Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
335815 Clinical Rheumatology
335822 Annals of Hematology
335825 Bulletin de l'Académie Nationale de Médecine
335843 The Lancet Neurology
335846 European Journal of Emergency Medicine
335929 Divine Word International Journal of management and Humanities 2980-4817 DWIJMH
335933 Social Science and Humanities Open 2590-2911
336007 Finance & gestion
336041 International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering & Management 2581-4540 IJMREM
336201 Movement Disorders Clinical Practice
336211 Diagnostics
336218 Influencia
336256 International Journal of Governance and Financial Intermediation
336303 Qu’est-ce qu’on fait
336351 European journal of preventive cardiology 2047-4881
336354 Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1460-2105
336421 PRÉ : Prix du Roman d’Écologie
336468 Social Theory and Dynamics 2432-8464 Institute of Social Theory and Dynamics (ISTAD)
336484 Prospettiva 0394-0802 Centro Di
336492 The French Porcelain Society Journal 1479-8042 French Porcelain Society (London)
336695 Revue Espace, Territoire, Sociétés et Santé 2664-2344
336736 Applied Physics A- Materials Science & Processing
336747 Les Matins pédagogiques de la SLNL - Publication annuelle 2823-801X Claudine Marion-Andrès
336877 ARTSEDUCA 2254-0709
336933 Ñawpa Pacha - Journal of the Institute of Andean Studies (Berkeley) 2051-6207 Taylor & Francis
336944 Children's Geographies
336946 International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
336947 Journal of Transport & Health
336950 Annual Review of Public Health
336953 Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology
336955 Journal of Urban Health
336957 Annals of Epidemiology
336958 Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology
336962 Current Environmental Health Reports
336964 Sleep
336965 Sleep Health
336966 Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health
336971 Behavioral Medicine
336973 Journal of Community Health
336978 Les Carnets d'histoire de la médecine 2352-6585 Faculté médecine -Tours
336986 Communications Chemistry 2399-3669
337053 Topoi 1572-8749
337057 Histoire de la Médecine 2678-842X CIRHMS et Faculté Médecine Paris Cité
337164 Minerva Pneumologica 0026-4954
337171 International Journal of Legal History and Institutions Elisabeth Gilmour, 17 Catherine St. Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX4 3AQ, 2017
337194 Revue marocaine d'économie et de droit comparé / المجلة المغربية للاقتصاد والقانون المقار/ [Al-Maǧallaẗ al-maġribiyyaẗ lil-iqtiṣād wa-al-qānūn al-muqāran] 0851-6073 Faculté des sciences juridiques, économiques et sociales. Université Cadi Ayyad (Marrakech, Maroc) [1989-....]
337220 Séminaires de recherche" du CEREdI
337292 Journal ancient cultures and languages 2716-9901
337326 Evolutionary Applications 1752-4571
337468 Dares Analyses et Dares indicateurs 2109-4128 Ministère du travail