Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
38242 American Shipper Howard Publishing, Inc
9308 Wired -San Francisco 1059-1028 Howard S Mittman
6327 Journal of Negro education 0022-2984 Howard University
6405 Journal of Religious Thought 0022-4235 Howard University Press
5262 Howard Law Journal 0018-6813 Howard University School of Law
8751 Supermarket Business 0196-5700 Howfrey Communications, Inc
103288 Ultreïa ! 2416-674X Hozhoni
22847 Acta Medica Croatica 1330-0164 Hravatska Akademija Medicinskih Znanosti
5176 Herald of Library Science 0018-0521 Hrerald of Library Science Lucknow
125388 Rad Hrvat. Akad. Znan. Umjet. Mat. Znan. 1849-2215 Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, 2013-
1017 Medicina 0025-7729 Hrvatski Lijecnicki Zbor, Podruznica Rijeka / Croatian Medical Association - Branch of Rijeka
488416 Review of Croatian History 1845-4380 Hrvatski institut za povijest
151071 Europski Glasnik 1331-0232 Hrvatsko Društvo Pisaca
178728 Kartografija i Geoinformacije 1333-896X Hrvatsko Kartografsko Drustvo
489 Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly 0352-9568 Hrvatsko drutvo kemijskih inenjera i tehnologa
1631 Kemija u industriji 0022-9830 Hrvatsko drutvo kemijskih inenjera i tehnologa
175259 Theoria 1331-9892 Hrvatsko društvo glazbenih teoretičara
41514 Suvremena Lingvistika 0586-0296 Hrvatsko filološko društvo : Zavod za lingvistiku Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu
2508 Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske 0507-1925 Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo
183209 Voprosy literatury 0042-8795 Hudožestvennaâ literatura
3487 Book Forum 0094-9426 Hudson River Press
8937 Tooling and Production 0040-9243 Huebcore Communications Inc
139588 Etiópicas, revista de letras renacentistas 1698-689X Huelva: Grupo de Investigación Literatura e Historia de las Mentalidades de la Universidad de Huelva
103528 Le Huffington post Huffington post
8098 RACAR, Revue d'Art Canadienne, Canadian Art Review 0315-9906 Hughes & Co
62879 Journal of Computer Aided Design & Computer Graphics Hujun Bao
123489 Human Computation - A Transdisciplinary Journal 2330-8001 Human Computation Institute
5272 Human Ecology Forum 0018-7178 Human Ecology Forum
146208 International Journal of Science and Research Methodology 2454-2008 Human Journals
38174 Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 0736-5829 Human Kinetics
22528 Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology 1066-7814 Human Kinetics
5657 International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 1526-484X Human Kinetics
39442 International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 1555-0265 Human Kinetics
5812 Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 1063-8652 Human Kinetics
5843 Journal of Applied Biomechanics 1065-8483 Human Kinetics
39582 Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology 1932-9261 Human Kinetics
150010 Journal of Motor Learning and Development 2325-3193 Human Kinetics
39701 Journal of Physical Activity and Health (JPAH) 1543-3080 Human Kinetics
39728 Journal of Sport Management 0888-4773 Human Kinetics
6462 Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 1056-6716 Human Kinetics
6460 Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 0895-2779 Human Kinetics
6482 Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 0273-5024 Human Kinetics
21653 Motor Control 1087-1640 Human Kinetics
40168 Pediatric Exercise Science 1543-2920 Human Kinetics
40333 Quest 1543-2750 Human Kinetics
8568 Sociology of Sport Journal 0741-1235 Human Kinetics
40616 Sport Psychologist 0888-4781 Human Kinetics
40884 Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal 1063-6161 Human Kinetics
164359 Sport History Review 1087-1659 Human Kinetics Publishers
160677 International Journal of Sport Communication 1936-3907 Human Kinetics Publishers Inc
40350 Recreational Sports Journal Human Kinetics Publishers Inc
5656 International Journal of Sport Nutrition 1050-1606 Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc
6461 Journal of Sport Psychology 0163-433X Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc
5279 Human Resource Planning 0199-8986 Human Resource Planning Society
38292 Annals of Ophthalmology 1530-4086 Humana Press
22682 Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 0273-2289 Humana Press
22616 Biological Trace Element Research 0163-4984 Humana Press
22498 Cardiovascular Toxicology 1530-7905 Humana Press
22493 Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics 1085-9195 Humana Press
56088 Cell biophysics 0163-4992 Humana Press
22436 Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology 1080-0549 Humana Press
38615 Clinical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism 1534-8644 Humana Press
22415 Comprehensive Therapy 0098-8243 Humana Press
22308 Endocrine Pathology 1046-3976 Humana Press
39062 Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology 1547-769X Humana Press
153482 Head and Neck Pathology 1936-055X Humana Press
22090 Immunologic Research 0257-277X Humana Press
22057 International Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer 1537-3649 Humana Press
21884 Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 0895-8696 Humana Press
21717 Medical Oncology 1357-0560 Humana Press
21661 Molecular Neurobiology 0893-7648 Humana Press
131767 Molecular and Chemical Neuropathology 1044-7393 Humana Press
40012 NanoBioTechnology 1551-1286 Humana Press
21613 NeuroMolecular Medicine 1535-1084 Humana Press
40639 Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 1550-8943 Humana Press
21694 Methods in Molecular Biology 1064-3745 Humana Press/Springer Imprint
224299 Humanidades & Inovação 2358-8322 Humanidades & Inovação
59818 Text Technology 1496-0958 Humanities Communications Centre
169839 Global Social Sciences Review 2616-793X Humanity Publications
950458 Les Cahiers de la Biodiversité Humanité et Biodiversité
64902 Humboldt Kosmos Humboldt Foundation
130033 H-Soz-u-Kult 2196-5307 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
994 Historische Literatur 1611-9509 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
995 Historisches Forum 1612-5940 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
1644 1618-8101 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
180800 Pour l'Éco 2646-5043 Humensis
150189 Central European Political Science Review: Quarterly of Central European Political Science Alliance 1586-4197 Hung. Erasmus Found
217826 Physiology international 2498-602X Hungarian Academy of Sciences
121670 Journal of Agricultural Informatics 2061-862X Hungarian Association of Agricultural Informatics
167637 KOME − An International Journal of Pure Communication Inquiry 2063-7330 Hungarian Communication Studies Association
837110 Archeometriai Műhely 1786-271X Hungarian National Museum
165701 CENTRO: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies 1538-6279 Hunter College of the City University of New York
7309 National Petroleum News 0149-5267 Hunter Publishing Company
3665 Business Law Review (Bangor, Me. : 1991) 1533-7421 Husson College
39252 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Letter Hydrogen Letter
95006 International Journal of Signal and Image Processing (IJSIP) 1737-9253 HyperSciences
76723 Journal of Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Application (JAITA) 1737-9334 HyperSciences
153250 International Journal of Systems Control HyperSciences Publisher
174722 Hyperion International Journal of Econophysics & New Economy Hyperion University Buchares
254488 Kinopedia Hypotheses