Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
159785 International Journal of Remote Sensing 0143-1161
148755 International Journal of Rural Studies 1023-2001
153920 International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (IJSIP) 2005-4254
23788 International Journal of Signal processing
112110 International Journal of Social Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems
903412 International Journal of Social Sciences and Economic Review 2706-9346
153884 International Journal of Technology Diffusion 1947-9301
885811 International Journal of Translational Medicine 2673-8937
157055 International Journal of Tropical Plant Diseases 0254-0126
492124 International Journal of Vascular Medicine 2090-2824
23023 International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution, and Information Processing
116634 International Journal of Wine Business Research 1751-1062
75289 International Journal on Food System Dynamics
22994 International Journal on Manufacturing Technology and Management
20918 International Journal on Very Large Databases
156336 International Milling Flour and Feed 0954-4860
157347 International Nematology Network Newsletter 1052-5408
156068 International Peat Journal 0782-7784
156601 International Plant Genetic Resources Institute Newsletter for Europe 1026-695X
155526 International Poster Journal of Science and Technology 2224-5618
5677 International Quarterly 0738-534X
102284 International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and soil Science 2251-0044
160047 International Review of Cytology 0074-7696
120785 International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics 1932-1465
20180 International Review of Science
72263 International Scholarly Research Network, ISRN Ecology
130449 International Science and Technology Journal
156413 International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids Lipids ISSFAL Newsletter 1081-6208
105255 International Sugar Journal 0020-8841
5588 International development review 0020-6555
22071 International history of nursing journal : IHNJ 1360-1105
105286 International innovation - environment 2051-8544
22058 International journal of fertility and women's medicine 1534-892X
57855 International journal of immunotherapy
105256 International journal of management sciences and business research 2226-8235
22928 International journal of theoretical and applied issues in specialized communication
22041 International maritime health 1641-9251
157269 Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie 0020-9309
22036 Internet healthcare strategies 1528-7386
20181 Interphototheque
162578 Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts 1170-585X
20920 Inverse modeling
156497 Investigacion Agraria Produccion y Proteccion Vegetales 0213-5000
156984 Investigacion Agraria Produccion y Sanidad Animales 0213-5035
120606 Investigacion Pesquera 0020-9953
156298 Investigacion y Technica del Papel 0368-0789
156349 Invités d'Agromip 1267-6373
20904 Inédit - la lettre d'information de l'INRIA
155158 Inżynieria i Aparatura Chemiczna 0368-0827
156148 Iowa Ag Review 1080-2193
155470 Ipemed News 2106-8410
156759 Ippologia 1120-5776
152537 Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science 2251-628X
154569 Iranian Journal of Applied Ecology 2476-3128
156874 Iranian Journal of Plant Pathology 0006-2774
113149 Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research 1728-1997
20184 Iria Cahier
154883 Irish Chemical News 0790-4975
155937 Irish Forestry 0021-1192
157221 Irish Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology 0021-1249
156694 Irish Journal of Agricultural Research 0578-7483
124068 Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research
160070 Irish Veterinary Journal 0368-0762
154562 Irrigation & Drainage Systems Engineering 2168-9768
154136 Irrigazette
156453 Irrigazione e Drenaggio 0394-9338
162950 Iryo To Shakai 0916-9202
30834 Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes ING Newsletter
628930 Islets 1938-2014
155902 Isotope and Radiation Research 0021-1907
157551 Israel Journal of Agricultural Research 0021-2121
155542 Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh 0792-156X
22026 Issue Brief (Public Policy Institute (American Association of Retired Persons)) 1063-3189
22025 Issue brief (Center for Studying Health System Change)
22031 Issue brief (Commonwealth Fund)
22024 Issue brief (George Washington University. Center for Health Services Research and Policy)
22030 Issue brief (George Washington University. Medical Center. Ensuring Solutions to Alcohol Problems)
22029 Issue brief (Grantmakers in Health)
22022 Issue brief (Health Policy Tracking Service)
22028 Issue brief (Institute on Health Care Costs and Solutions)
22027 Issue brief (Massachusetts Health Policy Forum)
22023 Issues (National Council of State Boards of Nursing (U.S.)) 0885-0046
22021 Issues in brief (Alan Guttmacher Institute)
5737 Issues in criminology 0021-2385
22020 Issues in emerging health technologies 1488-6324
153882 Isère Nature 1003-G110
156917 Italia Forestale e Montana 0021-2776
161496 Italian Botanist
154366 Italian Geotechnical Review - Revista Italiana de Geotecnica
117904 Italian Journal of Agrometeorology 2038-5625
104526 Italian Journal of Animal Science 1828-051X
87828 Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment
103845 Italian Journal of Food Science 1120-1770
156492 Italian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 1125-8055
22019 Italian heart journal : official journal of the Italian Federation of Cardiology 1129-471X
22018 Italian heart journal. Supplement : official journal of the Italian Federation of Cardiology 1129-4728
