Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
164568 Society 2426-5780 So Press
748210 Society
957549 Society 2426-5780 So Press SAS
94003 Society & Animals
123859 Society & Business Review
73236 Society & Leisure
73030 Society & Natural Resources
142621 Society Register
68922 Society and Anim als. Journal of H um an-Anim al Studies
19027 Society and Animals 1063-1119 Brill Academic Publishers
19028 Society and Business Review 1746-5680 Emerald
169579 Society and Business Review
19029 Society and Economy 1588-9726 Akadémiai Kiadó
19026 Society and Natural Resources 0894-1920 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
103068 Society and Natural Resources
103979 Society and Politics
74856 Society for Arabian studies Monograph. Oxford
33140 Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference
85338 Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits
177620 Society for Historical Research in Music
40517 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference Proceedings Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
511184 Society for Marketing Advances
35647 Society for Marketing Advances, Nashville (Tenessee)
101516 Society for Mathematical Biology Newsletter Society of Mathematical Biology
19030 Society for Visual Anthropology Newsletter 1046-7688 University of California Press
19031 Society for Visual Anthropology Review 1053-6779 University of California Press
70346 Society for free radical research: Free Radicals, Health and Lifestyle
100352 Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior SSIB
162533 Society of Dance History Scholars 2380-2421
23372 Society of Economic Geologists
44720 Society of Exploration Geophysicists-Expanded Abstract
8556 Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal 0197-7520 Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME
74899 Society of Plastic Engineers
40518 Society of Toxicology of Canada Newsletter Society of Toxicology of Canada Newsletter
102664 Society of architectural histori
80203 Society of nuclear medicine annual meeting 2012
66270 Society, Biology & Human Affairs
150758 Society, Biology and Human Affairs 2046-0058
826050 Society, Culture, Media 3855-2320 Iranian Association of Cultural Studies & Communication
172290 Società Dalmata di Storia Patria. Atti e memorie
164921 Società e Storia 0391-6987 Franco Angeli
795889 Società e diritti 2531-6710
126423 SocietàMutamentoPolitica. Rivista italiana di sociologia 2038-3150 Firenze University Press
127012 Socijalna ekologija 1330-0113
165936 Socio 2425-2158 Maison des sciences de l'Homme
146611 Socio 2425-2158
162801 Socio
149287 Socio EHESS
144211 Socio 9782735115334 Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme
406565 Socio 2266-3134 Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'homme