Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
387127 Hecho Teatral. Revista de teoría y práctica del teatro hispánico 2695-9232 Universidad de la Rioja
110390 Hechos y Proyecciones del Lenguaje (revista oficial del Departamento de Lingüística e Idiomas de la Universidad de Nariño, Pasto, Nariño, Colombia)
5171 Hedgehog Review 1527-9677 Unknown
31527 Hedgerows of the world. Their ecological functions in different landscapes
44187 Hegats - Euskal literatur aldizkaria Euskal Idazleen Elkartea
44184 Hegats - Literatur aldizkaria Euskal Idazleen Elkartea
583280 Hegel Bulletin 2051-5367
159186 Hegel Jahrbuch
71738 Hegel-Jahrbuch
50111 Hegel-Jahrbuch, Das Leben denken
88437 Hegel-Studien 0073-1587 H. Bouvier (Bonn) / F. Meiner (Hambourg)
26421 Hegoa : cahiers du SET 0987-9366 Paris : CNRS, 1984-2007
182355 Hegoak Zabalduz 2530-6561
163669 Heidegger Jahrbuch 1612-3166 Herder
576946 Heidegger Studies
886286 Heidelberg Journal of International Law
163833 Heidelberg Papers in South Asian and Comparative Politics 1617-5069 Dept. of Political Science, South Asia Institute
68913 Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. ICVW 2008
102873 Heidelberger Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des modernen Vorderen Orients 1437-5672 PL Academic Research
117696 Heidelberger althistorischer Beiträge und Epigraphische Studien
567552 Heimen 0017-9841 Universitetsforlaget
70381 Heinrich-Böll-Stifung, Schriften zur Demokratie
105859 Hekleo ar C’hoarioù, l’écho des sports et jeux traditionnels de Bretagne
58519 Hekleo ar c'hoarioù
144271 Helden, heroes, héros 2198-4662 Sonderforschungsbereich 948 "Helden - Heroisierungen - Heroismen" Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
35802 Heldia
13862 Helgoland Marine Research 1438-387X Springer Verlag
13861 Helgolander Meeresuntersuchungen 0174-3597 Springer-Verlag
13863 Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 0017-9957 Springer-Verlag
91367 Helia
13864 Helicobacter 1083-4389 Wiley
36120 Helicobacter
5172 Helicon Nine 0197-3371 Helicon Nine
39197 Helicopter Annual Helicopter Association International
173292 Helikon
134844 Helikon : világirodalmi figyelő 0017-999X Argumentum Kiadó
131626 Helikon. Irodalom-és kultúratudományi szemle
159200 Helios
168716 Helius 2357-8297
134130 Helix 2191-642X Universität Heidelberg
105663 Heliyon 2405-8440 Elsevier
58079 Hellenic Journal of Geosciences
689863 Hellenic Journal of Psychology
70996 Hellenic Review of European Law
156156 Hellenic Virology 1108-4936
181504 Hellenic journal of nuclear medicine 1790-5427
34439 Hellénisme et Christianisme : [actes de la journée thématique de Villejuif, octobre 2001]
34339 Hellénisme et christianisme
172870 Helmantica 0018-0114 UPSA Ediciones Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
26001 Helmantica (series hebraica)
13865 Helminthologia 0440-6605 Springer Verlag
5173 Helsingfors Universitetsbiblioteks Skrifter 0355-1350 Finska Litteratur-Sallskapets Tryckeri
46936 Helsingiensis
13866 Helsinki Monitor 0925-0972 Brill Academic Publishers
540383 Helsinki Monitor
13867 Helvetica Chimica Acta 0018-019X Wiley
20159 Helvetica Physica Acta
147469 HemaSphere 2572-9241 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
167428 Hemato 2673-6357 MDPI
847811 Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 1558-1977
13868 Hematological Oncology 0278-0232 Wiley
13869 Hematology 1024-5332 Maney Publishing
975 Hematology / the Education Program of the American Society of Hematology. American Society of Hematology. Education Program 1520-4391 American Society of Hematology
19474 Hematology Journal 1466-4860 Nature Publishing Group
13870 Hematology and Cell Therapy 1269-3286 Springer Verlag [1996-2000]
13871 Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America 0889-8588 WB Saunders
918024 Hematology/Oncology and Stem Cell Therapy 2589-0646
148730 Hemen : erlijio gogoetarako aldizkaria 1697-8560 Frontera
5175 Hemisphere 0898-3038 Latin American and Caribbean Center, Florida International University
141675 Hemodial Int