75939 Italus Hortus
22015 Items & issues 1549-4942
20185 Izvestia Akademii Nauk SSSR Seria Fiziceskaa
22014 Izvestiia Akademii nauk. Seriia biologicheskaia / Rossijskaâ akademiia nauk 1026-3470
121979 Izvestija Sankt-Peterburgskoj Lesotechničeskoj Akademii 2079-4304
155631 JA Mag 1639-0091
21802 JAAPA : official journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants 1547-1896
162052 JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance
89252 JAK-STAT
786529 JBJS Essential Surgical Techniques 2160-2204
21800 JBR-BTR : organe de la Société royale belge de radiologie (SRBR) = orgaan van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Radiologie (KBVR) 0302-7430
156574 JET. Journal Epidémiologie Terrain 1254-8472
121361 JIMD reports 2192-8304
20188 JINR Rapid Communications
107294 JKI Data Sheets plant diseases and diagnosis
154868 JSM Bioinformatics, Genomics and Proteomics 2576-1102
120787 JSM Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering 2333-7117
119649 Jacobin 2470-6930
21801 Jahresbericht (Schweizerische Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften : 1988) 1016-1562
21795 Japan-hospitals : the journal of the Japan Hospital Association 0910-1004
23240 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, part 1 : Regular papers, Short Notes
156806 Japanese Journal of Farm Management 0388-8541
156507 Japanese Poultry Science 0029-0254
107295 Jardins de France 0021-5481
117405 Jardins de France- Les cahiers
155509 Jardins du Littoral 1161-8396
155099 Jef Klak 2417-078X
126931 Jeune Afrique
157096 Jeunes Agriculteurs 0396-7425
5778 Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science 0075-3904
21791 Joint Commission journal on quality and safety 1549-3741
21790 Joint Commission perspectives. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations 1044-4017
21860 Journal - Oklahoma Dental Association 0164-9442
24037 Journal Africain de Mathématiques pures et Appliquées
24120 Journal Biochemical
22975 Journal Chemical Engineering
78916 Journal Forestier Suisse
20201 Journal Francais de Biophysique et Medecine Nucleaire
155025 Journal Institute of Environmental Management 1369-1716
104727 Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin 1151-0285
156954 Journal Ivoirien d'Océanologie et de Limnologie 1018-0354
30275 Journal Maghrebin de Physique
20245 Journal Officiel des Communautes Europeennes - Legislation
23075 Journal Proteome Research
20246 Journal Space Science Reviews
20191 Journal de Biophysique et Medecine Nucleaire
20189 Journal de Biophysique et de Biomecanique
20190 Journal de Biophysique et de Medecine Nucleaire
20192 Journal de Chimie Physique
20194 Journal de Mathematiques
20195 Journal de Medecine Nucleaire et Biophysique
20196 Journal de Microscopie et de Spectroscopie Electronique
156157 Journal de Nervure 0988-4068
157421 Journal de Pharmacologie 0021-793X
120555 Journal de Physiologie 0021-7948
20198 Journal de Physique Colloque
160037 Journal de Physique. III 1155-4320
94471 Journal de Recherche Océanographique
157265 Journal de Toxicologie Clinique et Experimentale 0753-2830
155995 Journal de l'APF (Association Paléontologique Française) 1165-2225
23948 Journal de l'Association Paléontologique Française
156362 Journal de la Godeline 0993-3271
23457 Journal de la Recherche Océanographique
20193 Journal de la Societe des Physiciens Serbes
20921 Journal de la Société Française de Dialyse
159900 Journal de la Société de Biologie 1295-0661
120573 Journal de la Société de Statistique de Paris 0037-914X
131126 Journal de recherches atmosphériques 0021-7972
102497 Journal des Ménagères
156508 Journal des Sciences et Techniques de la Tonnellerie 1274-2244
156436 Journal des Téléspectateurs 1270-9859
154137 Journal des sciences hydrologiques
156018 Journal du Concours Agricole National des Prairies Fleuries dans les Parcs Naturels Régionaux et les Parcs Nationaux 2111-3815
156822 Journal du Conseil - Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer 0020-6466
156379 Journal of AGSI 0965-4380
154953 Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies 2373-423X
139881 Journal of Advances in Sports and Physical Education 2616-8642
161687 Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering
104298 Journal of Aging and Gerontology 2309-6128
155004 Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development 2167-0477
156547 Journal of Agricultural Entomology 0735-939X
153866 Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science 1306-0007
85895 Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B
155125 Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. A 2161-6256
157192 Journal of Agricultural Science in Finland 0782-4386
103707 Journal of Agricultural Studies 2166-0379
155858 Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 1074-0708
155629 Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science 1990-6145
114209 Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development 1590-7198
155864 Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico 0041-994X
155348 Journal of Algal Biomass Utilization 2229-6905
123024 Journal of Analysis and Testing 2096-241X
137126 Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 2090-8865
129230 Journal of Analytical Sciences, Methods and Instrumentation 2164-2745
160007 Journal of Andrology 0196-3635
159737 Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 0931-2668
159747 Journal of Animal Science 0021-8812
155857 Journal of Animal Science and Technology 1225-2727
155056 Journal of Apicultural Science 1643-4439
20711 Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences