Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
9195 Visual Culture in Britain 1471-4787 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
9196 Visual Dialog 0360-4225 R. Loach
113890 Visual Ethnography 2499-9288 Altrimedia Edizioni, Italia
19863 Visual Geosciences 1610-2924 Springer Verlag
40836 Visual Impairment Research 1388-235X Taylor & Francis
126223 Visual Methodologies 2040-5456 Visual Methodologies
21137 Visual Neuroscience 0952-5238 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
9197 Visual Resources 0197-3762 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
40837 Visual Studies 1472-586X Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
40838 Visual Studio.Net Developer Pinnacle Publications, Inc
40839 Viszeralchirurgie -Stuttgart 1435-3067 Georg Thieme Verlag
161913 Vita Antiqua 2519-4542 Center for Paleoethnological Research
40840 Vita Latina 0042-7306 Belles Lettres
167608 Vita Pensata 2038-4386 Alberto Giovanni Biuso
40841 Vital 1741-7503 Nature Publishing Group
21132 Vital & health statistics. Series 14, Data from the national health survey
21128 Vital & health statistics. Series 3, Analytical and epidemiological studies / [U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Center for Health Statistics] 0886-4691
9199 Vital Speeches of the Day 0042-742X City News Publishing Co
21136 Vital and health statistics. Ser. 1, Programs and collection procedures 0083-2014
21127 Vital and health statistics. Ser. 4: Documents and committee reports 0083-2073
21135 Vital and health statistics. Series 10, Data from the National Health Survey 0083-1972
21134 Vital and health statistics. Series 11, Data from the national health survey 0083-1980
21133 Vital and health statistics. Series 13, Data from the National Health Survey 0083-2006
21131 Vital and health statistics. Series 2, Data evaluation and methods research 0083-2057
21130 Vital and health statistics. Series 20, Data from the National Vital Statistics System 0083-2022
21129 Vital and health statistics. Series 23, Data from the National Survey of Family Growth 0278-5234
21126 Vital and health statistics. Series 5, Comparative international vital and health statistics reports 0892-8959
21125 Vitamins and hormones 0083-6729 Elsevier
120564 Viti 0757-4673
156409 Viti Cave Particulière 1165-5607
155083 Viti Leaders 1969-8976
156705 Viti Technique 0399-3558
120664 Viti. Les Enjeux 2493-4380
156240 Viticultura Enologia Profesional 1131-5679
156295 Viticultural and Enological Sciences 0944-4645
155001 Viticulture Data Journal 2603-431X
156741 Viticulture Tourangelle 1151-1117
156597 Viticulture en Val de Loire 1151-1109
105054 Vitis 0042-7500
160050 Vitis 0042-7500
170151 VitisBio 2648-4005 Éditions Fitamant
156785 Vitivinicoltura 1590-1130
84197 Vivant : L'actualité des sciences et débats sur le vivant Vivant
40842 Vivarium 0042-7543 Brill Academic Publishers
109815 Vivat Academia 1575-2844 Fórum Internacional de Comunicación y Relaciones Públicas (Fórum XXI)
140080 Vivlīoḟika : E-Journal of Eighteenth-Century Russian Studies 2333-1658 Duke University Libraries
156327 Vivre Autrement 0850-8194
152792 Vivre Ensemble. Bulletin de liaison pour la défense du droit d’asile Association Vivre Ensemble
98190 Vivre le Français 1784-2808 Association belge des professeurs de français de la fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles n°d'agréation P501033
162471 Vivência Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Departamento de Antropologia e Pós Graduação em Antropologia
67670 VizieR Online Data Catalog Université de Strasbourg
2508 Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske 0507-1925 Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo
170823 Vlaams dierengeneeskundig tijdschrift 0303-9021 Vlaamse dierenartsenvereniging
21124 Vnitr¿¿¿¿ni¿¿¿¿ le¿¿¿¿kar¿¿¿¿stvi¿¿¿¿ 0042-773X Avicesum
9203 VocEd 0164-9175 American Vocational Association, Inc
9201 Vocational Education Journal 0884-8009 American Vocational Association, Inc
21123 Voenno-meditsinskii Zhurnal -Moskva 0026-9050
9204 Vogue 0042-8000 Conde Nast
108216 Voice of Research 2277-7733 Voice of Research - édition
9206 Voices from the Middle 1074-4762 National Council of Teachers of English
2509 Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy 1504-1611 University of Bergen. Antioch University
156321 Voie Lactée 0295-1851
154916 Voix Biolactée 1295-2931
86252 Voix Plurielles 1925-0614 Association des professeur-e-s de français des universités et collèges canadiens
167064 Voix contemporaines université Jean-Monnet Saint-Étienne
40843 Voix et Images 0318-9201 Universite du Quebec a Montreal
21122 Vojnosanitetski Pregled 0042-8450 Military Medical Academy, Belgrade
