Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
6752 Law Librarian 0023-9275 Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
7585 Oil and Gas Law and Taxation Review 0263-5070 Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
8135 Real Estate Review 0034-0790 Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
4183 The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer 0010-8200 Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
80822 Revue de droit des affaires internationales - International business law journal 0295-5830 Sweet & Maxwell [1985-....]
3550 British Tax Review 0007-1870 Sweet and Maxwell
3952 Civil Justice Quarterly 0261-9261 Sweet and Maxwell
4261 Criminal Law Review -London 0011-135X Sweet and Maxwell
4718 ECLR 0144-3054 Sweet and Maxwell
4649 Entertainment Law Review 0959-3799 Sweet and Maxwell
4722 European Intellectual Property Review 0142-0461 Sweet and Maxwell
4735 European Law Review 0307-5400 Sweet and Maxwell
5902 Journal of Business Law 0021-9460 Sweet and Maxwell
6648 Juridical Review 0022-6785 Sweet and Maxwell
6756 Law Quarterly Review 0023-933X Sweet and Maxwell
8035 Public Law 0033-3565 Sweet and Maxwell
8432 Scots Law Times 0036-908X Sweet and Maxwell
5594 International Energy Law and Taxation Review 1472-4529 Sweet and Maxwell Ltd
13063 European Journal of Morphology 0924-3860 Swets & Zeitlinger; 1999
5517 Infotrend 1653-0225 Swets Information Services
8711 Studies in art education 0039-3541 Swets Subscription Service
14208 Injury Control and Safety Promotion 1566-0974 Swets and Zeitlinger
251 Australian Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society 1449-0706 Swinburne University of Technology
673 E-Journal of Applied Psychology 1832-7931 Swinburne University of Technology
527685 Swiss Journal of Sociocultural Anthropology / Revue Suisse d'Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle 2813-5229 Swiss Anthropological Association,
145621 Studies in Communication Sciences 1424-4896 Swiss Association of Communication and Media Studies (SACM/SGKM) / Faculty of Communication Sciences of the Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI Lugano)
117480 Horizons 1663-2710 Swiss National Science Foundation
45351 Swiss Political Science Review. Revue suisse de sciences politiques 1662-6370 Swiss Political Science Association
166214 Swiss Journal of Educational Research 2624-8492 Swiss Society for Research in Education
132154 Swiss portal for philosophy
170959 Performance Enhancement & Health 2211-2669 Sydney : Elsevier Australia
131939 Southern Semiotic Review Sykes Geoffrey, Ryder Paul
177608 Corporate Governance and Innovative Economic Development of the North / Корпоративное управление и инновационное развитие экономики Севера 2070-4992 Syktyvkar State University
481338 ContreTemps. Revue de critique communiste 1633-597X Syllepse
106864 Les Cahiers de l'émancipation Syllepse
136625 Matière Première 1951-1647 Syllepse
151211 Mauvais Temps 1773-861X Syllepse
112756 Sylvie Thouësny
118502 SOJ Psychology 2374-6874 Symbiosis
144881 Journal of Exercise, Sports & Orthopedics Symbiosis Group
150390 SOJ Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 2372-0956 Symbiosis Online Publishing
137403 Nanoscience & Technology: Open Access Symbiosis Open Access
1628 Kardiologia -Bratislava 1210-0048 SymeKard s.r.o
120057 Symmetry: Culture and Science 0865-4834 Symmetrion
12717 E-Learning 1741-8887 Symposium Journals
25510 European Educational Research Journal 1474-9041 Symposium Journals (with European Educational Research Association)
164508 Chambre d'Agriculture de Bretagne Synagri
140260 Comparative Arts : neue Ansätze zu einer universellen Ästhetik 1432-5306 Synchron
105928 Thérapie psychomotrice 0249-6569 Syndicat National d'Union des Psychomotriciens
127803 Guides Syndicat National des Guides de Montagne
