Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
51196 Texte et corpus 1958-5306 LiCoRN - Groupe de recherche en lexiographie, corpus et ressources numériques
126160 Texte zur Kunst 0940-9459 Texte-zur-Kunst-GmbH
50640 Textes & Contextes Université de Bourgogne, Centre Interlangues TIL
688302 Textes et Contextes 1961-991X Maison des sciences de l'homme de Dijon
41928 Textes et documents pour la classe 0395-6601 SCEREN-CNDP (2002-2013), CANOPE (2014- ), INRDP (1967- )
8879 Textile 1475-9756 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
8880 Textile Chemist and Colorist and American Dyestuff Reporter 1526-2847 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
8881 Textile Fibre Forum 0818-6308 Australian Forum for Textile Arts, Ltd
8882 Textile History 0040-4969 Maney Publishing
8883 Textile Industries 0040-4985 WRC Smith Publishing Co
8884 Textile Industries (Atlanta, Ga. : 2001) 1542-054X Billian Publishing Inc
8885 Textile Museum Journal 0083-7407 Textile Museum
19391 Textile Progress 0040-5167 Taylor & Francis: STM, Behavioural Science and Public Health Titles
8886 Textile Research Journal 0040-5175 SAGE Publications
8887 Textile World 0040-5213 Maclean Hunter Publishing Co
175140 Textiles 2673-7248 MDPI
132904 Textimage : revue d'étude du dialogue texte-image 1954-3840 Lyon : Textimage
2421 Texto ! Textes et Cultures 1773-0120 Institut Ferdinand de Saussure
121989 Texto Digital 1807-9288 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
129353 Textos Antropológicos 1025-3181 Universidad Mayor de San Andres, La Paz
28804 Textos de didáctica de la lengua y la literatura 1133-9829 Grao
127676 Textual & visual media 1889-2515 Sociedad Española de Periodística (SEP)
8888 Textual Cultures 1559-2936 Indiana University Press
8889 Textual Practice 0950-236X Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
127149 Textuel 0766-4451 Hermann
34494 Textures : cahiers du CEMIA 1253-5044 Université Lumière-Lyon 2
19392 Textures and Microstructures 0730-3300 Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
162322 Textus & Musica 2740-6563 Université de Poitiers
40715 Textus (Studies in Italy) 1824-3967 Tilgher Genova
48486 Textyles 0776-0116 Bruxelles: Le Cri édition
19393 Thalamus and Related Systems 1472-9288 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
137282 Thalassas 0212-5919 Universidade de Vigo
40716 Thamyris /Intersecting: Place, Sex and Race 1381-1312 Rodopi
133325 Thaêtre 2678-8373 Association thaêtre
2556 The AA Journal Architectural Association School of Architecture
2592 The ACLS Newsletter 0001-074X Richmond, American Council of Learned Societies
145173 The ANZIAM Journal 1446-1811 Cambridge University Press
110898 The Adam Smith Review 1743-5285 Routledge
2610 The Adelphia Law Journal 8756-3630 Delta Theta Pi Law Fraternity
2658 The Advocate (Vancouver, B.C.) 0044-6416 Vancouver Bar Association
2728 The Air Force law review 0094-8381 Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office
22767 The Alabama nurse 0002-4317
38219 The Alchemist 0384-8523 ChemWeb Inc
19396 The Alkaloids Chemistry and Biology 1099-4831 Elsevier
2811 The American Federationist 0002-8428
19398 The American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts 1540-5079 JSTOR
2846 The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 0002-9165 Oxford University Press
19400 The American Journal of Gastroenterology 0002-9270 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
2860 The American Journal of Insanity 1044-4815 Baltimore: Utica State Hospital Press
13758 The American Journal of Medicine 0002-9343 Elsevier [Commercial Publisher]
19402 The American Journal of Police Science 1547-6154 JSTOR
2876 The American Journal of Psychiatry 0002-953X American Psychiatric Publishing
2887 The American Journal of Sports Medicine 0363-5465 SAGE Publications (UK and US)
2888 The American Journal of Tax Policy 0739-7569 American College of Tax Counsel
2895 The American Law Register 1558-3562 JSTOR
19405 The American Law Register (1852-1891) 1558-3813 JSTOR
19406 The American Law Register and Review 1558-3538 JSTOR
2906 The American Mathematical Monthly 0002-9890 Mathematical Association of America
2910 The American Mineralogist 0003-004X Mineralogical Society of America
2914 The American Naturalist 0003-0147 University of Chicago Press
2923 The American Poetry Review 0360-3709 World Poetry, Inc
2942 The American Slavic and East European Review 1049-7544 JSTOR
2949 The American Statistician 0003-1305 Taylor & Francis
2957 The American University journal of international law and policy / Washington College of Law 0888-630X American University, Washington College of Law
2774 The American art journal 0002-7359 JSTOR
10360 The American journal of anatomy 0002-9106 John Wiley & Sons
22750 The American journal of managed care 1096-1860
39697 The American journal of pediatric hematology/oncology 0192-8562 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
22745 The American nurse 0098-1486
2966 The Americana Annual 0196-0180 New York, Chicago, Americana Corporation
142 The Anatolian Journal of Clinical Investigation 1306-8814 Kare Yayincilik
19408 The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology 1932-8486 Wiley-Blackwell
19411 The Annals of Applied Probability 1050-5164 Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS)
154 The Annals of University “Dunarea de Jos” of Galati, Fascicle III Electrotechnics, Electronics, Automatic Control and Informatics 1221-454X Universitatea Dunarea de Jos
3048 The Antiquaries Journal 0003-5815 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
100719 The Aoyama standard journal 1880-6430 Aoyama Gakuin University
110761 The Arab Economic and Business Journal 2214-4625 Holy Spirit University of Kaslik [USEK] (Liban) ; Elsevier [2013]
