Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
18956 Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies 0080-987X JSTOR
8502 Sixteenth Century Journal 0361-0160 The Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers, Inc
29837 Siècles : Cahier du centre d'histoire « Espaces et cultures » 1266-6726 Centre d'Histoire « Espaces et cultures » [2000, n° 11-....]
122101 Sjuttonhundratal: Nordic Yearbook for Eighteenth-Century Studies 1652-4772 Septentrio Academic Publishing
67769 Skeletal Muscle 2044-5040 BioMed Central
18957 Skeletal Radiology 0364-2348 Springer Verlag
164922 Skenè. Journal of Theatre and Drama Studies 2421-4353 Università di Verona Dipartimento di filologia letteratura e linguistica
8503 Skeptic 0093-5050
8504 Skeptic (Altadena, Calif.) 1063-9330 Millenium Press
8505 Skeptical Inquirer 0194-6730 Scientific Investigation of Claims of the
93227 Skholê : cahiers de la recherche et du développement 1263-5898 Marseille : IUFM de l'académie d'Aix-Marseille
8506 Skiing 0037-6264 Mountain Sports Media
175108 Skin Health and Disease 2690-442X Wiley
8507 Skin Inc 0898-6525 Allured Publishing
18958 Skin Pharmacology and Applied Skin Physiology 1422-2868 S. Karger AG
21248 Skin Pharmacology and Physiology 1660-5527 Karger
18959 Skin Research and Technology 0909-752X Wiley
21245 Skin Therapy Letter 1201-5989 Ltd
18961 Skull Base 1531-5010 Georg Thieme Verlag
18960 Skull Base Surgery 1052-1453 Thieme Publishing Group
8508 Sky and Telescope 0037-6604 Sky Publishing Corp
111990 Skén&graphie 1150-594X Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté (PUFC)
124323 Slas Discovery 2472-5552 SAGE Publishing
145547 2110-5553 E2J2
18962 Slavery and Abolition 0144-039X Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
8512 Slavic Review 0037-6779 Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
2338 Slavic Studies 0562-6579 Hokkaido University
18963 Slavic and East European Information Resources 1522-8886 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
8511 Slavic and East European Journal 0037-6752 American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages
98135 Slavica Bruxellensia Université Libre de Bruxelles - ULB
47426 Slavica Occitania 1245-2491 Association Slavica Occitania
18965 Slavonic Year-Book American Series 1535-0959 JSTOR
8513 Slavonic and East European Review 0037-6795 University College London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies
18964 Slavonic and East European Review American Series 1535-0940 JSTOR
18966 Slavonica 1361-7427 Maney Publishing
21247 Sleep 0161-8105 Oxford University Press
126570 Sleep Health 2352-7226 Elsevier
18969 Sleep Medicine 1389-9457 Elsevier
18970 Sleep Medicine Clinics 1556-407X WB Saunders
18971 Sleep Medicine Reviews 1087-0792 Elsevier
149471 Sleep Science 1984-0659 Thieme Gruppe - The Brazilian Sleep Association (ABS) – Associação Brasileira do Sono) and Latin American Federation of Sleep Societies (FLASS – Federación Latinoamericana de Sociedades de Sueño)
