Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
89998 Por Politica, Terror social
89999 Elec. Proc. in Theoret. Comput. Sci
90002 Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing
90009 Revue analyse financière ( SFAF)
90012 Cahiers Irlandais
90015 IFSCC Magazine
90016 Environmental Sciences Europe
88565 Politique sociale et familiale
88576 CERISCOPE Puissance
88580 Journal of Micro-Nanolitography MEMS and MOEMS
88583 International Journal on Energy Conversion
88586 Universal Journal of Industrial and Business Management
88590 Transplant Rev (Orlando)
88591 PROCEDIA Elsevier
88600 Bioressource
88602 IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging
88604 Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education
88605 Psychosoc Med
88612 IEEE BigData
88613 International Journal of Computer and Information Technology
88617 Journal of the International Societies for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology
88629 Boletín de Estadística e Investigación Operativa
88638 Oslo Studies in Language
88641 Quaderni eretici | Cahiers hérétiques
88645 Les cahiers de l'ED 139, Sciences du langage
88648 JIDM SBC
88660 ACEE International Journal on Transportation and Urban Development
88667 J. Electrical Systems
88670 Recheches en Communication
88671 Environnement Aménagement société
88676 Fault Tolerant Neural Network for ECG Signal Classification Systems
88678 Les Etudes Aristotéliciennes
88681 G Ital Cardiol (Rome)
88689 L'Homme. Z.F.G
88697 Geschichte im Fluss. Flüsse als europäische Erinnerungsorte
88701 Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research
88714 Actuélité économique: revue d'analyse économique
88720 International Journal of Economics
88723 Bull. Soc. Hist. Toulouse
88727 Journal of Hydrocarbons Mines and Environmental Research
88728 Chronique d'Archéologie Wallonne
88732 Annales de la Société Archéologique de Namur
88734 Behavioural and cognitive psychoterapy
88739 Poromechanics V: Proceedings of the Fifth Biot Conference on Poromechanics
88740 Récents progrès en génie des Procédés ISSN : 1775-335X ; ISBN : 978-2-910239-78-7
88747 Libertas. Revista da Faculdade de Serviço Social
88748 International Journal of Research in Wireless Systems
88752 International Journal of computer & Technology (IJCT)
88753 Bulletin of Geodetic Sciences
88755 Bulletin of Geodetic Science
88766 Chocs - Revue scientifique et technique de la Direction des applications militaires
88768 Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics
88769 Journal of Applied Mathematics & Bioinformatics
88770 Revista general de derecho del trabajo y seguridad social
88773 revue VEI
88780 ISRN Endocrinol
88781 Carnets du GRePS
88789 La revue de l'Institut Catholique de Lyon
88803 Bulletin de l'Association Athéna
88808 Annual Review of Progress in Entrepreneurship Research
88819 Littera edebiyat yazıları
88825 Int. J. on Digital Libraries
88827 Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal
88829 Revue de l'Université du Burundi - Série Sciences Exactes N° 28
88831 The RIBA Journal
88832 The Architectural Review
88834 Les Cahiers de l'Institut d'Aménagement et d'Urbanisme
88841 Drew Hemment, Anthony Townsend (dir.), Smart citizens, FutureEverything Publications
88842 M3, société urbaine et action publique
88846 The African Review of Physics
88848 Journal of Rational Mechanics and Analysis
88849 Physiol Rep
88850 La Lettre de Sol et Civilisation
88851 Crododile Specialist Group Newsletter
88852 Entreprises et territoire
88869 The Eighth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications
88871 International Journal of Technology (IJTech)
88873 SARSSI'2014
88879 Anthropo-logiques
88880 AMAE International Journal on Manufacturing and Material Science
88881 Droit des sociérés
88882 Revista Sala Preta
88883 Laguna. Revista de Filosofía
90022 reCHERches. Culture et Histoire dans l'Espace Roman
90023 Les cahiers Naturalistes de l'Observatoire marin
90025 Zeitschrift Für Frannzösische Sprache und Literatur -Beihefte
90026 Trends Microbiol
90028 Phys. Lett. A
90029 JetSan 2013 : Journées d'étude sur la TéléSanté
90033 Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes: An International Quarterly
90038 PIMRC 2013 : IEEE 24th International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile RadioPersonal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
90039 EMBC 2013 : 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
90040 CRM Proc. Lecture Notes
90048 L'Alighieri. Rassegna dantesca 0516-6551 Angelo Longo Editore
90053 Chrroniques du travail
90064 Revue Canadienne d'Etudes Médiatiques
90065 Tunnels et espace souterrain
90077 IRBA : Institut de Recherche Biomédicale des Armées
90078 European Review of History
90080 SIGdial 2013 : 14th Annual Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue
90088 Documents de l'OCDE - PEB Échanges, Programme pour la construction et l'équipement de l'éducation
90089 Revue des Laboratoires d'Essais
90093 Analysis & Partial Differential Equations
90100 Annali di architettura del CISA Andrea Palladio
90102 ACM Ubiquity ACM
