Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
2598 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 0098-3500 Association for Computing Machinery
2599 ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 1049-3301 Association for Computing Machinery
110351 ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems 2376-3639 ACM
9567 ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications 1551-6857 Association for Computing Machinery
103385 ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing 2329-4949 Association for Computing Machinery
159327 ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security 2471-2566 ACM
2600 ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 0164-0925 ACM
171026 ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing 2643-6809 ACM
71234 ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS) 1936-7406 ACM
9531 ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 1550-4859 Association for Computing Machinery
2601 ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 1049-331X Association for Computing Machinery
151049 ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 2374-0353 ACM
74999 ACM Transactions on the Web 1559-1131
11016 ACM queue : tomorrow's computing today 1542-7730 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
168743 ACM/IMS Transactions on Data Science 2691-1922 ACM
13 ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 1492-9732 University of British Columbia, Okanagan
38113 ACOSS Papers & ACOSS Info Australian Council Of Social Service
38159 ACP Medicine 1547-1659 American College of Physicians
170431 ACR Open Rheumatology 2578-5745 Wiley
102374 ACRN Journal of Finance and Risk Perspectives 2305-7394 ACRN Oxford Publishing House
130682 ACS Applied Bio Materials 2576-6422 ACS Publications
135636 ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2637-6113 American Chemical Society
126140 ACS Applied Energy Materials 2574-0962 ACS
657064 ACS Applied Engineering Materials ACS
66743 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 1944-8244 Washington, D.C. : American Chemical Society
123939 ACS Applied Nano Materials 2574-0970 American Chemical Society
295598 ACS Applied Optical Materials 2771-9855 ACS Publications
140005 ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2637-6105 American Chemical Society
177076 ACS Bio & Med Chem Au 2694-2437 ACS Publications
147184 ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering 2373-9878 ACS
98108 ACS Catalysis 2155-5435 American Chemical Society
119390 ACS Central Science 2374-7951 ACS Publications
9537 ACS Chemical Biology 1554-8929 American Chemical Society
103198 ACS Chemical Neuroscience 1948-7193 American Chemical Society (ACS)
92080 ACS Combinatorial Science 2156-8952 ACS
706602 ACS ES&T Air ACS Publications
168765 ACS ES&T Water 2690-0637 American Chemical Society
121525 ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2472-3452 ACS
38161 ACS Electronic Supporting Information American Chemical Society
125264 ACS Energy Letters 2380-8195 American Chemical Society
604136 ACS Engineering Au 2694-2488 American Chemical Society
980020 ACS Environmental Au ACS Publications
179170 ACS Food Science & Technology 2692-1944 ACS Publications
119005 ACS Infectious Diseases American Chemical Society
38162 ACS Legacy Archives (formerly ACS Journal Archives Database) American Chemical Society
70813 ACS Macro Letters 2161-1653 Washington, D.C : American Chemical Society
277428 ACS Materials Au 2694-2461 American Chemical Society
146063 ACS Materials Letters 2639-4979 American Chemical Society
178216 ACS Measurement Science Au 2694-250X American Chemical Society
102193 ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters 1948-5875 American Chemical Society
98456 ACS Nano 1936-0851 American Chemical Society
182851 ACS Nanoscience Au 2694-2496 American Chemical Society (ACS)
109857 ACS Omega 2470-1343 ACS Publications
174861 ACS Organic & Inorganic Au 2694-247X ACS Publications
150536 ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science 2575-9108 ACS Publications
650709 ACS Polymers Au 2694-2453 American Chemical Society
115856 ACS Sensors American Chemical Society
107349 ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering American Chemical Society
42622 ACS Symposium Series 0097-6156 American Chemical Society
101411 ACS Synthetic Biology 2161-5063 American Chemical Society
89974 ACS photonics 2330-4022 American Chemical Society
9538 ACSM's Health and Fitness Journal 1091-5397 American College of Sports Medicine
98364 ACTA Futura 2309-1940 European Space Agency, Advanced Concepts Team
97118 ACTA IMEKO 2221-870X International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO)
101933 ACTA Scientiarum Polonorum: Architectura 1644-0633 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko
133794 ACUA. Underwater Archaeology Proceedings 1074-3421 ACUA
33 ACta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 0137-1592 Szczecińskie Towarzystwo Naukowe
154128 ADALIA Bulletin d'information technique Club Protection Raisonnée
135709 ADE teatro Asociación de Directores de Escena de España 1133-8792 Madrid
145914 ADEF. Revista de Filosofía 0326-8160 Eudeba
9648 ADHD Report 1065-8025 Guilford Press
180289 ADILAAKU : Droit, politique et société en Afrique 1840-9857 Le grenier des savoirs [2019-....]
2664 AEDS Journal 0001-1037 International Association for Computing in Education
125919 AEF info AEF info
134009 AEFA 1623-944X AEFA
71975 AEMI Journal Association of European Migration Institutions
38195 AEN Infos 1605-959x OECD Publications Centre
38198 AES - Journal of the Audio Engineering Society Audio-Accoustics-Application Audio Engineering Society Inc
10253 AEÜ - International Journal of Electronics and Communications / Archiv für Elektronik und Übertragungstechnik 1434-8411 Elsevier
58843 AFCET Interfaces AFCET
149606 AFD Research Paper Series 2492-2846 Agence Française de Développement
2668 AFP exchange 1528-4077 Afp
156801 AFRC News 0267-8489
10266 AGE 0161-9152 Springer Verlag
143432 AGIA Alimentation 1268-8002
146287 AGIA le mensuel 1290-3167
161404 AGILE: GIScience Series
127007 AGON, Rivista Internazionale di Studi Culturali, Linguistici e Letterari 2384-9045 Università degli Studi di Messina
154979 AGRIVITA 0126-0537
132158 AGROFOR - International Journal 2490-3434 Faculty of Agriculture, University of East Sarajevo
161270 AGU Advances 2576-604X
64416 AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts AGU
22780 AHIP Coverage 1551-8442
22778 AHP journal / Association for Healthcare Philanthropy 1551-840X
10343 AHZ Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung 1438-2563 Georg Thieme Verlag
167377 AI 2673-2688 MDPI
10290 AI & Society: Knowledge, Culture and Communication 0951-5666 Springer Verlag
48508 AI Applications - Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Science
38210 AI Communications 0921-7126 IOS Press
10291 AI EDAM 0890-0604 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
137975 AI Perspectives 2523-398X Springer
169792 AI and Ethics 2730-5953 Springer
2714 AI magazine 0738-4602 Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
2715 AIA journal. American Institute of Architects 0001-1479 American Institute of Architects
2716 AIAA Journal 0001-1452 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
175488 AIB studi 2280-9112 AIB, Associazione italiana biblioteche
97 AIBR : Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana 1695-9752 Antropólogos Iberoamericanos en Red (AIBR)
10292 AIBS Bulletin 0096-7645 JSTOR
2717 AIChE Journal 0001-1541 Wiley
106725 AIDAinformazioni : Trimestrale di Scienze dell'Informazione 1594-2201 Associazione Italiana Documentazione Avanzata
81963 AIDAinformazioni: Rivista di Scienze dell'informazione 1121-0095 Gioacchino Onorati editore S.r.l. – unip
153871 AIDIC Conference Series 2036-5969
22776 AIDS Action policy brief
10295 AIDS Care 0954-0121 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
2719 AIDS Education and Prevention 0899-9546 Guilford Press
10296 AIDS Patient Care and STDs 1087-2914 Mary Ann Liebert
10297 AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 0889-2229 Mary Ann Liebert
98 AIDS Research and Therapy 1742-6405 BioMed Central
153070 AIDS Research and Treatment 2090-1240 Hindawi
10298 AIDS Supplement 1350-2840 Wolters Kluwer - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
10294 AIDS and Behavior 1090-7165 Springer Verlag
2718 AIDS and Public Policy Journal 0887-3852 University Publishing Group
22773 AIDS clinical review 1045-2877
22769 AIDS treatment news 1052-4207
142187 AIDS. Official journal of the international AIDS Society 0269-9370 Wolters Kluwer
140178 AIEMH. Revista de la Asociación Internacional para el Estudio de Manuscritos Hispánicos 2444-9199 Universidad de Valladolid Revistas
99 AIGIS 1901-6859 Københavns Universitet
2721 AIHA journal : a journal for the science of occupational and environmental health and safety 1542-8117 Informa UK (Taylor & Francis);Informa UK(American Industrial Hygiene Association )
