Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
7366 New Catholic world 0363-5066
7367 New Choices 1085-1003 Retirement Living Publishing Co., Inc
7368 New Choices for Retirement Living 1061-2157 Retirement Living Publishing Co., Inc
7369 New Choices for the Best Years 1041-6277 New Choices for the Best Years
7370 new criterion 0734-0222 Foundation for Culture Review Inc
7371 New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education 1052-2891 Wiley
7372 New Directions for Community Colleges 0194-3081 Wiley
7373 New Directions for Continuing Education 0195-2242 Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers
7374 New Directions for Higher Education 0271-0560 Wiley
7375 New Directions for Institutional Research 0271-0579 Wiley
7376 New Directions for Program Evaluation 0164-7989 John Wiley & Sons
7377 New Directions for Student Services 0164-7970 Wiley
7378 New Directions for Teaching and Learning 0271-0633 Wiley
7379 New Directions for Testing and Measurement 0271-0609 Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers
7380 New England Economic Review 0028-4726 Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
7381 New England Journal of Medicine 0028-4793 Massachusetts Medical Society
8906 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 1565-1509 De Gruyter
8907 Theory and Research in Social Education 0093-3104 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
8908 Theory Into Practice 0040-5841 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
8909 Theosophical Quarterly 1052-147X
8910 Think 0040-6112 New York, International Business Machines Corp
8911 Thinking 0190-3330 Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children
8912 Third Text 0952-8822 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
8913 Third World Libraries 1052-3049 Rosary College
8914 Third World Quarterly 0143-6597 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
8915 Thomas Jefferson law review 1090-5278 Thomas Jefferson School of Law
8916 Thomas M. Cooley Journal of Practical & Clinical Law 1097-0800 Thomas M. Cooley Law School
8917 Thomas M Cooley Law Review 1060-1007 Thomas M. Cooley Law School
8918 Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 0040-6457 Philosophy Documentation Center
8919 Thrust (Burlingame, Calif.) 0145-2061 Association of California School Administrators
8920 Thrust for Educational Leadership 1055-2243 Association of California School Administrators
8921 Thunderbird International Business Review 1096-4762 Wiley
8922 Thurgood Marshall law review 0749-1646 Business Manager, Thurgood Marshall Law Review
8923 Tidskrift for Dokumentation 0040-6872 Tekniska Litteratursallskapet
8924 Tikkun 0887-9982 Duke University Press
8925 Time -New York- American Edition 0040-781X Time -- Life International
8926 The Times Educational Supplement 0040-7887 Times Newspapers Ltd
8927 The Times Higher Education Supplement 0049-3929 Times Newspapers Ltd
8928 The Times Literary Supplement 0307-661X TLS Subscriptions
8929 Title News 0040-8190 American Title Association
8930 Tma Journal 1080-1162 Treasury Management Association
8931 Today's Education (1968) 0040-8484 National Education Association of the United States
8932 Today's Education (Annual edition) 0737-1888 National Education Association of the United States
8933 Today's Education (General Edition) 0272-3573 National Education Association of the United States
8934 Today's Homeowner 1089-4810 Today's Homeowner, Subscription Dept
8935 Today's Homeowner Solutions 1532-1851 Today's Homeowner Solutions, Subscription Dept
8936 Today's Speech 0040-8573 Dept. of Speech and Theatre, Indiana University
8937 Tooling and Production 0040-9243 Huebcore Communications Inc
8938 Top of the News 0040-9286 American Library Association
8939 Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 0271-1214 SAGE Publications