Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
875003 Eurofenix 1752-5187 INSOL Europe
126666 Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval
66922 Eurohealth
79478 Eurolimes
149366 Eurolimes, Journal of the Institute for European Studies 1841-9259 Editura Universității din Oradea
101972 Eurolimes. Journal of the Institute for Euroregional Studies Oradea-Debrecen 1841-9259 Institute for Euroregional Studies Oradea-Debrecen
157043 Eurologiste
287373 Europa 1778-171X
610710 Europa Ethnica 0014-2492 facultas Verlag, Wien
179538 Europa Europe 1594-3593
125227 Europa Europe
49316 Europa Forum (Budapest)
172794 Europa Mediterranea Quaderni
89382 Europa Regional
179619 Europa World Book 0956-2273
36278 Europa der Sprachen: Sprachkompetenz - Mehrsprachigkeit - Translation. Akten des 35. Linguistischen Kolloquiums in Innsbruck 2000, Teil II: Sprache und Kognition
238356 Europa e diritto privato 1720-4542 Giuffrè
169641 Europa orientalis : studi e ricerche sui paesi e le culture dell'est
179642 Europa-programmet 0804-3485
164288 Europa. European Review of History – Revue européenne d’histoire 1350-7486 Routledge
117532 Europai Füzetek 1589-4509
44366 Europar Batasuneko hizkuntza aniztasuna eta euskararen hizkuntza politikak" X. Jagon Jardunaldiak - Euskaltzaindia, 2006-11-24, Bilbo
620767 Europe 0014-2751 Jean-Baptiste Para
779133 Europe 0014-2751 Revue Europe
804642 Europe 1963-0085
163260 Europe 0014-2751
388007 Europe 0014-2751 Europe
590364 Europe LexisNexis
591663 Europe 1163-8184 LexisNexis
440564 Europe 0014-2751 Les Amis d'Europe
26471 Europe
167436 Europe 0014-2751
876051 Europe Jean-Baptiste Para
671624 Europe - Actualité du droit de l'Union européenne 1163-8184 LexisNexis
33825 Europe - La société européenne de l'information en 2010
168229 Europe 1
152190 Europe : revue littéraire mensuelle
117269 Europe : revue mensuelle
177177 Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières
62166 Europe asia studies
176658 Europe comparée 1762-8873
169553 Europe des Droits et Libertés
163995 Europe et Orient 1773-9802 SIGEST
345843 Europe of Rights & Liberties/Europe des Droits & Libertés 2726-1263 Europe des Droits & Libertés
36894 Europe studies China
170225 Europe&Orient 1773-9802 Institut Tchobanian
102724 Europe,Chronique
105335 Europe: actualité du droit communautaire
836762 Europe; revue littéraire mensuelle
177167 EuropeNow
166564 EuropeNow Council for European Studies, Columbia University
592655 EuropeNow Journal Council for European Studies at Columbia University
31711 European Academy of Management (EURAM) Meeting
33278 European Accounting Association, 27th Annual Congress
144626 European Accounting Review 0963-8180
41442 European Accounting Review / The European Accounting Review
26139 European Acounting Review
35500 European Advances for Consumer Research, vol 7. Göteborg (Suède), 15-18 juin
46126 European Advances in Consumer Research
799867 European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 1434-4726
340749 European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
57514 European Archives of Otolaryngology
129041 European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry
131062 European Asphalt Technology Association
73579 European Association for the Science of Air Pollution
37845 European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Special Publication, Proceedings
487816 European Biophysics Journal 1432-1017
150520 European Bulletin of Adapted Physical Activity
766527 European Business Law Review
684998 European Business Review 1758-7107
790484 European Business Review
165644 European Business Review
73862 European Cell Materials
73861 European Cells Materials
145578 European Cells and Materials
55577 European Central Bank Working Papers
290588 European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
126641 European Clinical Respiratory Journal
153082 European Commission DG Environment News Alert Service
177199 European Company Law Journal Kluwer Law International
149415 European Company Law Journal
73024 European Competition Journal
560820 European Competition and Regulatory Law Review
37985 European Conf. on SiC and Related Materials ECSCRM'04
37979 European Conf. on SiC and Related Materials, ECSCRM'04
170443 European Conference (ECML-PKDD)
32314 European Conference of Educational Research, University College, Dublin, 7-10 septembre 2005
485032 European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
174127 European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'2014). T. Schaub et al. (Eds)
161335 European Conference on Computer Vision
159651 European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2020
29566 European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), University of Crete, 22-25 septembre 2004
66331 European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR)
303148 European Conference on Knowledge Management 2048-8963
132806 European Conference on Networks and Communications 2018
74496 European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes
29563 European Consortium for Political Research, Workshop 15 "Politics of Friendship : bridging the Gap Between Theoretical and Empirical Studies " , ECPR, Granada, 11-15 april 2005
151254 European Constitutional Law Review
61071 European Consumer Law Journal
167765 European Court of Auditors Journal European Court of Auditors