Management international = International management = Gestión internacional 1206-1697 HEC Montréal et Université Paris Dauphine [1996-....]
26328 International Journal of Arts Management 1480-8986 HEC Montréal. Chair in Arts Management
86576 Economia HEM Resarch Center
544893 Voielivres revue en ligne HEP Vaud
25788 Revue de géomatique HERMES
98493 Revue Européenne des Éléments Finis 1250-6559 HERMÈS / LAVOISIER
2003 Progress in Physics 1555-5534 HEXIS (Arizona)
108190 Mathematica Aeterna 1314-3344 HILARIS LTD
149829 Hydrology: Current Research 2157-7587 HILARIS Publisher
294458 Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science 2576-0556 HILL publishing
133374 Revue Internationale des Sciences de Gestion 2665-7473 HILMI
39181 Health Information Management Journal 1322-4913 HIMAA LIMITED
103018 Advances in Condensed Matter Physics 1687-8108 HINDAWI PUBLISHING CORPORATION
84313 ATP Journal plus HMH s.r.o
40904 Wounds 1044-7946 HMP Communications
451168 Universal Journal of Chemistry 2332-3019 HORIZON RESEARCH PUBLISHING
86556 HPC magazine HPC Media
87202 High-Performance Computing Magazine HPC Médias
133377 Computer Science and Information Technology 2331-6063 HRPub
165756 Revista da ASRDT (Academia Sul-Rio-Grandense de Direito do Trabalho) 2674-9939 HS Editora
39169 Guide to the History of Science HSS Executive Office
796338 Academic Research in East Asia 2519-3392 HSUAN CHUANG UNIVERSITY
736100 Journal of Tertiary and Industrial Sciences (JTIS) 2709-3409 HTTTC Kumba, University of Buea
1014 Hyle : International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry 1433-5158 HYLE Publications, Karlsruhe and University of Karlsruhe