Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
47084 Gender law and policy annual review (Sendai, Japon)
95126 Gender und Religion
13576 Gender, Place and Culture 0966-369X Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
13577 Gender, Technology and Development 0971-8524 SAGE Publications
132054 Gender, Work & Organization
20686 Gender, Work and Organization
13578 Gender, Work and Organization 0968-6673 Wiley
144443 Gender, Work and Organization 0968-6673
925 Gender, rovné prílezitosti, vyzkum 1213-0028 Akademie vd eské republiky
926 Genders 0894-9832 University of Texas Press
4976 Gene 0378-1119 Elsevier
306897 Gene
26983 Gene Expr Patterns
11425 Gene Expression Patterns 1567-133X Elsevier
22203 Gene Expression: International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Science 1052-2166 Cognizant Communication Corporation
13580 Gene Function and Disease 1438-7506 Wiley-VCH Verlag
120384 Gene Regul Syst Bio
155852 Gene Regulation and Systems Biology 1177-6250
153308 Gene Reports 2452-0144 Elsevier
172101 Gene Reviews university of Washington
102192 Gene Technology 2329-6682 OMICS International
25074 Gene Ther
13581 Gene Therapy 0969-7128 Nature Publishing Group
131390 Gene Therapy
13582 Gene Therapy and Regulation 1388-9532 Brill Academic Publishers
37779 Gene Therapy for Neuroloical Disorders
13579 Gene analysis techniques 0735-0651 Elsevier
98800 Gene expression
33664 Gene expression patterns : GEP
576647 Gene expression patterns: GEP
13593 GeneScreen 1466-920X Wiley
167422 Genealogy 2313-5778 MDPI
94657 General Analytical Model of Magnet Average Eddy-Current Volume Losses for Comparison of Multi-phase PM Machines with Concentrated Winding
13584 General Anthropology 1537-1727 American Anthropological Association
22205 General Dentistry 0363-6771 Academy of General Dentistry
107548 General Health and Medical Sciences
13585 General Hospital Psychiatry 0163-8343 Elsevier
52456 General Linguistics
178341 General Mathematics Notes 2219-7184 ICSRS Publication
65544 General Mathematics Notes
113696 General Medicine: Open Access 2327-5146 Omics Publishing Group
4977 General Music Today 1048-3713 SAGE Publications
73221 General Paleontology
13586 General Pharmacology 0306-3623 Elsevier
22204 General Physiology and Biophysics 0231-5882 Rand d Print
13587 General Relativity and Gravitation 0001-7701 Springer Verlag
181822 General Relativity and Gravitation
39108 General Report on the Activities of the European Union 1608-7321 Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
4978 General Science Quarterly 0097-0352 W.G. Whitman
39109 General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1863-6705 Springer Verlag (Germany)
13588 General Topology and its Applications 0016-660X Elsevier
927 General and Applied Plant Physiology 1312-8183 Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
13583 General and Comparative Endocrinology 0016-6480 Elsevier
168234 General psychiatry 2096-5923 BMJ
84593 Generalized Polynomial Chaos Approach, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics
67098 Generalized Science of Humanity Series
4979 Generations 0738-7806 American Society on Aging
168154 Generative Art 2015 Conference Proceedings
151083 Generative Art Conference (GA2013), Milan, Italie
43769 Generative Studies in Basque Linguistics
159184 Generatività
934758 Genero : časopis za feminističku teoriju i studije kulture 1451-2203 Centar za studije roda i politike i Centar za studije kulture
102517 Genes 2073-4425 MDPI
295781 Genes & Development
596729 Genes & Diseases 2352-3042 Elsevier
122942 Genes & Nutrition 1555-8932
158931 Genes (Basel)
25191 Genes Cells
141548 Genes Dev
129390 Genes Nutr
101442 Genes and Cancer SAGE Publications
119950 Genes and Cells 2313-1829
4980 Genes and Development 0890-9369 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
480145 Genes and Development 1549-5477
13589 Genes and Environment 1880-7046 Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society, The
39110 Genes and Function 1360-7413 Wiley-Blackwell: No OnlineOpen
928 Genes and Genetic Systems 1341-7568 Genetics Society of Japan
144162 Genes and Genomics 2092-9293
22202 Genes and Immunity 1466-4879 Nature Publishing Group: Open Access Hybrid Model Option B
516802 Genes and Immunity 1476-5470
121485 Genes and Nutrition 1865-3499 BioMed Central
13592 Genes to Cells 1356-9597 Wiley
147306 Genes to Cells: Devoted to Molecular & Cellular Mechanisms
33491 Genes to cells : devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms
13590 Genes, Brain and Behavior 1601-1848 Wiley
13591 Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer 1045-2257 Wiley
577527 Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer
172996 Genesis
225197 Genesis Presses de l’université Paris-Sorbonne
163842 Genesis Paris : PUPS
58078 Genesis (Manuscrits - Recherche - Invention) 1167-5101 Presses universitaires de Paris Sorbonne (PUPS)
480132 Genesis (Manuscrits – Recherche – Invention) 2268-1590
13594 Genesis - The Journal of Genetics and Development 1526-954X Wiley-Blackwell
90980 Genesis : rivista della Società Italiana delle Storiche 1594-9281 Viella
173162 Genesis of historical text and map : text/context
173242 Genesis. : Donne in famiglia nell'alto medioevo
477067 Genesis. Revue internationale de critique génétique Sorbonne Presses Université
172772 Genesis. Rivista della Società Italiana delle Storiche