90104 Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Ciência e Tecnologia (RBECT)
90105 Filoloski pregled
90110 簡帛
90111 古文字研究
90112 人文論叢
90115 Orientations
90121 Global Labour Journal
90130 Canadian Journal of Mathematics
90131 Europhysics Letterss
90133 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities
90134 Universal Journal of Applied Mathematics
90138 Boletín del Museo del Prado
90139 Ann. Univ. Ferrara
90145 HICSS 2013: 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
90149 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Maritime Engineering
90159 Ladakh Studies - Journal of the International Association of Ladakh Studies
90161 Construction History: International Journal of the Construction History Society
90165 Cities : the international journal of urban policy and planning
90167 Revue de l'Association des historiens modernistes des universités françaises
90172 Revista História da Educação - RHE
90174 Cadernos de História da Educação
90177 Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry / Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry
90185 IPCO springer
90188 Theory and Applications of Mathematics & Computer Science (ISSN: 1221-454X)
90193 Int. J. on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology,
90196 Int. J. on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology
90197 ISPLC 2012 : 16th International Symposium on Power Line Communications and its Applications
90202 RFFP
90210 ISRN Environmental Chemistry
90211 Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology
90212 Ingenieur-Archiv
90213 International Journal of Learning Technologies not yet available
90215 Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education. Washington: American Mathematical Society n.a
90218 Бестник, Кыргызского НационалЬного Университета n.a
90221 Voix et images, Anne Hébert en revue
90223 Journal of Solar Energy Engineering-Transactions of the Asme
90224 Evolution Equations and Control Theory
90227 Synoptikos
90232 Cahiers du CLAIX
90247 Theatralia
90248 EICS' 2013 : 5 th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Systems
90250 Advances in Information Retrieval
90251 JetSan 2013 : Journées d'Etude en TéléSanté
90253 Literary Research/Recherche Littéraire
90257 Mania, Revista de pensamento de la Facultat de Filosofia de la U. B
90270 La feuille de Philologie Comparée Lituanienne et Française
90273 Classical Papers, X, Le Caire
90274 Tôzaï - Chunhong Zhang, Xi'an, une capitale ancienne, au carrefour de l'Orient et de l'Occident
90277 Kalba ir Kontekstai, IV, 1, Vilnius, 2011
90280 La Feuille de Philologie Comparée Lituanienne et Française
90284 Int. J. on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technolog
90295 Telfor journal
90296 Istituto Paolo VI - Notiziario
90299 Mémoires de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles,
90544 Urban planning overseas
90545 International Journal of Computers and their Applications (IJCA), Special Issue on the Application of Computer Technology to Public Safety and Law Enforcement ISCA
90553 Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture
90555 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Engineering Journal
90556 tijdschrift voor nucleaire geneeskunde
90560 IEICE Transactions, Special Section on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support System
90561 Language Resources and Evaluation Special Issue on Multiword expression: hard going or plain sailing
90562 Secteur Privé & Développement, revue bimestrielle de Proparco
90563 Informes de la Construccion
90564 Private Sector & Development
90574 The Lahore Journal of Economics
90578 Revue en Sciences du traitement de l'Information. Cépaduès Editions N/A
90581 Revue de CID n/a
90585 CDIO 2010 : 6th International conference
90586 IADIS e-Society 2010 Conference
90596 New Standpoints
90598 European Research Studies Journal
90600 International Journal of Electrical Energy
90601 Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biological Materials
90605 New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), 2013 IEEE 11th International
90606 European Union Review
90618 Définition(s) de la couleur. Interfaces
90619 The Déjà-vu and the Authentic: Reprise, Recycling, Recuperating in Anglophone Literature and Culture
90624 e-jde-Rem
90625 Integraciâ obrazovaniâ
90627 Atmos. Oceanic Opt
90628 J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf
90631 J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf
90634 Wikiterritorial - INSET/CNFPT
90641 Forvännen
90643 52èmes Journées Scientifiques de Physique Médicale (SFPM)
90645 Social Networking
90650 The Fifth International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observation
90657 économie et société série Socio-Economie du travail
90659 Journées archéologiques de Haute-Normandie, Rouen, 11-13 mai 2012
90661 Aerosol and Air Quality Research
90663 Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment, 1 (2013)
90664 Éducation comparée. Nouvelle série
90666 Martor. Revue d'anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain
90667 Martor, Revue d'Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan roumain