18967 Sleep and Biological Rhythms 1446-9235 Wiley
18968 Sleep and Breathing 1520-9512 Springer Verlag
40497 Sleep and Hypnosis 1302-1192 Kure Iletisim Grubu A.S
40498 Sleep research online : SRO 1096-214X Sleep Research Online
21244 Sleep research online [electronic resource] : SRO
8514 Sloan Management Review 0019-848X Massachusetts Institute of Technology
129516 Slovenian Journal of Public Health : The Journal of National Institute of Public Health Sciendo
156056 Slovenian Veterinary Research 1581-6915
112018 Slovo 0183-6080 Presses de l’Inalco (Paris, France) [1978-....]
410906 Slovo a smysl / Word and Sense 2336-6680 Department of Czech Literature and Comparative Literature, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
170373 Slovo. Russian, Eastern European and Central Asia Affairs 0954-6839 University College London (UCL)
18973 Small 1613-6810 Wiley-VCH Verlag
8515 Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism 0799-0537 Duke University Press
18975 Small Business Economics 0921-898X Springer Verlag
8516 Small Business Reports (Monterey, Calif.) 0164-5382 Small Business Reports
18974 Small Business and Enterprise Development 0968-1000 John Wiley & Sons
8517 Small Computers in Libraries 0275-6722 Small Computers in Libraries
40499 Small Enterprise Development 0957-1329 Intermediate Technology Publications
18976 Small Fruits Review 1522-8851 Haworth Press, Inc., The
110826 Small GTPases 2154-1256 Taylor & Francis
18977 Small Group Research 1046-4964 SAGE Publications
124356 Small Methods Wiley
8518 Small Press 0000-0485 Small Press
18978 Small Ruminant Research 0921-4488 Elsevier
159844 Small Ruminant Research 0921-4488
156024 Small Scale Forest Economics Management and Policy 1447-1825
181899 Small Science 2688-4046 Wiley
152348 Small States and Territories Journal 2616-8006 University of Malta
393118 Small Structures 2688-4062 Wiley
40500 Small Wars and Insurgencies 0959-2318 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
40501 Small-Scale Forestry 1873-7617 Springer Verlag
40502 Smart Access 1066-7911 Eli Journals
176761 Smart Agricultural Technology 2772-3755 Elsevier
96651 Smart Cities 2624-6511 MDPI
8519 Smart Computing 1093-4170 Sandhills Publishing
121673 Smart Grid and Renewable Energy 2151-481X Scientific Research Publishing
742761 Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy 2731-8087 Springer
130525 Smart Health 2352-6483 Elsevier
40503 Smart Investor 0218-8996 Exteq Real Time Systems
40504 Smart Libraries Newsletter 1541-8820 American Library Association
18980 Smart Materials Bulletin 1471-3918 Elsevier
79825 Smart Materials Research Hindawi Publishing Corporation
18979 Smart Materials and Structures 0964-1726 IOP Publishing
311916 Smart Materials in Medicine 2590-1834 Elsevier
61311 Smart Structures and Systems 1738-1584 Korea : Techno-Press
164337 Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems 2520-6478 ASTM International
139026 SmartAL Newsletter CIHEAM-IAMM
8520 SmartMoney 1069-2851 SmartMoney
165490 Smerilliana. Luogo di civiltà poetiche Enrico D’Angelo
18981 Smith College Studies in Social Work 0037-7317 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
2339 Smithiana Bulletin 1684-4130 South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity
8521 Smithsonian 0037-7333 The Mclaughlin Group
8523 Smpte Journal 0036-1682 Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
8524 Smpte Motion Imaging Journal 1545-0279 SMPTE (Society for Motion Picture Television
8525 Smu Law Review 1066-1271 SMU Law Review Association
125310 Snapshots of modern mathematics from Oberwolfach 2626-1995 Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
95264 Snippets LED Edizioni Universitarie
155129 Snudebiller 2197-3024
133977 So What ? 2680-1329 Chaire Unesco Alimentations du Monde
18982 Soccer and Society 1466-0970 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
146775 SociD 1840-7994 LASODYLA-REYO/UAC - Laboratoire de Sociolinguistique, Dynamique des Langues et Recherches en Yoruba (LASODYLA-REYO) de l’Université d’AbomeyCalavi (UAC) - Bénin
18984 Social & legal studies 0964-6639 SAGE Publications
27294 Social Analysis 0155-977X Berghahn Books
11018 Social Anthropology / Anthropologie sociale 0964-0282 Berghahn Journals (ex Wiley)
22890 Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems
8527 Social Biology 0037-766X Social Biology
18986 Social Choice and Welfare 0176-1714 Springer Verlag
18987 Social Cognition 0278-016X Guilford Press
18988 Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 1749-5016 Oxford University Press (OUP)
18989 Social Compass 0037-7686 SAGE Publications
18670 Social Development 0961-205X Wiley
8529 Social Development Issues 0147-1473 University of Iowa
18990 Social Epistemology 0269-1728 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
124092 Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 2471-9560 Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective
8531 Social Forces 0037-7732 Oxford University Press (OUP)
2341 Social Geography 1729-4274 Copernicus Publications
8532 Social History 0307-1022 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
18991 Social History of Medicine 0951-631X Oxford University Press (OUP)
8533 Social Hygiene 0741-7934
18992 Social Identities 1350-4630 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
18993 Social Indicators Research 0303-8300 Springer Verlag
18994 Social Influence 1553-4510 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
138250 Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality 2446-3620 Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics University of Copenhagen
40507 Social Issues/Migration/Health 1608-0289 OECD Publications Centre
18995 Social Justice Research 0885-7466 Springer Verlag
18996 Social Marketing Quarterly 1524-5004 Taylor & Francis
131422 Social Media + Society 2056-3051 Sage
18997 Social Movement Studies 1474-2837 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
102590 Social Network Analysis and Mining 1869-5450 Springer
18998 Social Networks 0378-8733 Elsevier
40508 Social Neuroscience 1747-0919 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
18999 Social Philosophy and Policy 0265-0525 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
19569 Social Policy Journal 1533-2942 Haworth Press
19000 Social Policy and Administration 0144-5596 Wiley
19001 Social Policy and Society 1474-7464 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
19002 Social Politics 1072-4745 Oxford University Press (OUP)
8536 Social Problems 0037-7791 Oxford University Press (OUP)
19004 Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 0933-7954 Springer Verlag