3079 The Arbitration Journal 0003-7893 American Arbitration Association, Inc
3090 The Architect and Building News 0570-6416 London, IPC Building and Contract Journals
26614 The Arkeotek Journal 1961-9863 Association Européenne d'Archéologie des Techniques
3147 The Army Medical Bulletin 0097-4064 Carlisle Barracks, Pa., Medical Field Service School
3146 The Army lawyer 0364-1287 Superintendent of Documents (U.S. Army)
120847 The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming 2473-7321 aosa, Inc
19416 The Asia Pacific Heart Journal 1328-0163 Elsevier
148558 The Asia Pacific Journal 1557-4660 [n.c.]
19418 The Asia Pacific Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery 1324-2881 Elsevier
84508 The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 2092-5212 Korean Association of Shipping and Logistics, Inc. with cooperation of Graduate School of Logistics, Incheon National University
3244 The Assistant Librarian 0004-5152 Association of Assistant Librarians
3245 The Association for Preservation Technology Bulletin 0044-9466 JSTOR
32280 The Astronomer's telegram R. E. Rutledge, Derek Fox,
19419 The Astronomical Journal 0004-6256 American Astronomical Society
19420 The Astrophysical Journal 0004-637X American Astronomical Society
19421 The Astrophysical Journal Supplement 0067-0049 American Astronomical Society
177216 The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series IOPscience
47653 The Astrophysical journal letters 2041-8205 Bristol : IOP Publishing
19422 The Athenian Agora 1558-8610 JSTOR
3263 The Atlantic (1932) 0160-6506
3265 The Atlantic Community Quarterly 0004-6760 Heldref Publications
19423 The AustralAsian Journal of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery 1037-2091 Elsevier
45030 The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 1034-4942 Combinatorial Mathematics Society of Australasia (Inc.)
164486 The Australasian Journal of Popular Culture 2045-5852 Intellect
11000 The Australian and New Zealand journal of sociology 0004-8690 Sage Publications
245 The Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health d000-0982 Australian Commonwealth, Department of Health and Aged Care
11029 The Australian journal of Chinese affairs = Ao chung 0156-7365 JSTOR
104350 The B.E. journal of economic analysis & policy 2194-6108 de Gruyter
38418 The BE Journals in Macroeconomics Berkeley Electronic Press (BePress)
38419 The BE Journals in Theoretical Economics Berkeley Electronic Press (BePress)
176727 The BSS Bulletin The British Sundial Society
38402 The Back Letter Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
160270 The Balzac Review / Revue Balzac 2646-2044 Classiques Garnier
3341 The Banker 0005-5395 Financial Times Business Information Ltd
3342 The Bankers Magazine (Boston, Mass.) 0005-545X Warren, Gorham & Lamont, Inc
3351 The Bar Examiner 0005-5824 National Conference of Bar Examiners
22632 The Baxter health policy review
117461 The Beckford Journal 1359-8503 Beckford Society
3380 The Bell Journal of Economics 0361-915X JSTOR
3383 The Bell System Technical Journal 0005-8580 Bell Laboratories
20525 The Biochemist
3459 The Black law journal 0045-2181 UCLA School of Law
3466 The Bliss Classification Bulletin 0520-2795 H.W. Wilson
22560 The Body positive 1048-4396
107481 The Bone & Joint Journal (BJJ) 2049-4394 The British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint
73626 The Book Review 0970-4175 Perspective Publications Pvt. Ltd
3495 The Bookmark (Albany, N.Y.) 0006-7407 New York State Library, Documents/Gift and Exchange Section
3509 The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal 0096-6762 Boston, Cupples, Upham & Co
3514 The Boston University public interest law journal 1077-0615 Boston University School of Law
19312 The Botanical Magazine Tokyo 0006-808X Springer-Verlag
19425 The Breast 0960-9776 Elsevier
137757 The Bridge 0737-6278 National Academy of Sciences
11457 The British Journal of Animal Behaviour 0950-5601 Elsevier
11458 The British Journal of Chiropractic 1466-2108 Elsevier
38471 The British journal of oral surgery 0007-117X Elsevier Science
11346 The British journal of tuberculosis and diseases of the chest 0366-0869 Elsevier
345992 The British-Yemeni Society Journal 1356-0229 British-Yemeni Society
19430 The Brown University Psychopharmacology Update 1608-5308 John Wiley & Sons
19432 The Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics 0007-4985 Springer-Verlag
3613 The Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art 0009-8841 Cleveland Museum of Art
19433 The Bulletin of the College Art Association 0895-0571 JSTOR
19434 The Bulletin of the College Art Association of America 0272-8192 JSTOR
127044 The Bulletin of the European Land and Soil Alliance (ELSA) e.V. Local land & soil news
11461 The Bulletin of the Midwest Modern Language Association 0026-3419 JSTOR
11462 The Bulletin of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association 0035-7626 JSTOR
98544 The Burlington Magazine The Burlington Magazine Publications
3637 The Burroughs Clearing House 0007-6341 Burroughs Corp
19436 The CASE International Journal of Educational Advancement 1467-3657 Nature Publishing Group - Macmillan Publishers
3728 The Canadian Banker & ICB Review 0315-6230 The Canadian Banker & ICB Review
3734 The Canadian Business Review 0317-4026 Conference Board of Canada
3768 The Canadian Journal of Information Science 0380-9218 University of Toronto Press
182006 The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry Canadian Psychiatric Association
23069 The Canadian Mineralogist 0008-4476 Mineralogical Association of Canada
3789 The Canadian Mining and Metallurgical Bulletin 0008-4484 Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
3799 The Canadian Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire canadien de droit international 0069-0058 University of Brittsh Columbia Press (UBC Press) [1963-2013| - Cambridge University Press (CPU) [2014-....]
