Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
114869 Afrique et Développement
114871 Universitas Humanisticas
114874 Revue des Hautes Terres
114878 Journal Of Harmonized Research of Management
114879 Forêts Méditerranéennes
114880 Siembra, Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas, UCE
114882 Hérodote, Revue de géographie et de géopolitique
114883 Population and Environment Review
114884 Etude de la Population Africaine
114886 Recherches régionales
114889 International Journal of Intercultural Relations
114891 Social Psychology
114895 Journal of Religion and Health
114911 Psicologia & Sociedade
114912 European Psychologist
114913 International Journal of Person Centered Medicine
114916 Revue Internationale de Psychologie Politique Sociétale
114917 Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science
114927 Atti e Memorie, Nuova serie. Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Provincie di Romagna
114929 Pharmacognosy Reviews 0973-7847
114933 Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft
114934 Oléagineux, Corps Gras et Lipides
114938 Journal of …
114940 Quaternary …
114943 Biological …
114944 Flora Montiberica
114946 Acta Botanica Malacitana
114949 Environmental …
114950 Entomologia …
114953 Valeurs de la biodiversité et …
116104 Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering MMSE Journal. Open Access
116105 Comparer les comparatismes : histoire transnationale de la méthode comparée
116109 Nouveaux regards sur la lecture Observatoire National de la Lecture. CNDP et Savoir Livre
116112 Les dossiers du réseau Paysage Midi Pyrénées
116113 Revue Vertitude
116114 Metai
116117 Semiotika 2424-547X A. J. Greimo centro studijų sąsiuvinis
116118 Semiotika 1392-0219 A. J. Greimo centro studijų sąsiuvinis
116120 Acta litteraria comparativa Lietuvos lyginamosios literatūros asociacijos
116123 Revue TIMMUZGHA Haut Commissariat à l'Amazighité
116126 Rivista di psicoanalisi
116127 Progress in Physics 1555-5534 University of New Mexico
116128 International Journal of Control Theory and Applications 0974-5572 International Science Press
116129 Ukrainian Geographical Journal 1561-4980 National Academy of Science of Ukraine
116130 International Journal of Academic Research and Development
116134 Atoms For Peace
116135 Journal of Logic, Language and Information
116136 Journal of logic and computation
116137 Web Intelligence : An International Journal 2405-6464 IOS Press
116139 Universal Journal of Educational Research 2332-3205 Horizon Research Publishing Corporation (HRPUB)
116140 Casopis pro Mineralogii a Geologii
116141 Mathematical Programming
116143 Translocations: Migration and Social Change
116144 Epigenetic Diagnosis & Therapy
116146 Prospero
116147 The Drama Review
116148 Revue arménienne humanitaire
116149 American Journal of BioScience 2330-0159 Science Publishing Group
116150 “Dialog’2005”
116151 Arcadi
116152 Distributed and Parallel Databases
116153 Critical Theory and Performance
116154 “Dialog’2009”
116155 International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools
116158 Palimpsest. A Journal on Women, Gender and the Black International 2165-1612 State University of New York Press
116163 UDAYA - Journal of Khmer studies 1683-7274
116164 O Boletim : Fundação Pierre Verger
116166 American Journal Of Physics And Applications 2330-4286 Science Publishing Group
116167 Earth Sciences 2328-5974 Science Publishing Group
116173 Comput. Graphics Forum
116176 Chem. Rev
116180 Crit. Rev. Biochem. Mol. Biol
116182 J. Chem. Theo. Comput
116189 Protein Sci
116190 Mol. Phys
116192 International Journal on Human Machine Interaction
116203 Journal of bridge engineering
116205 Mathematical Economics Letters
116206 Revue Numismatique
116222 Review of Economic Design
116224 Cell Biology 2330-0175 Science Publishing Group
116227 Journal of the Tunisian Chemical Society
116234 Język polski
116241 ITBM : Innovation et technologie en biologie et médecine 0243-7228
116245 Slate 2110-5553 E2J2
116246 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
116247 DESISTFilm
116249 Nat Mater
116262 Terrain 1777-5450
116271 Hydrocarbon. Eng
116275 Mater High Temp
116279 MRS Spring Meeting
116283 Economies et Sociétés. Œconomia, série PE
116287 Cahiers Bernard Lazare
116291 International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology
116297 Prog. Biomed. Opt. Imag
116298 Ann. Phys
116299 Proceedings of the 11th International Congress LASER