Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
75832 PHM Revue Horticole
102509 PHM Revue Horticole 0031-5087
104525 PLANT GENOME 1940-3372
155564 PLM - Production Laitière Moderne 0243-3567
639799 PRX Life 2835-8279
81567 Pachyderm
23335 Pacific Journal of Mathematics
7665 Pacific Spectator 0735-0252
46579 Pacific conservation Biology
157349 Paiperlek 0257-7046
154932 Pakistan Development Review 0030-9729
102393 Pakistan Journal of Botany 0556-3321
120822 Pakistan Journal of Zoology 0030-9923
42747 Pakistan Veterinary Journal
23182 Palaeontologia Africana
23202 Palaeontological Research
156535 Palmas 0121-2923
156133 Pamietnik Pulawski 0552-9778
120742 Pampa 1669-3299
160092 Pancreas 0885-3177
20317 Pandore
156446 Panorama Agrario Mundial 0325-8394
28353 Panoramas et synthèses
63173 Papeles de Geografía
156865 Paper - American Society of Agricultural Engineers 0149-9890
156288 Paperi ja Puu 0031-1243
156463 Papier Carton et Cellulose 0031-1367
773018 Paralelo 31 2358-2529
156179 Parasitica 0031-1812
21512 Parassitologia 0048-2951
156761 Parcours Demain 1164-4052
156272 Parcs et Réserves 1370-6322
7691 Parents magazine (New York, N.Y. : 1985) 1047-8574
7693 Parents' Magazine and Family Home Guide 0031-191X
7692 Parents' magazine (Bergenfield, N.J.) 0161-4193
155880 Parfums Cosmétiques Actualités 1267-0812
157422 Parfums, Cosmétiques, Arômes 0337-3029
156738 Paris Turf. Sport complet 0750-6333
149205 Parlons Forêt en Auvergne - Rhône - Alpes 2555-5960
155087 Parole de Mamans. Hors série 2262-7693
120657 Paroles de Migrateurs 2105-6536
20318 Particle Accelerators
20319 Particle World
20320 Particles and Nuclei
20321 Particles and Nuclei, Letters
156449 Pastagens e Forragens 0870-6263
104460 Pastos y Forrajes 0864-0394
21509 Patient accounts 0195-7775
21508 Patologicheskaia fiziologiia i èksperimental'naia terapiia 0031-2991
43028 Patrimoine sourd 1636-6638
155860 Pays des Alpes-Maritimes 1638-1017
154185 Paysage actualités
154154 Paysage et aménagement
156460 Paysages Actualités 0395-2916
156886 Paysan Francais 0997-7759
156261 Paysan Morbihannais 0221-0037
156478 Paysan Vosgien 0241-9092
155815 Paysan d'Auvergne 1279-2705
155927 Paysan du Haut Rhin 0184-8550
154238 Paysan du Midi
7714 Pedagogical Seminary 0891-9402
129495 Pediatric Endocrinology Diabetes and Metabolism 2081-237X
156093 Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews 1565-4753
156967 Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology 0304-4254
21521 Pennsylvania health & you 1539-8684
155976 Pequeños Rumiantes 1888-4865
102481 Percentile 1372-4916
21498 Performance improvement advisor 1543-6160
23466 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica
20537 Perkin Transactions 1
20538 Perkin Transactions 2
116636 Persian Journal of Acarology 2251-8169
21496 Perspective infirmière : revue officielle de l'Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec 1708-1890
159824 Perspectives Agricoles 0399-8533
156846 Perspectives Agricoles. Supplément Fourrages 0994-7167
157642 Perspectives Méditerranéennes 0240-8430
133078 Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 2530-0644
120745 Perspectives in Phycology 2198-011X
79410 Pest Technology (Isleworth)
131860 Petria 1120-7698
26177 Peuples méditerranéens
154927 Pferdeheilkunde 0177-7726
156048 Pflanzenschutz-Nachrichten 0079-1342
156897 Pflanzenschutzberichte 0031-675X
21494 Pflege aktuell / DBfK, Deutscher Berufsverband für Pflegeberufe 0944-8918
35298 Pflugers Archiv fur die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere 0365-267X
418001 Phaos: Revista de Estudos Clássicos 1676-3076
120357 Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal 2349-7092
21492 Pharmaceutical biotechnology 1078-0467
24151 Pharmacogenomics Journal
155152 Pharmacology Matters 1757-8175
21491 Pharmeuropa bio / the Biological Standardisation Programme, EDQM 1684-7075
156878 Phegea 0771-5277
7770 Philadelphia 0031-7233
696649 Philostrato. Revista de Historia y Arte 2530-9420
157526 Phosphore et Agriculture 0375-9571
157482 Phosphorus and Sulfur and the Related Elements 0308-664X
20328 Physica Fennica
20329 Physica Norvegica
20333 Physical Research
20337 Physics - Uspekhi
20338 Physics and Chemistry of Glasses
21033 Physics of Atomic Nuclei (Yadernaya fizika)
20343 Physikalische Blatter
159918 Physiologia Plantarum 0031-9317
157441 Physiological Plant Pathology 0048-4059