13872 Hemodialysis International 1492-7535 Wiley
129622 Hemodialysis International
13873 Hemoglobin 0363-0269 Informa Healthcare
39199 Henley Manager Update 0957-4212 Braybrooke Press Ltd
58302 Henoch
154787 Henoch - Historical and Textual Studies in Ancient and Medieval Judaism and Christianity 0393-6805 Editrice Morcelliana
178311 Henri Lopes, nouvelles lectures façon façon-là, texte prolongé des communications de la journée d’études « Réinventer la vie, prophétiser le réel : Henri Lopes »
138178 Henri Michaux. Corps et Savoir 1255-1015 ENS Editions
39200 Henry James Review 0273-0340 Johns Hopkins University Press
26707 Henry Sweet Society Bulletin
42077 Hepatalogy
137481 Hepatic Medicine: Evidence and Research
168185 Hepatic Oncology 2045-0923 Future Medicine
976 Hepatitis Monthly 1735-143X Kowsar Corporation
80250 Hepatitis Research and Treatment 2090-1364 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
144258 Hepato-Gastro et Oncologie Digestive 2115-3310
22138 Hepato-Gastroenterology 0172-6390 Georg Thieme Verlag
130640 Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition 2304-3881 AME Publishing Company
282664 Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition
22139 Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Diseases International 1499-3872 Elsevier
846068 Hepatobiliary surgery and nutrition 2304-389X
157075 Hepatogastoenterologie des Pays Francophones dans la littérature internationale 1169-1840
39201 Hepatogastro -Montrouge 1253-7020 John Libbey Eurotext
148815 Hepatol Int 1936-0541
22137 Hepatology 0270-9139 Wiley-Blackwell
245568 Hepatology
602862 Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) 1527-3350
125876 Hepatology Communications 2471-254X John Wiley & Sons Inc
148816 Hepatology International 1936-0541
13874 Hepatology Research 1386-6346 Wiley
67343 Hepatology international 1936-0533 Springer Internat. Publ
177600 Hepatology, medicine and policy Biomed central
108131 Hepatoma Research 2394-5079 OAE Publishing Inc
374025 Her&Mus, Heritage & Museography 2462-6457
374105 Her&Mus. Heritage and Museography 2462-6457 RACO
115032 Herald of Civil Procedure - The herald of civil process 2226-0781 Herald of Civil Procedure
93170 Herald of Kherson National Technical University 2013
5176 Herald of Library Science 0018-0521 Hrerald of Library Science Lucknow
96551 Herald of the Adyghe State University. Series 5: Economy. Adyghe State University (Maykop, Russia) / Вестник Адыгейского Государственного Университета. Серия 5: Экономика. Адыгейский государственный университет (Майкоп)
96565 Herald of the Murmanks State Technical University, Murmanks State Technical University (Murmansk, Russia)/ Вестник Мурманского государственного технического университета, Мурманский государственный технический университет (Мурманск)
93169 Herald of the National Technical University "KhPI
13875 Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk 1019-3316 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
174659 Herald of the Social Sciences 0320-8117 National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
96566 Herald of the Voronezh State University, Voronezh State University (Voronezh, Russia)/ Вестник Воронежского государственного университета. Серия: История. Политология. Социология. Воронежский государственный университет (Воронеж)
837227 Heraldicum disputationes Kwartaalblad voor Heraldiek 1370-7000 Homunculus
176943 Herausforderung Lehrer*innenbildung – Zeitschrift zur Konzeption, Gestaltung und Diskussion 2625-0675
154178 Herba
157083 Herba Gallica 0998-4399
156598 Herba Polonica 0018-0599
39202 Herbalgram 0899-5648 American Botanical Council
666378 Herbart-Studien Garamond Verlag
152759 Herdbook international
69037 Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice 1897-4287 BioMed Central
977 Hereditas 0018-0661 Mendelian Society of Lund
130777 Hereditas monasteriorum 2299-5609 LARHCOR, Institute of History, University of Wrocław (PL)
5177 Heredity 0018-067X Nature Publishing Group
115477 Heredity 1365-2540
130268 Heredity
77658 Heredity (Edinb)
