Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
109560 InFluxus InFluxus
23683 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 1729-8806 InTech
124047 Nanobiomedicine 1849-5435 InTech
103852 ABE Journal - Architecture beyond Europe 2275-6639 InVisu/INHA
163082 La revue des médias 2677-4399 Ina - Institut national de l'audiovisuel
3798 Canadian Woman Studies 0713-3235 Inanna Publications and Education Inc
38885 Energy Risk 1742-4305 Incisive Financial Publishing Ltd
78263 The Journal of Computational Finance 1460-1559 Incisive Media
36339 Vocabulaire du Politique : Fascisme, néo-fascisme, Cahiers pour l'Analyse concrète Inclinaison-Centre de Sociologie Historique
39261 IDS Pay Benchmark 0265-6019 Incomes Data Services
39262 IDS Pay Report 0019-3461 Incomes Data Services
39259 Ids Brief 0308-9312 Incomes Data Services
39260 Ids Hr Studies 0308-9339 Incomes Data Services Ltd
23436 Cahiers de topologie et géométrie différentielle catégoriques 1245-530X Inconnu
165379 D'Autore. Rivista di scienza e cultura cinematografica Inconnu
91508 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and statistics 0973-1377 Inconnu
27685 International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources 1614-7138 Inconnu
71784 International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering 2010-3719 Inconnu
44347 International Journal on System Research and Information Science Inconnu
57446 MASAUM Journal of Computing 2076-0833 Inconnu
159954 PHM Revue Horticole 0758-1688 Inconnu
81137 Revue des ingénieurs des écoles nationales supérieures des mines : Paris, Saint-Etienne, Nancy 0150-7516 Inconuu
124837 Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 2036-6590 Independent
571345 The Journal of Liberated Mathematics Independent
161445 The Professional Medical Journal 2071-7733 Independent Medical College, Faisalabad
20979 Moscow Mathematical Journal 1609-3321 Independent University of Moscow
119597 Int. J. Digital Signals and Smart Systems 2398-032X InderScience
105022 International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation 1755-9758 InderScience
149993 International Journal of Spatio-Temporal Data Science 2399-1275 InderScience
88928 International Journal of Sustainable Society 1756-2538 InderScience
37521 International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture (IJHPSA) 1751-6528 InderScience Publisher
133477 International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation 1758-0366 InderScience publisher
113012 Archives of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering 1689-9210 Inderscience
38382 Atoms for Peace 1741-640X Inderscience
12839 Electronic Government 1740-7494 Inderscience
38983 European Journal of Industrial Engineering 1751-5254 Inderscience
38984 European Journal of International Management 1751-6757 Inderscience
13674 Global Business and Economics Review 1097-4954 Inderscience
14325 IJAHUC - International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 1743-8225 Inderscience
10967 International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation 1740-8008 Inderscience
14327 International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication 1462-4613 Inderscience
66151 International Journal of Advanced Operations Management 1758-938X Inderscience
39374 International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering 1746-1375 Inderscience
14329 International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 1741-9174 Inderscience
14331 International Journal of Alternative Propulsion 1471-0234 Inderscience
125262 International Journal of Applied Cryptography 1753-0563 Inderscience
10975 International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 1470-9511 Inderscience
90363 International Journal of Autonomic Computing 1741-8569 Inderscience
79973 International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance 1755-3830 Inderscience
11428 International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 1744-5485 Inderscience
57864 International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET) 1752-6418 Inderscience
92718 International Journal of Biometrics 1755-8301 Inderscience
11430 International Journal of Biotechnology 0963-6048 Inderscience
859103 International Journal of Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies 2516-6425 Inderscience
90449 International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management Inderscience
14358 International Journal of Business Environment 1740-0589 Inderscience
14359 International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1477-9048 Inderscience
14360 International Journal of Business Information Systems 1746-0972 Inderscience
14361 International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 1751-0252 Inderscience
14362 International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining 1743-8187 Inderscience
14363 International Journal of Business Performance Management 1368-4892 Inderscience
14364 International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management 1741-8763 Inderscience
144424 International Journal of Business and Globalisation 1753-3627 Inderscience
134944 International Journal of Competitiveness 2056-9432 Inderscience
14377 International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 1742-7185 Inderscience
178304 International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering 2046-3405 Inderscience
76708 International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics 1752-9131 Inderscience
5609 International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 0952-8091 Inderscience
14387 International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning 1560-4624 Inderscience
103186 International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems 1757-8779 Inderscience
12393 International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 1475-3219 Inderscience
12704 International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics 1748-5673 Inderscience
110150 International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management 1759-1163 Inderscience
55774 International Journal of Design Engineering 1751-5874 Inderscience
48494 International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism 1753-5212 Inderscience
113014 International Journal of Egineering Systems Modeling and Simulation 1755-9766 Inderscience
14408 International Journal of Electronic Business 1470-6067 Inderscience
14409 International Journal of Electronic Finance 1746-0069 Inderscience
103022 International Journal of Electronic Governance 1742-7509 Inderscience
14410 International Journal of Electronic Healthcare 1741-8453 Inderscience
14411 International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 1741-1025 Inderscience
14413 International Journal of Embedded Systems 1741-1068 Inderscience
13246 International Journal of Emergency Management 1471-4825 Inderscience
13248 International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy 1472-8923 Inderscience
64503 International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation Inderscience
14416 International Journal of Enterprise Network Management 1748-1252 Inderscience
145104 International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 1742-5360 Inderscience
14418 International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 1368-275X Inderscience
14419 International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 1476-1297 Inderscience
39400 International Journal of Environment and Health 1743-4955 Inderscience
14420 International Journal of Environment and Pollution 0957-4352 Inderscience
13250 International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development 1474-6778 Inderscience
14421 International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 1478-9876 Inderscience
14422 International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment 1741-8437 Inderscience
13252 International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 1466-2132 Inderscience
14427 International Journal of Exergy 1742-8297 Inderscience
14431 International Journal of Financial Services Management 1460-6712 Inderscience
14437 International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy 1740-2816 Inderscience
13739 International Journal of Global Energy Issues 0954-7118 Inderscience
13740 International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 1466-6650 Inderscience