Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
19072 Somatosensory and Motor Research 0899-0220 Taylor & Francis
170429 Somatosphere: Science, Medicine, Anthropology
158562 Somatosphère : Science, Medicine, and Anthropology
34968 Some New approaches to The Bell Beaker Phenomenon, Lost Paradise...?, Proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of the « Association Archéologie et Gobelets », Feldberg (Germany), 18th-20th avril 1997
142491 Something We Africans Got
30456 Sommaire de table-ronde
55062 Sommeil et Vigilance - Revue de la SFRMS
19073 Somnologie 1432-9123 Springer Verlag
75696 Sonderheft
158664 Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol
150517 Songklanakarin Journal of Plant Science 2351-0846
2349 Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 0125-3395 Songkla University
176844 Sonne Zeit Gnomonicae Societas Austriaca
112686 Sonorités 0248-1227 Association française des archives sonores, orales et audiovisuelles (AFAS)
78978 Sonorités
107155 Sonus 0739-229X Sonus
277915 Soochow Academic Review: Dongwu Xueshu东吴学术 1674-9790 Changshu Institute of Technology
150831 Sophia 0038-1527 Springer Verlag
228050 Sophia 1390-3861 Universidad Politécnica Salesiana de Ecuador
900403 Sophia
175161 Sophia Austral 0719-5605 Universidad de Magallanes
808765 Sophia Linguistica 0287-5357 SOLIFIC
66319 Sophia University Working Papers in Phonetics 2010
172942 Soproni Szemle
334980 Sorbonne Student Law Review / Revue juridique des étudiants de la Sorbonne 2647-4867 Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne [2018-....]
187057 Sorgue
2350 Sorites 1135-1349 Sorites Team (CSIC - Spanish Institute for Advanced Study)
182830 Soronda. Revista de estudos guineenses INEP (Guinée-Bissau)
47627 Sort: Statistics and Operations Research Transactions 1696-2281 Statistical Institute of Catalonia
696728 Sortuz: Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-Legal Studies 1988-0847 Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law (IISL)
145456 Sosiologia 0038-1640 Westermarck-seura
157341 Sosyalizm Ansiklopedisi
78290 Sota Terra
126671 Sotsiologicheskoe Obozrenie / Russian Sociological Review 1728-192X
37024 Soudage et Techniques Connexes
21239 Soudní lékarství / casopis Sekce soudního lékarstvi Cs. lékarské spolecnosti J. Ev. Purkyne 0371-1854
158506 Souffle de Perse 1157-7460 Association des amis de la Fondation Saint-John Perse
72361 Souffle de perse
114795 Souffles 1255-2844 association Traverses en psychiatrie et autres lieux, qu'en est-il de l'humain ?
164597 Souffles : nouveaux cahiers méditerranéens 0985-7427 Compagnie des écrivains méditerranéens
168691 Soul Lotus
19074 Souls 1099-9949 Taylor & Francis
8584 Sound & Video Contractor 0741-1715 Prism Business Media
8585 Sound & Vision 1537-5838 Hachette Filipacchi
34959 Sound Practice the 1st UKISC, United Kingdom and Ireland Soundscape Community conference on sound culture and environments, Dartington Hall Conference and Dartington College of Art, Devon, England, 16th-20th February 2001
501913 Sound Stage Screen 2784-8949 Università degli Studi di Milano
113389 Sound Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 2055-1940 Taylor & Francis Online
8586 Sound and Vibration 0038-1810 Sound and Vibration
40523 Sound on Sound 0951-6816 Sound On Sound Ltd
151084 Sound, Music and Motion International Symposium CMMR