Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
156855 Serres (Pyrénées Orientales 66)
155027 Serres et Plein Champ
18918 Service Business 1862-8516 Springer Verlag
144662 Service Business 1862-8516
18919 Service Industries Journal 0264-2069 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
144606 Service Industries Journal (The) 0264-2069
107396 Service Management
58399 Service Oriented Computing and Applications 1863-2386 Springer
136579 Service Oriented Computing and Applications
144486 Service Science 2164-3970 Informs
78746 Service Social 1708-1734 L'École de travail social et de criminologie de l'Université Laval
80787 Service Systems & Service Management
136372 Service of Radiology, NingBo Hospital of Children and Women
18920 Services Marketing Quarterly 1533-2969 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
78073 Services, IEEE Congress on
21261 Servir (Lisbon, Portugal) 0871-2379
155463 Servir le Public
120289 Servitium
120692 Sesame : Sciences et sociétés, alimentation, mondes agricoles et environnement 2554-7011 Mission Agrobiosciences-Inra
67126 Sesiunea de comunicari stiintifice a scolii doctorale din universitatea tehnica de constructii bucuresti
52916 Seslkab for Nordisk Filologi Arsberetning 1985-1986
164949 Sesseos do imaginario 1516-9294 Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Faculdade dos Meios de Comunicação Social
34030 Session de la VIIIe Conférence internationale d'histoire urbaine (Stockolm 2006)
857425 Session provinciale des jeunes prêtres de la province de Rouen : « l’Eglise dans la pensée de Joseph Ratzinger » : 24-26 juin 2014
109220 Session spéciale EURASIP : Image Communication Special Issue on Recent Advances in Wireless Video
794263 Sessions Sociologiques 2291-0549 Université du Québec à Montréal
23526 Set Valued Analysis
18921 Set-Valued Analysis 0927-6947 Springer Verlag
72498 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 1877-0533 Springer
79763 Setit 2012: 6th international conference, Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications
8459 Seton Hall Constitutional Law Journal 1049-4987 Seton Hall University School of Law
8460 Seton Hall Journal of Sport Law 1059-4310 Seton Hall University School of Law
8462 Seton Hall Legislative Journal 0361-8951 Seton Hall University
8461 Seton Hall law review 0586-5964 Seton Hall Law Review
899041 Settentrione 1237-9964
177835 Settimana News Dehoniane
173383 Settimana di studio del Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo
44604 Settimana di studio della fondazione centro italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo
172788 Settimane di Studio del Centro di studi sull' alto medioevo
173376 Settimane di Studio della Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull' Alto Medioevo
160489 Setúbal Arqueológica
32506 Seuils de l'œuvre dans le texte médiéval
66036 Seuils et rites. Littérature et culture
8463 Seventeen 0037-301X Seventeen Subscription Dept
8464 Seventeenth Century 0268-117X Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
597887 Seventeenth Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics: ETOP 2023
114232 Seventeenth-Century French Studies 2056-3035 Taylor & Francis
398190 Seventeenth-Century French Studies
75223 Seventh American Nuclear Society International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control and Human-Machine Interface Technologies NPIC&HMIT
34474 Seventh International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammar and Related Formalisms