164501 IIMpact éco Syndicat National des Ingénieurs de l'Industrie et des Mines
137627 L'institulien 2268-2635 Syndicat National des Instituts de Formation en Masso-Kinésithérapie
676549 Psychologues et psychologies 0297-6234 Syndicat National des Psychologues (SNP)
227920 Site du Syndicat Paris Métropole Syndicat Paris Métropole
113852 Bulletin d’information et de liaison du Syndicat de la presse artistique française Syndicat de la presse artistique française
169623 Éducateur, Revue du Syndicat des Enseignants Romands 0256-6370 Syndicat des enseignants romands
35493 La lettre du SPI 1275-7659 Syndicat des producteurs indépendants (France)
30064 Psychiatrie française 0755-9755 Syndicat des psychiatres francais ; E. Privat
104175 La Lettre du SFCC Syndicat français de la critique de cinéma
162854 Les Cahiers de Valençay 2727-0297 Syndicat mixte du Château de Valençay
72493 Cinésiologie 0009-7209 Syndicat national de médecine physique et des sports
137737 Former des maîtres 0755-1126 Syndicat national des professeurs d'écoles normales - [ Fédération de l'Education nationale ]
133269 Psychologues & psychologie Syndicat national des psychologues
66023 Synergies Royaume Uni et Irlande 1961-9464 Synergies
40163 Peace Newsletter 0735-4134 Syracuse Peace Council
8771 Syracuse Law Review 0039-7938 Syracuse University
8770 Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce 0093-0709 Syracuse University College of Law
4221 The Courier 0011-0418 Syracuse University Press
6811 Library Education Experimental Project 0586-3376 Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University, School of Library Science
38217 Ajax World Magazine Sys-Con Publications Inc
38624 ColdFusion Developer's Journal (CFDJ) 1523-9101 Sys-Con Publications Inc
39516 Java Developers Journal (JDJ) 1087-6944 Sys-Con Publications Inc
40505 SOA Web Services Journal 1535-6906 Sys-Con Publications Inc
40623 SRC Journal System Reliability Center
33 ACta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 0137-1592 Szczecińskie Towarzystwo Naukowe
123786 Chronica 1588-2039 Szegedi Tudományegyetem. Történeti Intézet (Institut d'Histoire, Université de Szeged, Hongrie)
177397 Columella 2064-7816 Szent István Campus of Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
98399 Zeszyty naukowe SGPiS Szkoła Główna Planowania i Statystyki
140372 Fordulat 2498-9347 Szövetkezetiséget Támogató Egyesület
34493 Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 0989-5671 SÉPOA (Société pour l’étude du Proche-Orient ancien)
139319 Contemporânea. Revista de sociologia da UFSCar 2236-532X São Carlos SP: Universidade Federal de São Carlos Departamento de Sociologia
108373 Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia 1516-8034 São Paulo : Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia
94967 Revista Cidades 2448-1092 São Paulo SP: Grupo de Estudos Urbanos
169 Annual Review of Biomedical Sciences 1517-3011 São Paulo State University
68159 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 0103-0752 São Paulo, SP : Associação Brasileira de Estatística
26969 Aquisição da Linguagem : Conceito, Definição e Explicação na Criança In S. Dinucci Fernandes (Org.) São Paulo : Cultura Acadêmica Editora
151685 Oestbulletinen 1654-8698 Sällskapet för studier av Ryssland, Central-och Östeuropa samt Centralasien
47850 Archéologie en Languedoc 0221-4792 Sète : Fédération archéologique de l'Hérault
31097 Géomatique Expert 1620-4859 Sédigraph
293409 Cahiers Maurice Ravel 0769-7945 Séguier
293413 Cahiers Maurice Ravel 0769-7945 Séguier
576626 Cahiers Maurice Ravel Séguier
149237 SAL Hors-série Séminaire Amérique Latine
41168 Revue Interdisciplinaire d'Etudes Juridiques 0770-2310 Séminiaire interdisciplinaire d'études juridiques des facultés universitaires Saint-Louis