120605 Phytiatrie Phytopharmacie 0031-8876
160096 Phytiatrie Phytopharmacie 0031-8876
160085 Phytochemistry 0031-9422
159731 Phytoma 0048-4091
155576 Phytoma España 1131-8988
156223 Phytomedizin 0944-0933
157288 Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 0031-9481
159926 Phytopathology 0031-949X
154968 Phytopathology Research 2524-4167
156677 Phytophthora Newsletter (Versailles) 0983-1401
20344 Pi N Newsletter
157542 Pig Farming 0031-9759
157134 Pig International 2312-6949
153854 Pig News and Information 0143-9014
154873 Pig Progress 1387-3946
104635 Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research 1755-1471
156346 Pil'Azote Infos Isère 1252-9966
157387 Pisciculteur de France 0335-2811
120562 Pisciculture Française d'Eau Vive et d'Etang 0295-3161
156614 Pisciculture Française d'Eau Vive et d'Etang Saumâtre et Marine 0295-317X
156130 Pistrac 0999-4637
155947 Pisum Genetics 1320-2510
157608 Plaisirs de la Pêche 0398-2041
155024 Planet Terre 2552-9250
159751 Plant Biotechnology Journal 1467-7644
156561 Plant Breeding and Seed Science 1429-3862
159906 Plant Cell Reports 0721-7714
155066 Plant Direct 2475-4455
157579 Plant Disease Reporter 0032-0811
156457 Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 1020-3362
159771 Plant Genome 1940-3372
155278 Plant Health Instructor 1935-9411
159922 Plant Molecular Biology 0167-4412
155515 Plant Omics 1836-0661
99698 Plant Peroxidase Newsletter
159921 Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 0981-9428
154969 Plant Protection Science 1212-2580
156544 Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology 1025-6717
156481 Plant Varieties and Seeds 0952-3863
54507 Plant stress
156398 Plantations Recherche Développement 1254-7670
151145 Plantes Medicinales et Phytotherapie
154993 Plantes et Santé 1157-7797
154151 Plasticulture
7839 Plays 0032-1540
20346 Plein Sud
155546 Pliska 0204-9805
153880 Plume ! ISSN 1951-9168
21481 Pneumologia (Bucharest, Romania)
18080 PoLAR Political & Legal Anthropology Review 1031-6976
156914 Pochvovedenie 0032-180X
7849 Poet Lore 0032-1966
116629 Points de Vente 0150-1844
105170 Polen 1135-8408
7855 Police Magazine 0161-6129
120827 Policy Research Working Papers 1020-0525
21473 Policy analysis brief. H series / Project Hope, Center for Health Affairs
21472 Policy analysis brief. W series / Project Hope, Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis
21471 Policy brief (Commonwealth Fund)
21470 Policy brief (George Washington University. Center for Health Services Research and Policy)
21469 Policy brief (UCLA Center for Health Policy Research)
809073 Polisemie 2634-1867
23352 Polish Journal of Ecology
21478 Polish journal of microbiology / Polskie Towarzystwo Mikrobiologów = The Polish Society of Microbiologists
21477 Polish journal of pathology : official journal of the Polish Society of Pathologists 1233-9687
21476 Polish journal of pharmacology 1230-6002
22470 Polish orthopedics and traumatology 0009-479X
156196 Politica Frutihorticola 0329-0085
7870 Politics Today 0160-4929
156543 Politique, la Revue 1270-2331
157570 Pollen et spores 0375-9636
21474 Polski merkuriusz lekarski : organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego 1426-9686
156488 Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii 0032-3764
154561 Polymath: An interdisciplinary arts and sciences journal 2153-4314
156526 Polyphénols Actualités 0987-7819
114210 Polypode 1638-3184
154986 Pomaceas 0717-6910
155760 Pomme (Dieppe) 0292-2231
156689 Pomme (Paris) 0296-550X
155832 Pomme de Terre Magazine 1771-8635
120728 Pomme à cidre 1632-0743
155474 Ponts et Chaussées Magazine 1958-7198
7875 Popular Electronics (1954) 0032-4485
7877 Popular Gardening 0032-4507
7878 Popular Gardening & Living Outdoors 0554-6907
7880 Popular Mechanics Magazine 0736-993X
21465 Population reports (Washington, D.C.). Series C,, Female sterilization 0891-0030
21464 Population reports (Washington, D.C.). Series D, Male sterilization 0891-0049
21467 Population reports. Series A: Oral contraceptives 0097-9074
21466 Population reports. Series B: Intrauterine devices 0092-9344
21463 Population reports. Series E, Law and policy 0097-9082
21462 Population reports. Series H: Barrier methods 0093-4496
21461 Population reports. Series J: Family planning programs 0091-925X
21460 Population reports. Series L, Issues in world health 0197-5838