39203 Heren LNG Markets Heren Energy Ltd
5178 Heresies 0146-3411 Heresies
121727 Heresis : Revue d'hérésiologie médiévale. Editions de textes, recherche 0758-3737 Toulouse: Association CIRCAED
135408 Heritage 2571-9408 MDPI
976465 Heritage
350116 Heritage & Society 2159-032X
978 Heritage Journal 0219-8584 The National Heritage Board, Singapore
979 Heritage Language Journal 1550-7076 Center for World Languages of UCLA, UC Consortium for Language Learning and Teaching
116969 Heritage Science Springer
169310 Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology 2347-5463 Department of Archaeology University of Kerala
94525 Hermann Cohen - L'idéalisme critique aux prises avec le matérialisme
28022 Hermaphrodite 1291-0511 Hermaphrodite
100533 Hermathena : a Trinity College Dublin review
104446 Hermeneia Journal of Hermeneutics
105582 Hermeneus
37131 Hermeneutics in History M. Eliade, J. Wach & the Science of religions
980 Hermeneutische Blätter 1660-5403 Institut für Hermeneutik und Religionsphilosophie an der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Zürich
66566 Hermenia, Revista di studii si cercetari hermeneutice
872211 Hermes
39204 Hermes - Journal of Language and Communication Studies 0904-1699 Aarhus School of Business
329642 Hermes. Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie 0018-0777 Franz Steiner
94805 Hermes: Journal of Language and Communication Studies
905036 Hermès
896766 Hermès 1963-1006
923250 Hermès Science Publications
20160 Hermès, La Revue - Cognition, communication, politique 0767-9513 CNRS-Editions
25310 Hermès, revue de linguistique Udgivet
166765 Hermēneus 1139-7489
171810 Hermēneus. Revista de traducción e interpretación
13876 Hernia 1265-4906 Springer Verlag
181086 Hernia 1248-9204
125585 Herom 2294-4281 Leuven: Leuven University Press
982 Herpes -Cambridge 0969-7667 Cambridge Medical Publications
69038 Herpesviridae 2042-4280 BioMed Central
13877 Herpetologica 0018-0831 Herpetologists League
983 Herpetological Conservation and Biology 1931-7603 Herpetological Conservation and Biology
24533 Herpetological Journal 0268-0130 British Herpetological Society
13878 Herpetological Monographs 0733-1347 Herpetologists League
48557 Herpetological Revue
128022 Herpetology Notes 2071-5773 Societas Europaea Herpetologica (SEH)
243236 Herpetozoa 1013-4425 Austrian Herpetological Society (ÖGH)
46777 Herpotological Review
47863 Herramienta
63404 Hersetec
13879 Herz 0340-9937 Springer Verlag
107656 Herzogia 0018-0971 Bryological and Lichenological Association for Central Europe
13880 Herzschrittmachertherapie and Elektrophysiologie 0938-7412 Springer Verlag
153431 Heródoto: Revista do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre a Antiguidade Clássica e suas Conexões Afro-asiáticas 2448-2609
5179 Hesperia 0018-098X American School of Classical Studies at Athens
13881 Hesperia Supplement 1064-1173 American School of Classical Studies at Athens
164646 Hesperia: Anuario de Filología Hispánica
216947 Hesperìa. Studi sulla grecità in occidente 1126-7658 L'ERMA di BRETSCHNEIDER
129598 Hespéris-Tamuda 0018-1005 Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines - Université Mohammed V de Rabat, Maroc
177929 Hessen-Archäologie 1610-0190 Recker Udo
148447 Hestia. Jahrbuch der Klages-Gesellschaft Königshausen & Neumann
3472 Het Boek 0774-9465
39205 Het medisch jaar Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum BV
13882 Heteroatom Chemistry 1042-7163 Wiley
174447 Heteroatom Chemistry
170655 Heteroatom Chemistry 1098-1071
20487 Heterocycles 0385-5414 The Japan Institute of Heterocyclic Chemistry
99156 Heterocycles
158756 Heterocyclic Letters 2231-3087 Raman Manind Publications
121487 Heterocyclic communications 0793-0283 de Gruyter
829769 Heterogeneity of Function in Numerical Cognition
13883 Heterogeneous Chemistry Reviews 1068-6983 John Wiley & Sons
114489 Heteroglossia 2037-7037 Università di Macerata
154958 Heteropterus Revista de Entomologia 1579-0681
167372 Heterotopías
88114 Hethitica
54266 Heurs et malheurs du professionnalisme