127074 Volcanica Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg
9207 Volleyball 1058-4668 Madavor Media, LLC
155112 Volonté Paysanne 0750-1463
9208 Volta Review 0042-8639 Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
141037 Voltaire numérique 2270-3853 Société Voltaire
155977 Volucella 0947-9538
116686 Volume ! La revue des musiques populaires 1634-5495 Editions Mélanie Seteun
159121 Volumen Revue d'études antiques 2031-1206 asbl ROMA centre d'études antiques. Wavrre (Belgique)
61706 Volumina Jurassica 1731-3708 Polish Geological Institute
82744 Voluntas, revista internacional de filosofia 2179-3786 Santa Maria RS: Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia
14940 Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 0957-8765 Springer Verlag
128276 Volupté - Interdisciplinary Journal of Decadence Studies 2515-0073 University of Goldsmiths
124431 Voprosy Ekonomiki 0042-8736 Moskva : Izd-vo Pravda
64736 Voprosy Jazykoznanija 0373-658X Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Historical and Philological Sciences
132686 Voprosy Statistiki 2313-6383 Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) - Moscow, Russia
40844 Voprosy istorii (Moscow, Russia : 1945) 0042-8779 East View Information Services Inc
21121 Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii, i lechebnoi fizicheskoi kultury 0042-8787
183209 Voprosy literatury 0042-8795 Hudožestvennaâ literatura
21119 Voprosy onkologii 0507-3758
21120 Voprosy pitaniia 0042-8833
21118 Voprosy virusologii 0507-4088
157034 Vorträge fuür Pflanzenzüchtung 0723-7812
107298 Vosges Matin 1959-5972 Société d’Edition du Journal La Liberté de l'Est ,S.A
175778 Vostok / Oriens [Восток / Oriens] 0869-1908 Otdelenie istoriko-filologitcheskih naouk RAN
68703 Vox Poetica La Société française de littérature générale et comparée
178675 Vox Popular 2531-7059 IASPM Italiana
27081 Vox Romanica 0042-899X Francke/Narr
21116 Vox Sanguinis 0042-9007 Wiley
93065 Vox patrum 0860-9411 Miȩdzywydziałowy Zakład Badań nad Antykiem Chrześcijańskim KUL
9205 Voya -Virginia Beach 0160-4201 Scarecrow Press, Inc
165348 Voz y letra 1130-3271 Arco Libros
155352 Voz y letra: Revista de literatura 2254-6707 Arco Libros
9198 Vra Bulletin 1046-9001 Vra; 1999
104046 Vraiment durable 2260-2895 Victoires éditions
155450 Vulcain 1275-8701
40845 Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies 1745-0128 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
2510 Vulpia 1540-3599 North Carolina State University Herbarium
21117 Vutreshni bolesti 0506-2772
685316 Vènerie 1158-2707 Société de Vènerie
140600 Végétable : l'écho de la planète fruits et légumes 1779-4390 L'echo Edition
133824 Vìsnik Kiïvsʹkogo nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu ìmenì Tarasa Ševčenka 1728-2713 Kiïvsʹkij nacìonalʹnij unìversitet ìmenì Tarasa Ševčenka
145271 Vínculos de Historia 2254-6901 Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
122016 W + B 2195-2329 Lexxion
720568 WAML Newsletter World Association for Medical Law
122433 WATERLAT-GOBACIT Network working papers 2056-4856 WATERLAT-GOBACIT Research Network
2515 WEB-FU - Wiener elektronische Beiträge des Instituts für Finno-Ugristik 1609-882X Universität Wien
145068 WGN, Journal of the International Meteor Organization 1016-3115 International Meteor Organization
98000 WIEK OŚWIECENIA 0137-6942 Uniwersytet Warszawski
163354 WIREs Cognitive Science 1939-5078 Wiley
156549 WISPAS 0110-0815
116930 WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 1743-3541 WIT Press
123079 WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences
101608 WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies 1746-4463 WIT Press
53048 WIT Transactions on The Built Environment 1743-3509 WIT Press
9323 WJR 0741-8876 WJR Washington Journalism Review
9324 WLW Journal 0272-1996 WLW Journal
138180 WMO Bulletin 0042-9767 World Meteorological Organization
19912 WORK 1051-9815 IOS Press
130397 WSEAS Transactions on Heat and Mass Transfer 1790-5044 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
62901 WSEAS Transactions on Acoustics and Music 1109-9577 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
107213 WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine 1109-9518 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
227398 WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics 1109-9526 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
48245 WSEAS Transactions on Communications 1109-2742 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
58944 WSEAS Transactions on Computers 1109-2750 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
95007 WSEAS Transactions on Electronics 1109-9445 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