107136 Genet Mol Biol
28316 Genet Res
100709 Genet Res
35800 Genet Vaccines Ther
43434 Genet. Res
73230 Genet. Res. Camb
13595 Genetic Analysis 1050-3862 Elsevier
22201 Genetic Counselling 1015-8146 Editions Medicine et Hygiene
22200 Genetic Engineering Principles and Methods 0196-3716 Kluwer
13596 Genetic Epidemiology 0741-0395 Wiley
46347 Genetic Epistemologist,
13597 Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 1389-2576 Springer Verlag
826587 Genetic Resources 2708-3764
13598 Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 0925-9864 Springer Verlag
4981 Genetic Social and General Psychology Monographs 8756-7547 Heldref Publications
13599 Genetic Testing 1090-6576 Mary Ann Liebert
110996 Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers 1945-0265 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc
929 Genetic Vaccines and Therapy 1479-0556 BioMed Central
98764 Genetic engineering
13600 Genetica 0016-6707 Springer Verlag
174056 Genetica
28494 Genetical Research Cambridge University Press
171552 Genetics 1943-2631 Oxford University Press
4983 Genetics 0016-6731 Oxford University Press
33570 Genetics
373789 Genetics & Applications 2566-2937
157273 Genetics Engineering News 0270-6377
4982 Genetics Research 0016-6723 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
13602 Genetics Selection Evolution 0999-193X BioMed Central
62460 Genetics and Epigenetics
80188 Genetics and Evolution
930 Genetics and Molecular Biology 1415-4757 Sociedade Brasileira de Genética
114129 Genetics and Molecular Research
931 Genetics and molecular research : GMR 1676-5680 Ribeirão Preto foundation for Scientific Research (FUNPEC)
13601 Genetics in Medicine 1098-3600 Nature Publishing Group
129934 Genetics in Medicine
528718 Genetics in Medicine Open 2949-7744 Elsevier on behalf of American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics
180146 Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics
156990 Genetics of Reproduction Traits
94049 Genetics research International
154931 Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Crop Plants 2469-679X
105053 Genetika (Belgrade) 0534-0012
18750 Genetika / Russian Journal of Genetics 1022-7954 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
153272 Geneva Jean Monnet Working Papers 2297-637X Centre d’études juridiques européennes
93834 Geneva Papers
78316 Geneva Papers for Risk and Insurance. Issues and Practice
13603 Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice 1018-5895 Palgrave Macmillan
18766 Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory 0926-4957 Springer-Verlag;Springer (Kluwer Academic Publishers)
20687 Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory
19471 Geneva Risk and Insurance Review 1554-964X Palgrave Macmillan
142785 Geneva Risk and Insurance Review
160688 Geneva Risk and Insurance Review 1554-9658
22197 Genewatch : a bulletin of the Committee for Responsible Genetics 0740-9737
90769 Gengo Bunka 言語文化
108161 Gengo Kenkyū 0024-3914 Linguistic Society of Japan
89338 Gengo bunka ronshû
111004 Gengo bunka ronshū 言語文化論集 0388-6824 Nagoya University
354178 Genobs 2561-2174 Trent University
39113 Genocide Studies and Prevention 1911-0359 University of Toronto Press
4984 Genome 0831-2796 NRC Research Press
102123 Genome Announcements 2169-8287 American Society for Microbiology
122660 Genome Biol
13604 Genome Biology 1465-6906 BioMed Central
600464 Genome Biology 1474-760X
104503 Genome Biology and Evolution 1759-6653 Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution
77066 Genome Dyn
22196 Genome Informatics Series 0919-9454 Universal Academy Press Inc
163716 Genome Instability & Disease Springer
69025 Genome Integrity 2041-9414 BioMed Central
99558 Genome Lett
69027 Genome Medicine 1756-994X BioMed Central
117125 Genome Res
4985 Genome Research 1088-9051 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
98738 Genome Research
120284 Genome Research
182780 Genome Research 1549-5469
100195 Genome informatics series : proceedings of the ... Workshop on Genome Informatics. Workshop on Genome Informatics
13605 Genome letters 1537-3053 American Scientific Publishers
13606 Genomic Medicine 1871-7934 Springer Verlag
13607 Genomics 0888-7543 Elsevier
27873 Genomics
141391 Genomics
159131 Genomics & Informatics
98646 Genomics / Physiol Genomics
111719 Genomics Data 2213-5960 Elsevier
107841 Genomics Insights 1178-6310 Libertas Academica
125066 Genomics and Computational Biology
144284 Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 1672-0229
13608 Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics 1672-0229 Elsevier
48053 Genomics, Society & Policy
932 Genomics, society, and policy / ESRC Genomics Network 1746-5354 ESRC Genomic Network
39114 Genomics-based Drug Data Report 1579-0363 Prous Science Publishers
74551 Genre & histoire 2102-5886 Mnémosyne, association pour le développement de l'histoire des femmes et du genre
113196 Genre en séries : cinéma, télévision, médias Presses universitaires de Bordeaux
797852 Genre et Histoire. La revue de l'association Mnémosyne
113483 Genre et colonisation
31264 Genre et données longitudinales
106697 Genre&Colonisation New York University en France
177335 Genre, Sexualité & Société
58220 Genre, sexualité & société 2104-3736 Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
174468 Genre, sexualité et société
625380 Genre, éducation et formation