3738 The Canadian forum 0008-3631 Canadian Forum
3802 The Canterbury Law Review 0112-0581 University of Canterbury, Faculty of Law
109974 The Capco Institute Journal of Financial transformation Capco Institute
19435 The Carleton Drama Review 0161-3936 JSTOR
3815 The Cartographer 0315-1441 Ontario Institute of Chartered Cartographers
11535 The Cartographic Journal 0008-7041 Maney Publishing / British Cartographic Society / Taylor & Francis
467 The Cato Journal : an Interdisciplinary Journal of Public Policy Analysis 0273-3072 Cato Institute, Washington, DC
128364 The Cell Surface 2468-2330 Elsevier
3841 The Center magazine 0008-9125 Center Magazine
101983 The Cerebellum 1473-4222 Springer
38568 The Chemical Educator Springer-Verlag Heidelberg
19439 The Chemical Engineering Journal 0300-9467 Elsevier
12457 The Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal 0923-0467 Elsevier
3915 The China Quarterly 0305-7410 Cambridge University Press
3933 The Chronicle of Philanthropy 1040-676X The Chronicle of Higher Education, Inc
3932 The Chronicle of higher education 0009-5982 Chronicle of Higher Education, Inc
470422 The Chuo Univ. Review 0911-8330 Chūō Daigaku. Chūō Hyōron Henshūbu
3941 The Cincinnati Art Museum Bulletin 0069-4061 Cincinnati Museum Association
138189 The Cine-Files 2156-9096 Savannah GA: Department of Cinema Studies Savannah College of Art & Design
3953 The Civil liberties review 0093-6383 J. Wiley
3958 The Clarion 0197-6850 Museum of American Folk Art
19444 The Clinical Investigator 0941-0198 Springer-Verlag
127809 The Clinical Respiratory Journal 1752-699X Wiley
22442 The Clinical neuropsychologist 0920-1637
45807 The CoRoT Mission ESA Publications Division
3988 The Coevolution quarterly 0095-134X Point
537 The College Quarterly 1195-4353 Seneca College
4024 The Columbia journal of world business 0022-5428 Elsevier
4030 The Columbine 0572-8576 Colorado Springs, Rocky Mountain Chapter, Special Libraries Association
132223 The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship 2048-0792 Open Library of Humanities
4035 The Commercial Image 1081-3128 PTN Publishing Co
66953 The Computer Journal 0010-4620 Oxford University Press (UK)
38661 The Congressional Directory 0160-9890 Bernan Associates
562 The Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal d000-0043 The University of Connecticut School of Law
4144 The Connecticut probate law journal 0897-1234 Connecticut Probate Law Journal
4145 The Connoisseur : an illustrated magazine for collectors 0010-6275 Sampson Low Marston and Co
4149 The Conservationist 0010-650X New York Department of Environmental Conservation
38665 The Construction Information Quarterly (CIQ) 1469-4891 Chartered Institute of Building
120770 The Conversation France 2431-2134 The Conversation Media Group
4183 The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer 0010-8200 Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
19450 The Coordinator 1540-8256 JSTOR
4192 The Cornell Law Quarterly 8755-2213 Cornell University, College of Law
4195 The Cornell veterinarian 0010-8901 Cornell Veterinarian, Inc
4205 The Corporation Journal 0045-8597 Corp. Trust Co
4206 The Corporation Law Review 0149-8827 Warren, Gorham & Lamont
4212 The Cosmopolitan (1886) 0740-6444
4221 The Courier 0011-0418 Syracuse University Press
128547 The Court Historian 1462-9712 London : Society for Court Studies