705001 Journal of Süleyman Demirel University Institute of Social Science 1304-6373 Süleyman Demirel University
2398 TESL - EJ 1072-4303 T E S L - E J
40094 Nuts & Volts T&L Publications Inc
773590 RADDAR T&P Publishing
168453 Ηλεκτρολογος και Σαλόνι Φωτισμού T-Press
104922 Nāme-ye Irān-e Bāstān. The International Journal of Ancient Iranian Studies 1735-3912 T. Daryaee (University of California, Irvine)
97149 International Journal of Current Research 0975-833X T. Manikandan
453925 Journal of Turkish Court of Accounts / Sayistay Dergisi 1300-1981 T.C. Sayistay Baskanligi Inonu Bulvari (Eskisehir Yolu) No: 45 06520 Balgat/Ankara Turkiye
151874 Revue Incise 2276-545X T2G – Théâtre de Gennevilliers
374640 TAO Digital Library 2282-1023 TAO Digital Library
6524 The Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps 0274-9483 TASH
152212 Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 2330-8249 TAYLOR & FRANCIS
109806 Soil and Sediment Contamination 1532-0383 TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC
72195 Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative 2162-5603 TEI Consortium
603848 AMNIS Revue d’études des sociétés et cultures contemporaines Europe/Amérique 1764-7193 TELEMME - UMR 6570
129 Amnis - Revue de civilisation contemporaine, Europe/Amériques 1764-7193 TELEMME - UMR 6570
109076 El Argonauta español. Revue consacrée à l'étude de la presse espagnole de ses origines à nos jours 1765-2901 TELEMME UMR 7303, Aix Marseille Université, CNRS
225486 Mélanges en chômage au professeur HOUNDAGB TENTE A. H. Brice, GIBIGAYE Moussa & OREKAN Vincent O. A.
874680 Politika.Io TEPSIS
167589 Wrong Wrong Magazine 2183-5527 TERCEIRO DIREITO
1965 Polish Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 1731-5530 TERMEDIA
87855 Acteurs du Sport TERRITORIAL
8860 TESOL Journal 1056-7941 TESOL
8861 TESOL Quarterly 0039-8322 TESOL
66988 ESP NEWSLETTER TESOL International Association
105617 TESOL International Journal 2094-3938 TESOL International Journal
108960 TESOLANZ Journal 1172-9694 TESOLANZ, in Wellington, NZ
406813 edition text + kritik TEXT+KRITIK
165386 The Arts Journal 1278-7723 THE ARTS FORUM Inc
797449 Ab-Original, Journal of Indigenous Studies and First Nations and First Peoples' Cultures 2471-0938 THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS
165406 Manip 1772-2950 THEMAA
760031 Educacion e biblioteca. biblioteca n° 143, octobre 2004, Madrid 0214-7491 TILDE en collaboration avec l'association Educacion e bibliotecas
135810 Revue Corps-Objet-Image 2426-5756 TJP Éditions
299891 TK-21 la revue 1200-7935 TK-21
8928 The Times Literary Supplement 0307-661X TLS Subscriptions
558027 European Journal of Biological Research 2449-8955 TMKarpiński Publisher
339002 Mavi Gezegen 1302-4108 TMMOB JEOLOJİ MÜHENDİSLERİ ODASI
143579 Geological Bulletin of Turkey (Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni) 1016-9164 TMMOB Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası
228098 Infectious Diseases Research 2703-4631 TMR Publishing Group
580112 Proceedings of Liquid Metal Processing and Casting 2022 TMS
554832 journal of Trade science 1859-3666 TMU
101182 Le journal des professionnels de l'enfance 1297-5354 TPMA
740781 Burning Farm 2813-8058 TPOD Lab — Theory and Project of Domestic Space. EPFL, Lausanne
524477 In Translation / في الترجمة 2353-0073 TRADIL Laboratory, Badji Mokhtar University, Annaba, Algeria
687784 Travaux & Innovations 0399-9688 TRAME
226369 TRANS Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 1560-182X TRANS
610802 Computers and artificial intelligence TRANSLIBRIS, Cologne, Germany (1984-1991)
106366 Revista TriploV de Artes, Religiões e Ciências 2182-147X TRIPLOV
38473 British Pharmacopoeia TSO
38596 Civil Service Yearbook TSO
816074 La Revue de Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) TTRA
137168 Spool 2215-0900 TU Delft