72083 WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development 1790-5079 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
46854 WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics 1790-5087 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
61597 WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications 1790-0832 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
48167 WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics 1109-2769 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
45638 WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems 1790-5060 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
36635 WSEAS Transactions on Systems 1109-2777 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
128803 WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control 1991-8763 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
50612 WSEAS Transactions on advances in Engineering Education 1790-1979 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
24369 WSEAS Transactions on circuits and systems 1109-2734 World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
180875 WSEAS. Transactions on Computer Research 1991-8755 Unifying Science and Engineering
40907 WTO World Tourism Barometer 1728-9246 World Tourism Organization (WTO)
131474 Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia 1411-2272 Faculty of Humanities,University of Indonesia
133988 Wagadu: A Journal of Transnational Women’s and Gender Studies 1545-6196 Suny Cortland
9209 Waikato Law Review 1172-9597 Wm. W. Gault & Sons Inc
139113 Wakanim
9211 Wall Street and Technology 1060-989X Gralla Publications
9212 Wall Street journal (Eastern ed.) 0099-9660 Wall Street Journal
154892 Wallonie Elevages 1379-0242
9213 Wallraf Richartz Jahrbuch 0083-7105 Dumont Buchverlag
165283 Wani revista del Caribe Nicaragüense 1813-369X Bluefields Indian & Caribbean University
2511 War Crimes, Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity 1551-322X Penn State Altoona
19864 War in History 0968-3445 SAGE Publications
9215 War/Peace Report 0043-0277
9216 Ward's Auto World 0043-0315 Prism Business Media
9217 Ward's Dealer Business 1086-1629 Prism Business Media
9218 Warehousing Management 1077-4068 Reed Business Information
153846 Warmer Bulletin 1362-654X
40847 Wasafiri 0269-0055 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
9219 Washburn Law Journal 0043-0420 Washburn University of Topeka
40848 Washington DC Consumers Checkbook 0272-0469 Center for Study of Services
9221 Washington Historical Quarterly 0361-6223
9222 Washington Law Review 0043-0617 Washington Law Review
9223 Washington Monthly 0043-0633 Washington Monthly Company
9224 Washington Quarterly 0163-660X Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
9225 Washington State Bar News 0886-5213 Washington State Bar Association
9226 Washington University Journal of Law and Policy 1533-4686 Washington University
9227 Washington University Journal of Urban and Contemporary Law 8756-0801 Washington University School of Law
9228 Washington University Law Quarterly 0043-0862 Washington University School of Law
9229 Washington University Studies 0733-1479
9220 Washington and Lee Law Review 0043-0463 Washington and Lee University School of Law
153869 Wasser, Energie, Luft 0377-905x
9231 Waste Age 0043-1001 Waste Age Magazine
9232 Waste Management 0956-053X Elsevier
19866 Waste Management and Research 0734-242X SAGE Publications
113710 Waste and Biomass Valorization 1877-2641 Springer
109041 Watch Letter - Lettre de veille du CIHEAM 2114-3129 CIHEAM
112923 Water 2073-4441 MDPI
9233 Water & Pollution Control 0043-1117 Zanny Ltd
40849 Water Asset Management International 1814-5434 IWA Publishing
316661 Water Biology and Security 2772-7351 Elsevier
110929 Water Economics and Policy 2382-624X World Scientific
9242 Water Engineering and Management 0273-2238 Scranton Gillette Communications, Inc
65417 Water History 1877-7236 Springer
40850 Water Intelligence Online IWA Publishing
57714 Water International 0250-8060 Taylor and Francis
19869 Water Law 0959-9754 Wiley
156950 Water Management Europe 0963-9403
17489 Water Policy 1366-7017 IWA Publishing
40851 Water Practice and Technology 1751-231X IWA Publishing
19870 Water Quality and Ecosystems Modeling 1388-266X Springer Verlag
9239 Water Research 0043-1354 IWA Publishing/Elsevier
142118 Water Research X 2589-9147 Elsevier
19871 Water Resources 0097-8078 Springer Nature
19872 Water Resources Management 0920-4741 Springer Verlag
9240 Water Resources Research 0043-1397 American Geophysical Union
111525 Water Resources and Economics 2212-4284 Elsevier
2512 Water S.A 0378-4738 Water Research Commission