Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
1319 Jornal de Pneumologia 0102-3586 Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia
1320 Journal für Ernährungsmedizin 1563-2873 Krause & Pachernegg GmbH
1321 Journal für Fertilität und Reproduktion 1019-066X Krause & Pachernegg GmbH
1322 Journal für Gastroenterologische und Hepatologische Erkrankungen 1728-6263 Krause & Pachernegg GmbH
1323 Journal für Hypertonie 1028-2327 Krause & Pachernegg GmbH
1324 Journal für Kardiologie 1024-0098 Krause & Pachernegg GmbH
1325 Journal für Menopause 1023-0904 Krause & Pachernegg GmbH
1326 Journal für Mineralstoffwechsel 1023-7763 Krause & Pachernegg GmbH
1327 Journal für Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie 1608-1587 Krause & Pachernegg GmbH
1328 Journal für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie 1810-2107 Krause & Pachernegg GmbH
1329 Journal für Urologie und Urogynäkologie 1023-6090 Krause & Pachernegg GmbH
1330 Journal for Christian Theological Research 1087-1624 Christian Theological Research Fellowship
1331 Journal for Crime, Conflict and Media Culture 1741-1580 Journal for Crime, Conflict and Media Culture
1332 Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies 1740-2743 Institute for Education Policy Studies
1333 Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 1530-5228 Whitestone Foundation
1334 Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1583-0039 Seminar for the Interdisciplinary Research of Religions and Ideologies
1335 The Journal of Academic Legal Studies 1862-0280 University of Hannover, Germany
1336 Journal of Agronomy 1812-5379 Asian Network for Scientific Information
1337 Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons 1543-4826 Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
1338 Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology 0970-9185 Medknow Publications
1339 Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 1680-5593 Medwell Online
1340 Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 1526-9914 WILEY
1341 Journal of Applied Economics 1514-0326 Elsevier
1342 Journal of Applied Genetics 1234-1983 Institute of Plant Genetics
1343 Journal of Applied Mathematics 1110-757X Hindawi Publishing Corporation
1344 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences 1173-9126 Hindawi
1345 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 1048-9533 North Atlantic Science Publishing Company
1346 Journal of Applied Oral Science 1678-7757 University of São Paulo
1347 Journal of Applied Research in Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics 1537-064X Therapeutic Solutions, LLC
1348 The Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine 1542-2666 Veterinary Solutions
1349 Journal of Applied Sciences 1812-5654 Asian Network for Scientific Information
1350 Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management 1119-8362 University of Port Harcourt
1351 Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies 0806-198X University of Bergen
1352 Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis 1539-8714 Reysen Group
1354 Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 1460-7425 SimSoc Consortium
1356 Journal of Asynchronous Learning Network 1092-8235 Vanderbilt University for the ALN Web
1357 Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis 1340-3478 Japan Atherosclerosis Society
1358 Journal of Athletic Training 1062-6050 National Athletic Trainers' Associaton
1359 Journal of Authentic Learning 1558-7320 Department of Curriculum and Instruction, SUNY Oswego
1360 Journal of Autoimmune Diseases 1740-2557 BioMed Central
1361 Journal of Automated Methods and Management in Chemistry 1463-9246 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
1362 Journal of Ayub Medical College 1026-9689 Ayub Medical College Abbottabad Pakistan
1363 Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management 1930-0158 Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management
1364 Journal of Biblical Studies d000-0941 Editor: Brian Tucker
1365 Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1225-8687 Biochemical Society of the Republic of Korea
1366 Journal of Biological Research 1790-045X BioMed Central
1367 Journal of Biological Sciences 1727-3048 Asian Network for Scientific Information
1368 Journal of Biology 1478-5854 BioMed Central
1369 Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration 1747-5333 University of Illinois at Chicago Library
1370 Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 1110-7243 Hindawi Publishing Corporation