Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
82847 Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
82849 Doklady Physics
82850 Mechanics of Solids
82851 Polimery 0032-2725 Instytut Chemii Przemysłowej
82854 New Geographies (Journal of the Harvard University Graduate School of Design)
82856 Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 2327-3097 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
82858 Computers Standards & Interfaces
82866 International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning (IJCEELL)
82869 Le Rhinolophe
82870 Nouvelle Mythologie Comparée / New Comparative Mythology Nouvelle Mythologie Comparée
82871 Mathematical Anthropology and Cultural Theory 1544-5879
82873 Int J Endocrinol
82874 Journal of Humanistic Mathematics
82877 Préhistoire, Art et Sociétés 1954-5045 Société Préhistorique Ariège-Pyrénées
82878 Sciences Eau & Territoire
82879 Disease Models & Mechanisms 1754-8403 Cambridge Company of Biologists
82883 Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering History and Heritage
82886 IJACT : International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology
82893 Séminaire Équations aux Dérivées Partielles. École polytechnique
82895 Environmental Progress
82898 Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Ed. P. W. Hawkes
82903 Environmental Law Reporter News & Analysis
82905 MSMI
82906 journal of Entreprise Information Management
82907 Thémata: Revista de filosofía
82908 International Journal of future Generation Communication and Networking
82911 Handb Clin Neurol Elsevier B.V
82915 Med Chem
82918 EUSIPCO 2012
82923 IET Circuits Devices and Systems
82933 UNOPAR Científica. Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde
82935 Revista Brasileira de Qualidade de Vida
82936 Ciência & Saúde
82938 Trabalho & Educação 1516-9537 UFMG - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
82939 Saúde e Pesquisa
82940 Revista CPAQV
82941 Regional Formation and Development Studies 2029-9370 Klaipeda University press
82942 New economics papers history and philosophy of economics
82944 Les cahiers de Sol
82945 Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2013
82948 Agroforestry Forum U.K Agroforestry Research Forum
82949 Cahiers de la puéricultrice 2468-5232 Issy-les-Moulineaux : Elsevier-Masson
82953 Revue Internationale de psychosiocologie
82961 Emot Rev
82963 The 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2012)
82967 Comptes Rendus Académie des Sciences, Paris
82968 Fund og Forskning
82969 Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History
82972 Quality and Quantity 2013
82975 Journal of Theoretical and applied electric commerce research
82977 Kiran: Bulletin of the Indian Laser Association
82984 REDIAL - Revista Europea de Información y Documentación sobre América Latina
82991 ISIG Journal
82993 Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part A
82999 Bulletin de l'Association des Amis de Stendhal
83010 Madagascar Conservation & Development 1662-2510 Indian Ocean e-Ink
83012 Czech sociological review (ISSN : 0038-0288)
83020 Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals (ISSN : 1133-6595)
83029 Travaux de la maison des sciences de l'homme d'Aquitaine
83030 The Journal of Social Welfare & Family Law (ISSN : 0964-9069)
83033 Storiografia. Rivista annuale di storia (ISSN : 1128-2339)
83035 Journal of development and economics policies
83038 Stanovnistvo (ISSN : 0038-982X)
83041 JOM
83044 Recherche Research
83045 Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther
83050 Politiques sociales et familiales 2101-8081 Caisse Nationale des Allocations Familiales
83051 Acta biologica montana CPBAM-Centre Pyreneen de Biologie et Anthropologie des Montagnes (Pau)
83054 Storia e problemi contemporanei
83056 Journal of Envionmental Management
83058 La Revue nouvelle 0035-3809 Association la Revue nouvelle
83060 Revista ética e filosofia politica (ISSN : 1414-3917)
83061 Géoconfluence
83064 Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 1350-5033 Taylor & Francis
83065 Mé
83867 IJNS
83868 Bulletins de l'Académie royale de Belgique
83869 Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
83871 Bulletin de la Société d'Anthropologie de Lyon
83876 Geogaphische Rundschau
83877 International Development Policy | Revue internationale de politique de développement Institut de hautes études internationales et du ‎développement (IHEID)
83880 La chèvre
83881 Irish Studies in Europe
83886 Yad Vashem Studies
83887 Cuadernos de vivienda y urbanismo
83888 Obes Facts
83891 2nd International Workshop "Dynamic Compilation Everywhere", in conjunction with the 8th HiPEAC conference, Berlin, Germany, January 2013
83892 The journal of private enterprise
83893 A journal of manufacturing technology management
83895 Methods and Applications in Fluorescence IOP Science
83908 Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability
83912 IEEE CONFERENCE PUBLICATIONS , Publication Year: 2012
83919 Annales de la revue française de sociologie
83921 Revue de gestion
83922 Sloan Center on Aging & Work at Boston College
83924 IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science
83929 Phytokeys
83930 Pommes à cidre
83931 Forum Geobotanicum