2723 AIIM E-Doc Magazine 1544-3647 Association for Information and Image Management
38211 AILA Review 1461-0213 John Benjamins Publishing
63561 AILE - LIA 1778-7432 Association Encrages
109577 AIMA Newsletter 1446-8948 Australasian Institute of Maritime Archaeology Inc.
10299 AIMR Conference Proceedings 1535-0207 CFA Institute
146123 AIMS Allergy and Immunology AIMS Press
117857 AIMS Biophysics 2377-9098 AIMS Press
131731 AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering 2578-1588 AIMS Press
104085 AIMS Energy 2333-8326 AIMS Press
166168 AIMS Geosciences 2471-2132 AIMS Press
116371 AIMS Materials Science 2372-0484 AIMS Press
111484 AIMS Mathematics AIMS Press
132720 AIMS Microbiology 2471-1888 AIMS Press
132719 AIMS Molecular Science 2372-0301 AIMS Press
96963 AIMS Neuroscience 2373-7972 AIMS Press
135130 AIMS Proceedings 0133-0189 AIMS
187536 AIMS bioengineering 2375-1495 AIMS Press
10300 AINS 0939-2661 Georg Thieme Verlag
108289 AIP Advances 2158-3226 American Institute of Physics- AIP Publishing LLC
38212 AIP Conference Proceedings 0094-243X American Institute of Physics
2724 AIPLA quarterly journal / American Intellectual Property Law Association 0883-6078 American Intellectual Property Law Association
164833 AISTHESIS (Revista Chilena de Investigaciones Estéticas) 0568-3939 Instituto de Estética. Facultad de Filosofía. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
38216 AJ Plus Emap Business Communications
157389 AJAS 0725-0770
150875 AJCT. Actualité juridique Collectivités territoriales 2110-6649 Dalloz [2010-....]
26676 AJDI. Actualité juridique Droit immobilier 1286-0700 Éditions du Moniteur des travaux publics et du bâtiment [1998-1999] - Dalloz [2000-....]
47870 AJFP. Actualité juridique Fonctions publiques 1272-9116 Publications du Moniteur [1996-2000] - Éditions Dalloz [2000-....]
10307 AJP - Endocrinology and Metabolism 0193-1849 American Physiological Society
10308 AJP - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 0193-1857 American Physiological Society
10309 AJP - Heart and Circulatory Physiology 0363-6135 American Physiological Society
10311 AJP - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 0363-6119 American Physiological Society
109791 AJP / AJA : Aktuelle Juristische Praxis / Pratique Juridique Actuelle 1660-3362 Dike Verlag AG
10312 AJP Renal Physiology 0363-6127 American Physiological Society
10313 AJS Review 0364-0094 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
78604 AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 0972-8600 Kalasalingam University
2737 ALA Bulletin 0364-4006 American Library Association
2738 ALA Washington News 1523-6005 American Library Association
2739 ALA Washington Newsletter 0001-1746 American Library Association
2750 ALCTS Newsletter 1047-949X American Library Association
2751 ALCTS Newsletter (Online) 1523-018X American Library Association
105 ALEA : Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 1980-0436 Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) [2006-....]
155913 ALP Annecy Lac Pêche 1258-9276
111 ALSIC - Apprentissage des Langues et Systèmes d'Information et de Communication 1286-4986 Association pour le Développement de l'Apprentissage des Langues par les Systèmes d'Information et de Communication - OpenEdition
10345 ALT-J 0968-7769 Taylor & Francis
113648 ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation 1868-596X Elsevier
365306 ALTRALANG Journal 2710-8619 University of Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed
153919 AMA. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia Africa and Latin America 0084-5841 Farm Machinery Industrial Research Corporation [1971-....]
102781 AMB Express Springer Nature
2764 AMBIO: A Journal of Environment and Society 0044-7447 Springer Verlag
78157 AMC Le Moniteur Groupe Moniteur
128875 AME Medical Journal 2520-0518 AME Publishing Company
114 AMEGHINIANA 0002-7014 Asociacion Paleontologica Argentina
44343 AMETIST : Appropriation, Mutialisation, Expérimentations des Technologies de l'IST 1952-8299 INIST
22743 AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings [electronic resource] / AMIA Symposium. AMIA Symposium
38244 AMM-Daily 0002-9998 Metal Bulletin Inc
142427 AMRob Journal, Robotics: Theory and Applications 2007-7114 Asociación Mexicana de Robótica e Industria
38248 AN Artists Information Group
51821 ANADISS : Revista centrului de cercetare analiza discrusului = Revue du Centre de recherche Analyse du discours = Journal of the Discourse analysis research center 1842-0400 Editura Universităţii din Suceava (Roumanie) [2004-....]
86681 ANNALES Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis - Sectio Compitatoria 0138-9491 ELTE
2999 ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 0002-7162 SAGE Publications
3037 ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews 0895-769X Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
177299 ANTIPODES - Annales de la Fondation Martine Aublet Fondation Martine Aublet
10578 ANZ Journal of Surgery 1445-1433 Wiley
10585 AORN Journal 0001-2092 Elsevier
136085 AORTA 2325-4637 Thieme
41665 AOURAS 1766-8336 Société d’études et de recherches sur l’Aurès antique
38312 APA Newsletters The American Philosophical Association
141861 APARC Newsletter (ex SPARC Newsletter) 1245-4680 APARC
115093 APEMU. Association des professeurs d'éducation musicale 1265-3462 Association des professeurs d'éducation musicale (France)
666349 APL Bioengineering AIP Publishing