Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
446403 Social Science Protocols 2516-8053
8543 Social Science Quarterly 0038-4941 Wiley
8544 Social Science Research 0049-089X Elsevier
179194 Social Science Review 2518-6825
335933 Social Science and Humanities Open 2590-2911
8540 Social Science and Medicine 0277-9536 Elsevier
20810 Social Science and Medicine
169705 Social Science and Medicine
61571 Social Science and Missions
163641 Social Science, Humanities and Sustainability Research 2690-3628
110127 Social Sciences 2076-0760 MDPI
545055 Social Sciences 2076-0760 MBPI
105007 Social Sciences
80196 Social Sciences & Medicine
159446 Social Sciences Bulletin - Sociālo Zinātņu Vēstnesis 1691-1881 Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Daugavpils University
143080 Social Sciences Information
54985 Social Sciences Information (Sage, London)
137673 Social Sciences Research Network
108273 Social Sciences and Education Research Review 2393-1264 University of Craiova
173498 Social Sciences and Humanities. Domestic and Foreign Literature 2219-8504 Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences
77884 Social Sciences and Missions
149671 Social Sciences in China 0252-9203
40510 Social Sciences- Russian Academy of Sciences 0134-5486 East View Information Services Inc
19016 Social Scientist 0970-0293 JSTOR
8545 Social Security Bulletin -Washington 0037-7910 Social Security Administration
178033 Social Security Studies
19017 Social Semiotics 1035-0330 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
8546 Social Service Review 0037-7961 University of Chicago Press
40511 Social Services Parliamentary Monitors 1462-9933 Cadmus Newsletters Ltd
8547 Social Studies 0037-7996 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
8548 Social Studies and the Young Learner 1056-0300 National Council for the Social Studies
19018 Social Studies of Science 0306-3127 SAGE Publications
173811 Social Studies of Sciences 0306-3127 Sage
145534 Social Systems, Culture and Developpement n°9 978-88755 Gutenberg Edizioni, Italia
8549 Social Text 0164-2472 Duke University Press
336468 Social Theory and Dynamics 2432-8464 Institute of Social Theory and Dynamics (ISTAD)
19019 Social Theory and Health 1477-8211 Palgrave Macmillan
8550 Social Theory and Practice 0037-802X Florida State University, Department of Philosophy
220762 Social Transformations: Journal of the Global South 2244-5188
8551 Social Work 0037-8046 Oxford University Press (OUP)
40513 Social Work And Christianity 0737-5778 North American Association Of Christians In Social Work
19021 Social Work Education 0261-5479 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
8553 Social Work Research 1070-5309 Oxford University Press (OUP)
40512 Social Work and Social Sciences Review 0953-5225 Whiting and Birch
2342 Social Work and Society 1613-8953 Social Work & Society
8552 Social Work in Education -New York 0162-7961 Oxford University Press (OUP)
131645 Social Work in Europe
19022 Social Work in Health Care 0098-1389 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
19023 Social Work in Mental Health 1533-2985 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
8554 Social Work with Groups 0160-9513 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)