Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
44347 International Journal on System Research and Information Science Inconnu
57446 MASAUM Journal of Computing 2076-0833 Inconnu
159954 PHM Revue Horticole 0758-1688 Inconnu
81137 Revue des ingénieurs des écoles nationales supérieures des mines : Paris, Saint-Etienne, Nancy 0150-7516 Inconuu
124837 Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 2036-6590 Independent
571345 The Journal of Liberated Mathematics Independent
161445 The Professional Medical Journal 2071-7733 Independent Medical College, Faisalabad
20979 Moscow Mathematical Journal 1609-3321 Independent University of Moscow
119597 Int. J. Digital Signals and Smart Systems 2398-032X InderScience
105022 International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation 1755-9758 InderScience
149993 International Journal of Spatio-Temporal Data Science 2399-1275 InderScience
88928 International Journal of Sustainable Society 1756-2538 InderScience
37521 International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture (IJHPSA) 1751-6528 InderScience Publisher
133477 International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation 1758-0366 InderScience publisher
113012 Archives of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering 1689-9210 Inderscience
38382 Atoms for Peace 1741-640X Inderscience
12839 Electronic Government 1740-7494 Inderscience
38983 European Journal of Industrial Engineering 1751-5254 Inderscience
38984 European Journal of International Management 1751-6757 Inderscience
13674 Global Business and Economics Review 1097-4954 Inderscience
14325 IJAHUC - International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 1743-8225 Inderscience
10967 International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation 1740-8008 Inderscience
14327 International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication 1462-4613 Inderscience
66151 International Journal of Advanced Operations Management 1758-938X Inderscience
39374 International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering 1746-1375 Inderscience
14329 International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 1741-9174 Inderscience
14331 International Journal of Alternative Propulsion 1471-0234 Inderscience
125262 International Journal of Applied Cryptography 1753-0563 Inderscience
10975 International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 1470-9511 Inderscience
90363 International Journal of Autonomic Computing 1741-8569 Inderscience
79973 International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance 1755-3830 Inderscience
11428 International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 1744-5485 Inderscience
57864 International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET) 1752-6418 Inderscience
92718 International Journal of Biometrics 1755-8301 Inderscience
11430 International Journal of Biotechnology 0963-6048 Inderscience
859103 International Journal of Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies 2516-6425 Inderscience
90449 International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management Inderscience
14358 International Journal of Business Environment 1740-0589 Inderscience
14359 International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1477-9048 Inderscience
14360 International Journal of Business Information Systems 1746-0972 Inderscience
14361 International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 1751-0252 Inderscience
14362 International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining 1743-8187 Inderscience
14363 International Journal of Business Performance Management 1368-4892 Inderscience
14364 International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management 1741-8763 Inderscience
144424 International Journal of Business and Globalisation 1753-3627 Inderscience
134944 International Journal of Competitiveness 2056-9432 Inderscience
14377 International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 1742-7185 Inderscience
178304 International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering 2046-3405 Inderscience
76708 International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics 1752-9131 Inderscience
5609 International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 0952-8091 Inderscience
14387 International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning 1560-4624 Inderscience
103186 International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems 1757-8779 Inderscience
12393 International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 1475-3219 Inderscience
12704 International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics 1748-5673 Inderscience
110150 International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management 1759-1163 Inderscience
55774 International Journal of Design Engineering 1751-5874 Inderscience
48494 International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism 1753-5212 Inderscience
113014 International Journal of Egineering Systems Modeling and Simulation 1755-9766 Inderscience
14408 International Journal of Electronic Business 1470-6067 Inderscience
14409 International Journal of Electronic Finance 1746-0069 Inderscience
103022 International Journal of Electronic Governance 1742-7509 Inderscience
14410 International Journal of Electronic Healthcare 1741-8453 Inderscience
14411 International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 1741-1025 Inderscience
14413 International Journal of Embedded Systems 1741-1068 Inderscience
13246 International Journal of Emergency Management 1471-4825 Inderscience
13248 International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy 1472-8923 Inderscience
64503 International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation Inderscience
14416 International Journal of Enterprise Network Management 1748-1252 Inderscience
145104 International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 1742-5360 Inderscience
14418 International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 1368-275X Inderscience
14419 International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 1476-1297 Inderscience
39400 International Journal of Environment and Health 1743-4955 Inderscience
14420 International Journal of Environment and Pollution 0957-4352 Inderscience
13250 International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development 1474-6778 Inderscience
14421 International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 1478-9876 Inderscience
14422 International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment 1741-8437 Inderscience
13252 International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 1466-2132 Inderscience
14427 International Journal of Exergy 1742-8297 Inderscience
14431 International Journal of Financial Services Management 1460-6712 Inderscience
14437 International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy 1740-2816 Inderscience
13739 International Journal of Global Energy Issues 0954-7118 Inderscience
13740 International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 1466-6650 Inderscience
14447 International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business 1479-3059 Inderscience
14448 International Journal of Green Economics 1744-9928 Inderscience
14449 International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 1741-847X Inderscience
14457 International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 1368-2156 Inderscience
14459 International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems 1744-232X Inderscience
14462 International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking 1740-0562 Inderscience
14472 International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation 1742-5549 Inderscience
14474 International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management 1465-6612 Inderscience
14488 International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 1748-5037 Inderscience
14496 International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management 1479-3121 Inderscience
14498 International Journal of Information Technology and Management 1461-4111 Inderscience
64916 International Journal of Information and Coding Theory 1753-7703 Inderscience
39407 International Journal of Information and Computer Security 1744-1765 Inderscience
14493 International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education 1744-2303 Inderscience
14501 International Journal of Innovation and Learning 1471-8197 Inderscience
14502 International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 1740-8822 Inderscience
14506 International Journal of Integrated Supply Management 1477-5360 Inderscience
14507 International Journal of Intellectual Property Management 1478-9647 Inderscience