83932 Bulletin de la Société des amis des musées d'Orléans
83938 International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology
83939 USC Working Papers in Linguistics
83940 Le lien horticole
83944 Apocrypha. Le champ des apocryphes I
83946 Studies of the History and Archaeology of Jordan
83947 The Electricity Journal
83948 Diving Hyperb Med
83949 2000. The European Journal
83950 Bulletin du Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Psychotechniques
65974 Advances in Calculus of Variations
65975 Société des amis des arts et des sciences de Tournus
65976 Recherches vendéennes. Annuaire de la société d'émulation de la Vendée
65978 Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environment
65981 Progress In Electromagnetics Research (PIER)
65985 Uzès musée vivant, Bulletin les Amis du musée
65988 Cahiers de L'Herne 0440-7237 [Paris]: L'Herne
65989 Economies et sociétés. Série AF, Histoire économique quantitative
65992 Interventions Economiques : Papers in Political Economy 1710-7377 Québec: Télé-université
65993 Interdiscip Sci
65997 Environmental Chemistry Group Bulletin
66000 International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR)
66003 International Journal of Conflict Management
66007 Articulo - Journal of Urban Research Articulo - Revue de sciences humaines asbl
66012 Les cahiers de l'institut d'histoire sociale de la CGT
66015 Recherches interdisciplinaires sur les textes modernes 1166-2212 Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires sur les textes modernes - Université Paris X Nanterre
66019 Etudes, revue du CEREQ
66020 MODGRAPH - Journées Ouvertes en Biologie, Informatique et Mathématiques (JOBIM)
66023 Synergies Royaume Uni et Irlande 1961-9464 Synergies
66024 Journée du " CReAAH " Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire, Rennes, 2 avril 2011
66025 Journal of Experimental Biology 0022-0949 The Company of Biologists
66030 Le Tigne
66033 L'Essentiel - La Newletter du Réseau Projection
66034 L'Ouest saharien
66036 Seuils et rites. Littérature et culture
66037 L'Automobile Magazine
66038 Signes du feu
66039 Vergilius
66041 Le Courrier des Statistiques
66044 International Journal of Adaptative Control and Signal Processing
66049 Turkish Review of Balkan Studies
66050 Transitions Studies Review
66053 Soundscape, The Journal of Acoustic Ecology
66057 Law and Justice Review (Justice Academy of Turkey Publications)
66058 La modernité japonaise en perspective
66060 Culture Communication
66061 PCM Le Pont
66062 Personnel - La revue des professionnels des ressources humaines
66063 Observatoire de l'habitat
66064 UrbaLyon Internet
66065 Middle Eastern Finance and Economics
66070 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects,
66071 Advances in Nephrology ISBN=0815141106
66073 Südost-Forschungen
66074 Almagest Brepols Publishers
66076 Appl Magn reson
66077 spectr-int
66078 anal lett
66081 International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science & Geomechanics Abstracts
66086 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (FEB)
66088 European Review of Industrial Economics and Policy
66092 J. Chemical Neuroanatomy
66093 Arabian Journal of Geosciences 1866-7411 Springer
66095 Papers from the Staffordshire Hoard Symposium, British Museum
66097 Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma 0035-6298 Istituto di Matematica
66100 Spéléo L
66101 Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy agents in Medicinal Chemistry
66103 Relations anthropozoologiques
66112 Tendances : Le point sur la recherche en cours (OFDT)
66113 Drilling Contractor
66119 Elektronika IR Elektrotechnika
66122 Actu-Environnement 2107-6677 COGITERRA
66123 Moyen-Orient 1969-8585 Areion Group
66124 Revue RTU
66125 Regional Development Dialogue
66126 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing 1520-6149 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
66129 Bulletin de la section française de la Faculté des Lettres, Université Rikkyo, Tokyo, Japon
66131 Studii de demografie istorică (secolele XVII - XXI)", Corneliu Pădurean, Ioan Bolovan (coord.), Editura Gutenberg, Arad, 2010, ISBN 978-606-8204-24-6
66134 eJournal of Indian Medicine
66136 Luqman. Annales des Presses Universitaires d'Iran
66140 Mediaeval Sophia
66141 Revista de Estudos Universitários da Universidade de Sorocaba
66143 Cours Cycle d'études postgrades 2003 "Les Constructions en bois
66144 AAPG computer application in Geology 5
66146 Conference Proceedings
66151 International Journal of Advanced Operations Management 1758-938X Inderscience
66154 Revue Iris
66156 Préhistoires Méditerranéennes 2118-8211 Association pour la promotion de la préhistoire et de l'anthropologie méditerranéennes
66159 Technique et Cultures
66160 Stalactite
66161 IET Power Electronics 1755-4543 The Institution of Engineering and Technology
66162 Journal of the japan welding society
66172 Revue internationale des droits de l'Antiquité 0772-9235 Presses universitaires de Liège (Belgique) [1954-....]
66175 Journal of history of science and technology
66183 IEEE pulse
66188 Le Journal des Elections North-Eastern Hill University
66189 Sudest Asie
66190 Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing 1530-6429 Sampling publishing