173206 Social Psychological Bulletin 1896-1800 Leibniz Institute for Psychology
782381 Social Psychological and Personality Science 1948-5506 Social and Personality Psychology Consortium
142313 Social Psychology 1864-9335 Hogrefe
8538 Social Psychology Quarterly 0190-2725 American Sociological Association
19005 Social Psychology of Education 1381-2890 Kluwer Academic Publishers [1996-2004] - Springer [2005-....]
8539 Social Research: An International Quarterly 0037-783X Johns Hopkins University Press
19006 Social Science & Medicine 0037-7856 Elsevier
19014 Social Science Computer Review 0894-4393 SAGE Publications
19015 Social Science History 0145-5532 Duke University Press
14927 Social Science Information 0539-0184 SAGE Publications
8541 Social Science Japan Journal 1369-1465 Oxford University Press (OUP)
8542 Social Science Journal 0362-3319 Elsevier
8543 Social Science Quarterly 0038-4941 Wiley
8544 Social Science Research 0049-089X Elsevier
20810 Social Science and Medicine
8540 Social Science and Medicine 0277-9536 Elsevier
110127 Social Sciences 2076-0760 MDPI
159446 Social Sciences Bulletin - Sociālo Zinātņu Vēstnesis 1691-1881 Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Daugavpils University
40510 Social Sciences- Russian Academy of Sciences 0134-5486 East View Information Services Inc
19016 Social Scientist 0970-0293 JSTOR
8545 Social Security Bulletin -Washington 0037-7910 Social Security Administration
19017 Social Semiotics 1035-0330 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
8546 Social Service Review 0037-7961 University of Chicago Press
40511 Social Services Parliamentary Monitors 1462-9933 Cadmus Newsletters Ltd
8547 Social Studies 0037-7996 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
8548 Social Studies and the Young Learner 1056-0300 National Council for the Social Studies
19018 Social Studies of Science 0306-3127 SAGE Publications
8549 Social Text 0164-2472 Duke University Press
336468 Social Theory and Dynamics 2432-8464 Institute of Social Theory and Dynamics (ISTAD)
19019 Social Theory and Health 1477-8211 Palgrave Macmillan
8550 Social Theory and Practice 0037-802X Florida State University, Department of Philosophy
8551 Social Work 0037-8046 Oxford University Press (OUP)
40513 Social Work And Christianity 0737-5778 North American Association Of Christians In Social Work
19021 Social Work Education 0261-5479 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
8553 Social Work Research 1070-5309 Oxford University Press (OUP)
40512 Social Work and Social Sciences Review 0953-5225 Whiting and Birch
2342 Social Work and Society 1613-8953 Social Work & Society
8552 Social Work in Education -New York 0162-7961 Oxford University Press (OUP)
19022 Social Work in Health Care 0098-1389 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
19023 Social Work in Mental Health 1533-2985 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
8554 Social Work with Groups 0160-9513 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
18983 Social and Cultural Geography 1464-9365 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
8526 Social and Economic Studies- Institute of Social and Economic Research University of the West Indies Jamaica 0037-7651 Institute of Social and Economic Research
135110 Social and Environmental Accountability Journal 0969-160X Taylor & Francis
40506 Social and Environmental Accounting Centre For Social And Environmental Accounting Research
51628 Social and Personality Psychology Compass 1751-9004 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
18985 Social behavior and personality 0301-2212 Society for Personality Research
8528 Social casework 0037-7678 Social Casework
8530 Social education 0037-7724 National Council for the Social Studies
162085 Social inclusion 2183-2803 Cogitatio Press
8534 Social justice 1043-1578 Social Justice
8535 Social policy 0037-7783 Social Policy
19003 Social psychiatry. Sozialpsychiatrie. Psychiatrie sociale 0037-7813 Springer-Verlag
8537 Social psychology 0147-829X JSTOR
19010 Social science & medicine. Medical economics 0160-7995 Elsevier
19007 Social science & medicine. Medical psychology & medical sociology 0160-7979 Elsevier
19008 Social science & medicine. Part A, Medical sociology 0271-7123 Elsevier
19009 Social science & medicine. Part B, Medical anthropology 0160-7987 Elsevier
19011 Social science & medicine. Part D, Medical geography 0160-8002 Elsevier
19012 Social science & medicine. Part E, Medical psychology 0271-5384 Elsevier
19013 Social science & medicine. Part F, Medical & social ethics 0271-5392 Elsevier