Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
339657 Coincidentia. Zeitschrift für europäische Geistesgeschichte 7/1, pp. 47-60
339693 JMIR Medical Informatics
339699 La Presse Médicale
339702 United European Gastroenterology Journal
339708 Annals of Coloproctology
339710 CNS Drugs
339744 Digestive and Liver Disease
339746 European Geriatric Medicine
339750 Minerva Urologica e Nefrologica
339754 European Journal of Radiology
339759 Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
339763 European Respiratory Journal
339767 The Patient - Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
339769 Clinical Microbiology and Infection
339785 Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für Deutsche Geschichte 0932-8408 Wallstein Verlag
339786 Lettre aux communautés
339883 Progress in Biomedical Engineering 2516-1091 Bristol: IOP Publishing, 2019
339891 Brill’s Studies on Art, Art History and Intellectual History Brill
339931 Geopolítica(s). Revista de estudios sobre espacio y poder 2172-3958
340053 Estud. geogr 0014-1496
340078 Journal of Computer and System Sciences
340219 Psyche & Geloof 1385-4585
340245 Journal of Internal Medicine
340246 Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie
340296 Explorations in Media Ecology 1539-7785
340388 Pure and Applied Analysis MSP
340404 The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 1941-3599
340423 Kabul Magazine Academy of Sciences of Afghanistan
340429 Revista Convergência Lusíada 2316-6134 Real Gabinete Português de Leitura
340436 Transatlantic cultures : Histoires culturelles de l’espace atlantique XVIIe – XXIe siècles
340543 JMIR Research Protocols 1929-0748
340640 Notes de recherche IRSEM
340687 Physics of fluids 1089-7666
340711 Acciónmotriz 1989-2837 Asociación Científico Cultural en Actividad Física y Deporte
340717 Studi trentini. Storia 2240-0338 Società di studi trentini di Scienze Storiche (Trento)
340736 European journal of dermatology: EJD
340739 Rivista di Letteratura Tardogotica e Quattrocentesca 2612-7881 Fabrizio Serra editore, Pisa · Roma
340741 Nursing Ethics
340743 Critical Care
340749 European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
340760 International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
340790 IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
340891 Sciences et Avenir
340935 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering 2041-3025
340966 Semantic Web journal 1570-0844 IOS Press Journal
341001 Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports 2766-7820 Gavin Publishers
341025 Le Droit de Vivre LICRA
341041 IPRI Islamabad Policy Research Institute 1684-9787
341058 J.Eur.Math.Soc
341073 Nano Lett