Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
178249 Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society 1225-1534
181855 Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
77632 Publications of the Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
552848 Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade
180054 Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
811404 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
73702 Publications of the Scuola Normale Superiore, CRM Series
108148 Publications économétriques
30481 Publics de masse et salles polyvalentes, Anne-Marie Gourdon (ss la dir.)
152060 Publics et TIC, confrontations conceptuelles et recherches empiriques, sous la direction de Morelli Pierre, Pignard-Cheynel Nathalie et Balthazart, Didier
59439 Publics et musées
905032 Publictionnaire
200064 Publishing History
99009 Publius
771006 Puente
61632 Puente@Europa
113881 Puentes de Crítica Literaria y Cultural 2341-0124
106561 Puhe ja Kieli
100848 Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
608563 Pulmonology 2531-0429
140396 Pulp
59209 Pulp & Paper Canada
30400 Pulpudeva.Supplementum. Semaines philippopolitaines de l'histoire et de la culture thrace, Plovdiv, 10-12 octobre 1986
163220 Pulsar
87099 Pulse, IEEE
31274 Pumain D. (ed), Hierarchy in Natural and Social Sciences
182122 Punjab University Journal of Mathematics 1016-2526
85283 Punto de Vista, Cuadiemos del Observatorio de la Migraciones y de la Convivencia Intercultural de la Ciudad d Madrid
147138 Pure Appl. Funct. Anal
487872 Pure Appl.Anal
68100 Pure Math. Appl
126464 Pure Mathematical Sciences
27501 Pure Mathematics
25060 Pure Mathematics and Applications
54577 Pure Mathematics and Applications (Algebra and Theoretical Computer Science)
137796 Pure and Applied Chemistry
20365 Pure and Applied Optics
147913 Purpan 0395-8655
62730 Purusarta
64507 Purushartha
142838 Puy-de-Dôme en mouvement 1762-374X
803118 Puym’Infos
78683 Puzzle
131033 Puzzle (Pallejá)
95067 Pylône
59433 Pyreae
96758 Página/12 - Psicología, Buenos Aires
131027 Páginas Abertas (São Paulo)
93241 Páginas de Guarda
189838 Pátio Educação Infantil: diversidade linguística na escola