Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
140064 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung a 1865-7109 De Gruyter, Berlin
135247 Ornis Hungarica De Gruyter, Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Protection Society
37427 Enseignement Philosophique 0986-1653 De L'association des Professeurs de Philosophie
817512 Malay 0115-6195 De La Salle University Publishing House
44149 Commentari d'Arte 2421-2768 De Luca Editori d'Arte
39807 L'ecole Branchee 1480-7645 De Marque Inc
173130 Sharqiyyât. Tijdschrift van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor de Studie van het Midden-Oosten en de Islam/ Journal of the Dutch Association for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies 0922-3398 De Nederlandse Vereniging voor de Studie van het Midden-Oosten en de Islam
146331 META De Vlaamse Vereniging voor Bibliotheek, Archief & Documentatie vzw (VVBAD)
129977 Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialtheorie und Philosophie 2194-5640 De gruyter
109659 Nonautonomous dynamical systems 2353-0626 De gruyter Open
134631 Madeleine De l'Incidence
117500 Murmure 1770-7077 De l'incidence éditeur
20668 Energy Studies Review 0843-4379 DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University
492181 Nordic Wittgenstein Review 2242-248X DeGruyter
4366 DePaul Business Law Journal 1049-6122 DePaul University College of Law
4367 DePaul journal of health care law 1551-8426 DePaul University College of Law
4369 DePaul-LCA Journal of Art and Entertainment Law 1061-0553 DePaul University College of Law
4365 Depaul Business and Commercial Law Journal 1542-2763 DePaul University College of Law
150609 Humanimalia - Journal of human/animal interface studies 2151-8645 DePauw University
2575 Academic Therapy Quarterly 1040-9777 DeWitt Reading Clinic
126871 Chroniques du Diois 1768-952X Dea-Augusta
4341 Deakin Law Review 1321-3660 Deakin University School of Law
7060 Mergers & acquisitions 0026-0010 Dealer's Digest Inc
111373 Jordan Journal of Electrical Engineering 2409-9600 Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies at Tafila Technical University, Jordan
108003 Ethnographica et folkloristica carpathica, 0139-0600 Debreceni Egyetem Néprajzi Tanszék 0139-0600
4346 Decalogue Journal 0011-7250 Decalogue Society of Lawyers
6958 Marketing & Media Decisions 0195-4296 Decisions Publications, Inc
38437 Biological Therapies in Dentistry 0882-1852 Decker Publishing
17177 Molecular Imaging 1535-3508 Decker Publishing
134013 Keulmadang 2270-3063 Decrescenzo éditeurs
324149 Quaderni di Storia 0391-6936 Dedalo
599748 Sapere 0036-4681 Dedalo
4370 Desidoc Bulletin of Information Technology 0971-4383 Defence Scientific Information and Documentation Centre
61715 Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications 0973-5321 Dehli : Research India Publ
177835 Settimana News Dehoniane
22357 Delaware Medical Journal 0011-7781 Delaware Medical Journal
4352 Delaware Law Review 1097-1874 Delaware State Bar Association
107674 Contre bande 1271-9102 Delcourt
39464 International Shipbuilding Progress 1566-2829 Delft University Press
862 European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 1567-7141 Delft University of Technology
120207 Next Generation Building 2213-4433 Delft University of Technology
152347 Variations Delga, OpenEdition
152702 Variations Delga, Paris
6812 Library Herald 0024-2292 Delhi Library Association
55012 International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research 0973-1873 Delhi Research India Publ
110858 Journal of Combinatorics, Information & System Sciences 0250-9628 Delhi: Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics
38742 Dairy Foods 0888-0050 Delta Communications Inc
7669 Packaging Digest -Cleveland then Chicago then Los Angeles 0030-9117 Delta Communications Inc
7914 Prepared foods 0747-2536 Delta Communications Inc
8290 Robotics World 0737-7908 Delta Mailing Service