Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
124874 International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering 2077-124X IJENS Publisher, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
125502 International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering 2227-2771 IJENS Publishers
109749 ijera 2248-9622 IJERA
976668 International Journal of Engineering Research and Development (IJERD) 2278-800X IJERD
115435 International Journal of Engineering Researches and Management Studies 2394-7659 IJERMS
72243 International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 2010-0264 IJESD
148312 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 2250-2459 IJETAE
120288 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering IJETAE Publishing House
572076 The Arts and Sciences of Judo 2788-5208 IJF Academy Foundation
624946 International Journal of Innovation Scientific Research and Review 2582-6131 IJISRR
522016 International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Educational Research 2581-7027 IJMCER
102810 International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) 2249-6645 IJMER
108903 International Journal of Modeling and Optimization 2010-3697 IJMO
101918 International journal of Microwave and Optical Technology 1553-0396 IJMOT
119464 International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy 2319-345X IJMRBS
148349 International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development 2349-4182 IJMRD
336041 International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering & Management 2581-4540 IJMREM
897887 international Journal of Medical Science in Clinical Research and Review 2581-8945 IJMSCRR
122655 International Journal of Ophthalmology 2222-3959 IJO Press
115622 International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management IJOAEM
181830 International Journal of Performance & Organizations 2824-7116 IJPO
109136 International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences 2249-5894 IJPSS
116811 International Journal of Research IJR
158232 International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research 2350-0743 IJRAMR
145514 International Journal of Research and development organization (IJRDO) 2455-6661 IJRDO
105820 International Journal of Renewable Energy Research 1309-0127 IJRER
111244 International Journal of Research in Information Technology 2001-5569 IJRIT, India
173600 International Journal of Recent Trends in Technology and Engineering IJRTTE
130882 International Journal of Innovation Sciences and Research IJSIR
109080 International Journal of Signal Processing Systems 2315-4535 IJSPS
166267 International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 2159-2896 IJSPT
108577 International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 2250-3153 IJSRP Inc
151325 International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research 2277-8616 IJSTR Publications
177357 International journal of scientific and technical research in engineering 2581-9941 IJSTRE
161855 Etnismo 0939-8724 IKEL
97095 Il Diritto Marittimo 0012-348X IL DIRITTO MARITTIMO S.R.L.
22651 Assistenza infermieristica e ricerca 1592-5986 IL Pensiero Scientifico Editore
157744 Abito e identità : ricerche di storia letteraria e culturale ILA Palma (Palerme)
110740 Journal of Asian and African Studies 0387-2807 ILCAA, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa
67331 ILCEA: Revue de l’Institut des langues et cultures d'Europe, Amérique, Afrique, Asie et Australie 1639-6073 ILCEA / ELLUG
111981 Cadernos de Literatura comparada 1645-1112 ILCML - Instituto de literatura comparada Margarida Losa
178492 La Voix des marques ILEC association
178136 Internacia Pedagogia Revuo 1013-2031 ILEI
131001 Esprit-RI ILERI
146926 Romanian Journal of Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases 2068-8245 ILEX PUBLISHING HOUSE
168187 Cahiers de linguistique, d'orientalisme et de slavistique 0338-9065 ILGEOS, Université de Provence, Aix-Marseille I
150269 J. Math. Physics Analysis Geom 1812-9471 ILTPE, Acad. Sci. of Ukraine
770694 The indonesian journal of community and occupational medicine 2798-723X ILUNI-FKUI
13058 European Journal of Mass Spectrometry 1469-0667 IM Publications
38989 European Mass Spectrometry 1356-1049 IM Publications
111365 Journal of Spectral Imaging IM Publications
123498 Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Maorgenlandes (WZKM) 0084-0076 IM SELBSTVERLAG DES INSTITUTS FÜR ORIENTALISTIK
123922 Additional Conferences (Device Packaging, HiTEC, HiTEN, & CICMT) 2380-4491 IMAPS
539522 IMARS Highlights IMARS
165073 Habiter. Cahiers transdisciplinaires IMBERNON
105899 Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics 1613-4516 IMBio e.V
178093 Derecho y religión 1887-3243 IMDEE
624554 Деформация и разрушение материалов и наноматериалов = Deformaciâ i razrušenie materialov i nanomaterialov 2413-2209 IMET RAN
141754 Proceedings of Engineering and Technology Innovation IMETI
31745 Finances & Développement IMF (fonds monétaire international)
179192 Les cahiers méditerranéens du LIRISS IMFRTS
248883 Zeitschrift für Migrationsforschung : ZMF = Journal of migration studies IMIS (Osnabrück, Germany)
166890 Geopolitics and Geostrategic Intelligence 2605-6496 IMIST
711203 Réflexions sportives 2737-8799 IMIST
930404 revue de gestion et d'économie 2351-8111 IMIST
146185 TIDIGHIN Revue "thidighin" des recherches amazighes et développement 2028-9782 IMIST Institut Marocain de l'Information Scientifique et Technique
26807 Critique économique : La revue des économiste critiques IMIST, Service de coopération et d'action culturelle de l'ambassade de france au maroc
114605 Revue Finance et Finance Internationale 2489-1290 IMIST-CNRST (Maroc)
727595 Codex Manuscriptus 2949-0502 IMLI RAN
130123 Studia litterarum 2500-4247 IMLI, Moscou
125418 International Journal of Open Governments IMODEV
91250 Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark 2768-6701 IMR Press
79460 Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections 1939-4039 IMS
166355 Series Musicologica Balcanica 2654-248X IMS-RASMB
138664 Collection DVD interactif INA
101647 E-dossiers de l'audiovisuel INA
108937 INA Global 2273-6832 INA
169286 INA-La Revue des Médias INA
152522 : : la revue des industries créatives et des médias INA
113153 Portrais Polychromes 1629-7873 INA
128243 Ina INA, Institut national de l'audiovisuel
107022 Portraits Polychromes INA-GRM
41261 Les dossiers de l'audiovisuel 0767-4775 INA-publications Documentation française
179340 Vita Brevis. Revista electrónica de estudios de la muerte 2007-9591 INAH
27328 Arqueología : segunda época INAH - México
164804 Bulletin de liaison néo-hellénique - Cahiers balkaniques 1286-4765 INALCO
70016 Bulletin des Etudes Africaines de l'INALCO 0249-728X INALCO
25379 Cahiers d'Etudes Chinoises 0248-7950 INALCO
26761 Cahiers de linguistique de l'INALCO INALCO
494741 Itinéraires : INALCO - Lettre de la recherche et de l'international INALCO
138715 Langues O INALCO
855565 Advances in Medicine, Psychology, and Public Health 3034-8803 INAMPPH
632630 Cuadernos de Derecho publico 1138-2848 INAP
168465 Education et gestion 0424-5415 INAS
103054 Estudios de Filosofia Practica e Historia de las Ideas 1515-7180 INCIHUSA _ Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Mendoza Argentine
162175 Desenvolvimento em Debate INCT/PPED
5582 International Classification 0340-0050 INDEKS Verlag