Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
35434 Prix, consommation et culture(s), CERMAT, IAE de Tours
710172 Prière et vie
661448 Pro Edu. International Journal of Educational Sciences 2668-5817
717126 Pro Justitia 2529-0401
162441 Pro Memorie 1566-7146
154481 Pro Silva Actus, newsletter
157496 Pro Veterinario 0777-8309
73300 Pro et Contra
173577 Pro tempore : časopis studenata povijesti 1334-8302
53993 Pro-Asile
34759 Pro-Poor Growth: Issues, Policies, and Evidence, Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik
92816 Pro-Posicoes
93269 Pro-Posições v. 24
50093 Pro. 11th Int. Plansee Seminar
50298 Pro. Jr. Int. Printemps fatigue
154898 ProFilBio - Le trimestriel de l'Agriculture Biologique en Nouvelle Aquitaine
147752 Prob.Atomic Sci.Technol
72688 Probabilistic model for random uncertainties in steady state rolling contact
23297 Probability and Mathematical Statistics
157184 Probability and Mathematical Statistics (Pol) 0208-4147
47639 Probability, Statistics and Modelling in Public Health
120636 Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins 1867-1306
77725 Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins
42811 Problemas del Desarrollo
27130 Problemas del Desarrollo, Revista Latinoamericana de Economia
27461 Problemas del Desarrollo. Revista Latino americana de Economia
140355 Problemata - Revista Internacional de Filosofia
157256 Probleme de Agrofitotehnie Teoretica si Aplicata 0254-7279
93890 Problemi
44676 Problemi dalnego vostoka
141230 Problemi del socialismo 0552-1807
37756 Problemi di critica goldoniana
21441 Problemi na khigienata 0323-9179
165132 Problems and Perspectives in Management
129084 Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography and Anthropology of Siberia and neighboring territories
146617 Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and Neighboring Territories
833643 Problems of Education in the 21st Century 1822-7864
130835 Problems of Management in the 21st Century
37838 Problems of Mechanics
399552 Problems of Modern Economics 1818-3395
176407 Problems of Post-Communism 1557-783X
45990 Problems of Tourism
843128 Problems of Translation Theory, Practice and Methods of Teaching
278613 Problems of atomic science and technology
619870 Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze 0552-2188
110586 Problemy Polityki Spolecznej
21439 Problemy Sotsialnoi Gigieny i istoriia meditsiny 0869-866X
152621 Problemy Zarządzania - Management Issues 1644-9584
119226 Problemy historii, filologii i kultury
21440 Problemy kosmicheskoi biologii 0555-2788