830906 Archive of Formal Proofs 2150-914x TU Muenchen
740972 European Journal of Social Impact and Circular Economy 2704-9906 TURIN UNIVERSITY
9024 TV Guide 0039-8543 TV Guide
170768 TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2076-2585 TWMS : Turkic World Mathematical Society
474405 Quaderni del Museo del Papiro Siracusa TYCHE
4434 Du -Zurich 0012-6837 Ta-media Ag
38368 Asian Banker Journal Tab International Pte Ltd
572748 Journal of Research on Archaeometry 2476-4647 Tabriz Islamic Art University
120126 BioImpacts 2228-5660 Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
131698 Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin 2228-5881 Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy
1876 The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution 1522-211X Tabula Rasa Institute
955081 Taihe Institute Observer Taihe Institute
115203 Vers la guerre totale. Le tournant de 1914-1915 Taillandier
35424 Statistica Sinica 1017-0405 Taipei : Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica
131468 International journal of advanced and applied sciences 2313-626X Taipei Institute of Advanced Science Extension
179817 Taipei Theatre Journal 1813-9078 Taipei National University of the Arts
86615 Journal of Internet Technology Taiwan Academic Network
107086 Journal of internet technology = Wǎngjì wǎnglù jìshù xuékān 1607-9264 Taiwan Academic Network Management Committee
121368 Aerosol and Air Quality Research 1680-8584 Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research
141753 Journal of Advances In Technology Innovation 2415-0436 Taiwan Association of Engineering and Technology Innovation
240531 Taiwan Journal of Democracy 1815-7238 Taiwan Foundation of Democracy
126070 International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 1562-2479 Taiwan Fuzzy Systems Association
22838 Acta Neurologica Taiwanica 1028-768X Taiwan Neurological Society; 1999
22828 Acta Paediatrica Taiwanica 1608-8115 Taiwan Pediatric Association
330269 Chinese Journal of Psychology 1013-9656 Taiwanese Psychological Association
149852 Journal of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities 2616-5732 Taiwanese Association for Digital Humanity & Ainosco
120283 The Journal of Comparative Law 1477-0814 Talbot Publishing
88470 Technology Innovation Management Review 1927-0321 Talent First Network
577004 LATENZ. Journal für Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Arbeit und Technik, Kunst und Kultur Talheimer Verlag
8781 Talk Magazine 1527-3806 Talk Magazine
158743 Historia 0018-2281 Tallandier
177942 Al-qannis: Boletín del Taller de Arqueología de Alcañiz 9969-8005 Taller de Arqueología de Alcañiz
131887 Divergencia 0719-2390 Taller de Historia Política O.C.F
74065 Tsingy : Revue de l'Association des professeurs d'histoire et de géographie de Madagascar 1998-9784 Tamatave, Madagascar : Association des professeurs d'histoire et de géographie de Madagascar
136654 Tambov University Reports. Series Natural and Technical Sciences 1810-0198 Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin” (Tambov, Russian Federation)
163113 Le Matin Dimanche Tamedia Publications Romandes (CH)
178425 Tamiḻaram Tamiḻaram patippakam, Maturai
160157 Journal of Futures Studies 1027-6084 Tamkang University
150887 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 0049-2930 Tamkang University
1409 Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences 1013-090X Tamkang University Press
115491 Aristonothos : scritti per il Mediterraneo antico 2037-4488 Tangram
335187 Quaderni di Aristonothos Tangram Edizioni Scientifiche
159249 Adoranten 0349-8808 Tanumshede, Sweden : Tanums Hällristningsmuseum Underslös. Scandinavian Society for Prehistoric Art
165218 Tao Shelter Tao Shelter Online
8782 Tappi Journal 0734-1415 Tappi Press
7680 Paper 360 Degrees 1933-3684 Tappi and Pima